Just a few picks this evening at day 38. Up first is the Jackberry. While it's not as bulky of a plant as the Lemon Thai, her buds sure are firm & pretty. Like a fine breast next is the Lemon Thai with the razor back, ridge back (whatever you call it) cola. for the less high quality pics. Sometime the iPhone rocks as a camera and sometime it's a POS. Gotta get a real camera soon. Cheers all Duc
Things look great Duc! :good job: That Jackberry sure is a pretty strain. Gorgeous colors she produces. Ohh and I thought it was a "Monkey Fist"! On that Lemon Thai LOL :jj:
This is a monky fist. So is a ridge back a genetic trait or is it something enviromental? The bud mass on it looks to be a lot more leafy than the other buds on the same plant. It's just super hairy across the top . RE the Jackberry: She's a pretty one but the Lemon Thai will out produce her hands down. Thanks for checkin in.. edit: WHoa! that's big :BangHead:
So here we are at just under 50 days since the flip & the Jackberry's trichs are starting to turn amber. The buds have fattened up a bit & are very firm but not huge. I think they're finishing up ahead of schedule because of the way I sexed them. Probably cost me some yield although I have no idea how much. I'm going to give it a few more days and then chop her down. Heres a pic I took about 30 mins. ago showing about 20% amber trichs. Three of the four Lemon Thai's area still all clear & the forth is has only a few cloudy. I'm hoping they all will go at least another three weeks because they're all still bulking up very nicely:thumbsup:
I started the flush this evening on the Jackberry. After a bit of research I discovered that my Jackberry's isn't as early as I thought it was, 7 weeks is about normal. For some reason I had 8 weeks stuck in my head. It's a pretty girl but not as heavy as I would've liked. here's a pice taken tonight with my new toy. Bout time, I know.
The ridgeback bud is a mutation in the LT, it came from the original F1 father I used. You can see it in MrGJ's first LB grow if I remember correctly.
Hey, Thanks for checking in Useless. I had thought the Ridgeback was some sort of genetic deal, but is cool to know that it goes back to the original F1 male. I was reading those old threads here and I think on opengrow. I'll tell ya, you guys a hell of a good job this LT, what a beautiful plant she is / was. I have 7 LT beans left that I'm going to pop in a month or so when this round finishes up. My intention is to pick the best female & try to self her using Colloidal Silver. When the time comes & if you're willing, I'd appreciate your help in selecting the best candidate for my little science experiment. Thanks man Cheers Duc
I know you want that bud to be fatter but, damn, 7 weeks? That's a quick turnaround and the colors are nice looking.
Those ridge backs look great but most I've seen and the couple I've grown dried to almost nothing, but they make for a great picture.:thumbs-up:
Yeah that was my guess too as the thing is leafy as hell. Luckily that's the only one that's shown that mutation. Re: the Jackberry, This moring I checked the trichs again before heading out for work. I check two spots, one of them sill showed a few clear heads with mostly cloudy and a couple of amber. The other bud I checked was all cloudy with maybe 10% amber. I find this odd as the spot I check a few days ago (see earlier pic) showed around 20% amber. Either way She's coming down soon but since the buds feel like they're getting harder and more dense (like effing rocks) I'm going to play it day by day. Last night I smoked some of the samples I pulled a couple of days ago. Very upbeat high, almost tweaky for the first 15 min but after that the high settled down to a nice "let's go do something" high. The plan now is to kill the bitch this weekend as long as the trichs show me what I want to see. cheers Duc
Chop chop, down goes the Jackberry. My weekend plans to chop her down were pushed forward a few days. I had forgotten we have family visiting for the weekend so for security reasons I had to move things up. So here she is. 7.7 zips wet as shown. Before I hung the buds to dry I cut off the stems 1" before the bud starts to form. That left me with 7.2 zip of fresh bud. Theat should net me 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 zips in the jars.
Nice Duc. Congratulations on pulling off a great looking plant.:thumbsup: Looks closer to 2 dry to me.
Very nice. I love seeing the little green leaves with the colored bud instead of the other way around. I'd go with just over 2. say 2 1/4. :thumbs-up: :redbong:
Thanks guys. I couldn't have made such pretty bud without yours & GK's help. Here's a little Lemon Thai week 8 porn. Three of the four plants have mostly cloudy trichs with the strongest looking one almost all clear:thumbs-up:. I'm having a hoot watching them all fatten up, what an amazing plant.In the group shot the plant with clear trichs is the one with double tipped colas closest to the outlet. and the ridgeback, I still like Monkey fist :jj: I cut this little popcorn bud off tonight for a sample. By the time I trimed it up for drying, my entire garage smelled like sour lemon pledge. Smelled so good I could almost taste it.
Well all trimmed up with out the stalks the Jackberry gave me 1.4 zips in my jar.She was a fickle girl & I didn't treat her well so I'm not bitching about my yield. The four Lemon Thai's however, are close to twice as big as Miss Jackberry was so I think My overall yield will sill hold me over until the next harvest. :bong-2: God I love that lemon thai