DWC or RDWC questions......bring em here!?!?!!!

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by CCrete, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Cc, not that it makes a major difference but if you have about a 2 inch gap it helps prevent a few things, major one for me is it helps prevent fungus gnat investations... Also helps fungus or Algeas from developing in the rock wool cube. That's just from my experience ... Of coarse fungus gnats may not be as big a problem depeNding on your location. But it doesn't hurt to be safe than sorry.
  2. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Midnight .... Don't adjust your plain water .... Add you nute mix first then let sit and after 18+ hrs adjust ph and then let sit for 6 hrs and and double check. Should be good after that.
  3. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Depends on his PPM levels out of the tap... Might need an R/ O system... Hard water nutes do work though I have used it at a prior location...
  4. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Don't adjust ph on your regular water... And don't adjust your water until after you've added your nutes .. Let sit with nutes mixed in for 18+ hours and then adjust ph and let sit or 6+ and the double check ... Useless formula is not designed to be used on water that has been previuosly adjusted to 5.8... And if it's just water your topping off with you shouldn't adjust it .... Just topp them off.
  5. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Pretty much exactly what I was saying before! Don't adjust your ph of your tap water before you add your mix! Add the mix and let it sit so the PH buffers do there work... And with tap water not being 7.0 typically you still may need to slightly adjust your PH after its sat for 18+ hrs...
  6. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    The way that your wording this makes me think that your NOT letting the solution sit for 24 hours before you check the PH for the first time....

    Once again......empty the old solution.....add the NEW FRESH water with your ph down and H2o2......let that run for 24hours........DO NOT EMPTY the water...just ADD the NUTES.........DO NOT check the PH until 24hours later..........then and ONLY then can you get a proper PH reading from the water/solution

    Is this EXACTLY what your doing??
  7. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    i have 6.8 out of the tap, 220-240ppm.......i personally do not use hardwater micro........but then again the hydro gods are kicking me in the balls now a days
  8. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Maybe I missed something but why are we automatically adding H2o2 ? Was there a fungi or something ? Personally I don't adjust ph of the plain water... I let the buffers in the nutes do there job first and then adjust...
  9. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    :roffl::roffl::roffl: lol too funny. That some dam good tap water. I'm in the same boat I lucked out at the new house and I got some good tap water:thumbs-up:
  10. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    This is a paragraph directly from USELESS.....please read correctly and please note the LAST mini paragraph/sentence

    Now- how to control your PH...

    There are a couple factors that cause your PH to drift. The most common is running the nute solution too strong or too weak. If it's too strong, your PH drops. If it's too weak the PH rises. You have to find the balance point. If you find that the formula above is say, a little strong, and say you have a 20 gallon ressy, mix the nutes for 18 gallons. If it's a little weak, mix it for 22 gallons. You follow?

    The other common mistake is mixing your nutrient solution and trying to adjust the PH right away. You have to allow time for the ph buffers in the nutrient solution to do their job. Mix the nutes up, and bubble or circulate for 12 hours before even looking at your PH. You will find the PH to be almost right on target.

    I use little or no ph adjusters. (Except during flush). I use tap water, with a starting PPM of 300-400 and a starting PH of 7.4-9.0 (Thats crazy you say! The water is too hard, you will never get stable PH and you will have too much Ca, causing a lockout of Mg!) Bollocks I say.

    Every week, on Friday I drain the ressy and fill with plain water. I let that run overnight giving the plants a little flush. This also allows the chlorine and ammonia to evap. On Saturday morning, I mix the nutes into the ressy. I DO NOT adjust ph at this time. Let that run as is overnight. On Sunday morning, I check ph and adjust if needed. Usually don't have to.

    Doing things this way has saved me from constant PH drifts, and using about 150 ml of ph down every ressy change, and a little here and there throughout the week to keep it in the desired range. Now, the most I ever have to use is about 30 ml.if any at all. (I have a 35 gallon ressy btw) My Ph stays at a constant 5.5-5.8.

    If you are still having PH issues using the above method, an alternative is to PH adjust the plain water to 5.5 BEFORE you add nutes
  11. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    It gives a mini cleaning to your system and rootmass, also the reason for the week by week ressy/system change-outs.....and....Hey man, i didnt create this gh3part recipie USELESS did....im just semi coaching his methods to other with help.....but why mess with pure success???
  12. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Exactly what I was trying to say lol you just went a step further and took the words from the man himself! :read2::coool::thumbs-up:
  13. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    I agree a hundred percent you must do weekly changes... I am just saying I personally don't use H2o2 unless I spot issues... :thumbsup: but it doesn't hurt to use preventively in moderate doses lol when I first started messy with H2o2 I got a little crazy lol and burned some of my foliage by adding to high of a concentrate into my res :BangHead::wtf?: lol good stuff though!
  14. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    I am pretty sure I tried this also, but I tried so much stuff I cannot say for sure. That is why I was ph'ing my water first (see last sentence in formula). So, this morning a filled a five gallon bucket with straight tap water, it had a ph of 7.2 out of the tap. I added the week one useless formula and an air stone. I will let this sit and check the ph this evening and again tomorrow morning.
  15. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    OK....why in the world are you checking it today at all?????????????? Come on man ur killing me........do not check until tomorrow morning ...at the same time you added the nutes ....if not then...later but not earlier.....then check the Ph and report back please.....lol...ur struggling rite now
  16. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    lol, I'm just anal that way. But seriously, I checked it because I want to know "okay, my ph started at... and is now at..." if that makes sense. Or in other words, I want to know how much it falls in a given time period.
  17. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    Midnight don't over think it lol let it sit until morning and give us a reading but DO NOT Add any ph up or down until you get your reading in the morning ...
  18. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    So I just checked on my water, the ph is at 8. I put straight water in the five gallon bucket yesterday morning, no ph down/up, added the week one useless formula and bubbled it for 24 hours. According to the useless formula, running a weak solution will cause the ph to rise. I am pretty sure this is not my problem as I did 5/2.5/2.5 for five gallons which translates to 25/12.5/12.5. The ppm after I added the nutes was 575, this is in the proper range of 400/600ppm.
  19. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    OK....now try and add 10ml ph down to your bucket of fresh water first.....then see what your Ph is after u add ur nutes
  20. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    After I add the ph down do you want me to add the nutes right away or should I bubble the water for 24 hours first and then add the nutes?

    Fyi, the ph in the dwc bucket is holding rock solid at 5.8 since Sunday. I had put plain water ph to 5.8 in the dwc bucket on saturday morning at 8:00 and then added the nutes at 8:00 on sunday morning. I'm so fucking lost! The only good thing is that I have so far managed not to nuke my plants!

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