2X4 Ebb and flow table. Well I just went to my local Hydro store and came back with a used 2x4 table with pump for $65.00 bucks. I'm picking up the Res this week and want to have it ready to run in about two or three weeks. I'm going to get all my clones together to start. :icon_confused: Lets see what I can do with Ebb and Flow. :coolbounce:
you're going to be hooked mr gj. its so easy. the only draw back i've seen it the reaction time plants have. if you mess up your nutient mixture they'll tell you really fast, but you can reverse it pretty fast too. No need to spend a grip on a res. i use a rubbermaid tote and it works fine. just make sure its light proof.
I run my 2x4 with a 30 gal tote container, only fits 27 tho, but in like week 5-6-7, it runs too low....if u can get a "tuffbox" type container at lowes or home depot, the ones that can hold like 35-50gal and you can stand on the lids...pretty good replacement idea.
I;ll throw up another pic tonight of the two week mark. EZ!!!!! I did have a slight issue with ressy change, there was a dmall bit of slime or something on the line, not much at all, but the feed line was slick. I cleaned with h2o2 and will post picture tonight if I get a chance
yah, you'll get that lil bit of funk....its no big deal, just part of the situation, don't be alarmed
2 weeks in They are budding nicely:coolbounce: Over crowded for sure, I thinned most all little branches out and it still looks like a jungle:flipando: I'm hoping this translates to some heavy weight at the end of the day. The are super healthy and the branches are nice and thick
don't be surprised if you don't get the yield you want......that's waaaay to crowded I just ran 5 white rhinos in a 3x3 table and got 16 OZ, under a 600hps......on the table right next to it is another 3x3 under a 600 with 9 plants, 4 MORE plants and im traditionally getting around 20 to 22OZ, yes its a bit more but within the percentage side of plant count, less is more sometimes......but for me and my setup the 8-9plant count gets the most out of a 3x3table under a 600.......8 or 9 under a 1k gets me around 25OZ
and if you can, get a trellis net in there and spread out the tops so that the under growth can get the light that the tops are getting, right now is crucial for that
Maybe I'll get in there and clean some more out, I think there were just to big when I put them on the tables. But all lower branches are gone, most little branches are gone, I just keep tieing them down during stretch and the just kept growing. I'm hoping that since I only kept the main stalks and branches that the yield will be good. The pictures are deceptive though because of the net which makes it look way more crowded but it's basically a 2x3 canopy with branches sticking out the sides so it's prob more like a 3x3
Listen to ccrete. Less is more. I'm getting ready to set my table back up with six katscan under a 600. Hopefully I'll get a better yield than the one I just harvested in soil.
I started out in soil and ras convinced me to try e&f. Once I tried it I was hooked. Then he got me to try 100% organic and my yield went to less than an O per plant but the flavor was unbelievable. Now I'm running new strains organic in soil and old favorites in hydro in another room. The soil is for my head stash and the hydro is for sharing. Say what you will about Ras but that dude is one of the most passionate growers I've ever known. True ganja rasta.
EnF is to easy so far. did way under estimate the growth though, I usally do 1 sq ft per plant....had more of a sea of green when I was throwing things together, I didn't realize how big they would get. Yields is yield to me, I personally can't tell the difference between organic and conventional but I think I may try RR soil recipe sometime. But at this point I'm happy. Loved my hempys, but this is like no work...I really like that. Sucks cause it's like anyone can grow....lol...kinda takes the challenge and fun out of it, but I'm not complaining cause I get to spend that time with my family
I'm really excited to try this Ebb and Flow. :coolbounce: nippie, the girls look great man! :goodjob: :redbong:
when you setting up tables? I seen you pic, whats your game plan? the transplants from hempys worked fine for me, but they got big quick like I'm dying to see what you can do