Nip....5.9 is glorious....5.7 to me is optimal....but anywhere from 5.3 to 6.1 is golden....even a bit below or a bit above works, you'd be surprised the variances in the PH and how it truly doesn't effect the plant, as long as your enviorment is constant and you PH is in that range, your guna kill it with tables
So HAPPY so far. Making full switch with everything They love their home and I love less work I will prob still keep a few hempys around for longer running strains but I feel like a dumbass for waiting. Hoping the rest of the grow goes this easy. In there thinning out things cause they are stretching and growing like crazy but in a good way. My only complaint is I think I may raise the overflow so they get a deeper flood.
One week on the tables, these are flooded so nutes are tinting the color of the roots, but they are happy happy girls....and super easy so far Been thinning these plants out and tieing them down. The true test will come in a few weeks though with full on flower
I've never put ricks in my table before. I guess that's a goop grip for the roots. has it messed with th ph at all? I always add h2o2 to my res when i run hydro. you might want to consider it if you havebt already added it. roits stay nice and white and it helps cut down on disease.
no h2o2 yet...I was considering that just for maintaining things, but roots are doing great right now, do oyu use 32% or the 3% from the drug store? Rock haven't missed anything up at all...hides the roots though. I personally think Rockwool would change the PH more than Rocks because of my experience with Hempys My PH is slowly rising, but I think it's because my PPMs are dropping cause they are eating. I think ressy change I will start with a 5.6-5.7 solution and see what happens
DO NOT use the h2o2.....keep it simple man, whats good for the goose isn't always good for the gander, not knocking JR on his ways either I personally only use 1 riser on the overflow, if you run it too high, itll start to rot the base of the stem, then u get funky water, then shit gets hard to figure out the rockwool is going to hold a decent amount of water, then you can run 4hr flood times and ive NEVER PH'd any of my rockwool for the past 3 years, never an issue don't fuck with perfection mr.nipple!
I read that rocks are better for the roots and will allow better plants. I ran with them this time because they where hempy transplants, but are doing awesome Anyways, I think rocks (hydrotron, etc) are better in general, but using cubes like you seems like it is easy clean up and disposal. I mean all you have to do is pick up a cube right? That makes things even easier and gives me more time with family I was at the store today and was looking at the blocks. I noticed right by them they had the plugs that fit perfect down in them. Since I clone in RW to begin with, I may just by them (using the small 1x1 cubes now) and then place the clones into the cubes once they have roots. You use the ones with cylinder cut out, correct? About raising the overflow, I figured it would give more roots some drink, was kinda worried about air pruning. I'll hold off for now. I really want to see what those roots look like under the rocks because I can seem them everywhere now and it's only been a week. I'll try to get a pic when they aren't flooded but they are bright white Those girls are happy. Thanks everyone for the advice along the way. One reason I love GK above the other sites, we all grow's not someone repeating what they's someone telling you what works in their garden.
I use h2o2 from the drug store. I havent tried the strong food grade stuff. I live in a hot area and I believe it helps keep the pithium or whatever its calld at bay plus it helps oxegenate the water. I also use a huge air stone in ny sump. It works for me. Others might not like it but we all have our own way of doing things.
How much do you use? Silica is suppose to be good for warmer waters also, you should look into that if you run into issues and h2o2 doesn't seem to be helping.
I used to use the 1.5gal pots, then id drop in the rockwool cube and fill around it with the hydroton or lava type grow worked great for sure, super stable an all but then just out of curiosity....I ran a table of just the blocks and it did the same thing but with waaaay less work and way less mess, didn't have to wash the hydroton or growrocks..didn't have to dispose of them, didn't have to waste the xtra cash on them, didn't have to travel to get them or carry them around ....etc.....I just relied on a tight trellis net to uphold the'll also find that if you run a few less plants than what your trying to pack in there, you will get the same yield, the table feeds so efficiently that you gain bigger buds with the lessened packed canopy
I totally over did the tray. I knew it when I did it, but it looked empty with 6, and I wasn't about to throw them away I'm slowly but surely thinning, I didn't want to shock them by cutting off half the plant at once while throwing them into flower and switching their feeding system. But I totally understand about the cubes, I may possibly do one more run like this just cause I have a shit load of clones sitting here right now but I am making the switch just so I never have to buy the shit nor carry heavy ass bags etc etc. Plus like you said easy clean up I'm honestly excited about the switch. How long do you soak those and do you use any conditioners on them?
Silica will help with heat, but peroxide will kill of or prevent bacteria and fungus. You don't want biologicals in hydro. And like ccrete said, fewer plants will be better. I have the same flood table and I run six plants. They get huge fast and the yield is awesome. Here's a couple pics from day one to mid grow. /monthly_2013_11/vxnktday1.jpg.8248c44ac10ba31b7aa2e21f010a50a6.jpg /monthly_2013_11/vznugs.jpg.e085242adef77f3c8c115f390ed2c108.jpg
it's super simple, almost a crime because it makes growing to easy. I love the less work aspect though. First real ressy change will be tonight
Im telling you guys....NO more daily watering, NO more daily maintainence, no huge piles of whatever to be "secretly" throwing away, more time to yourself, family... whatever Cant beat it..
Don't forget the insane growth rates. Mr gj may actually turn into a higher being armed with this technology. Watch out.
Don't forget the insane growth rates. Mr gj may actually turn into a higher being armed with this technology. Watch out.