Looking good, Nippie. The larger res is so that you do not have to add any water during the week. Like CC said, it will change everything by adding more water/nutes. I run airstones because I like to aeriate my water. I don't like it just sitting still and the bubbles keep the shit mixing. Glad your & Mrg are making the switch. It's the Ronco of growing: "Fix it and forget it."
Thanks lvs. I did notice a small issue this morning, it seems that the snowwhite is starting to show cal-mag issue and I'm already using GH cal/mag at 5 mls/gal Anyone have thoughts on this?
that's why I don't like Lucas...it just runs thin on some things....but it should be too late for a calmag problem anyhow
week 4 here, I don't like the pheno of this snowwhite to begin with, but I had and decided to give it a second chance, now week 30 days in I'm getting cal mag just on those, tiny itty bity rust spots, just on them though, everyone else is happy
couple issues, Snowwhite is going through some cal mag...should I bump it up? running 5 mls already. Everything is looks great Had some floating shit in the water, and some brown slime on the air stones. I'm starting to think CC was right. No smell at though...currently running h2o2 3 mls per gal 2x's a week For the table guys...what's considered normal as far as funk in the water? Do you guys have a pic? I should have taken one, but I don't know if it's normal or not. Anyways did the ressy change and scrubbed with high concentration of h2o2 and pumped the concentrate out through the pump to clean it Whats the deal? Plants look great except for the cal mag on the snowwhite
your other girls might just be hungry-er and uptaking more of something, leaving less of that something for the Snowwhite, not sure what the science is tho.. In my tables Ive tried to run a few different strains together but theres always something that goes a tad bit off....Rhino kills all of the others in whatever table its in, not really kill them but the others always lack girth and density when mixed up with em....I just learned that you cant do that, even as bad as you think you can, you CANT......in all honesty, whats the difference? just run a table of single strain and youll see the best results you've ever seen, bet !!! I know u had to this time but next time, run all of 1 thing and watch how badass the results are as for the slime/goo....I only seem to get it after week 3-4 up until week 6-7.....I imagine its from the tidbits of natural decay in the rootsystem/plant...but for me (knock on wood) its not an issue and whats funny too is that, I never chemical clean anything, after each run per table, I take them and use clean water and a good brush to clean em up good, that's it...takes about 15mins to clean a 3x3 table and 40gal ressy, they look new and smell great, then put panda film back on and go at it again!!!
I'll try and get a better shot, the tops are putting on some good weight already, was just trying to show the length of the bud and keep a similar shot to the rest to show the growth.
lookin good Nipple.. what you haven't seen yet is whats the best part.....the consistant results, once you get a routine going, that's when you'll start to feel like a DOLT! for not going this route earlier on Hempy who?
I'll give credit where it's due....without you busting balls I prob would never had made the plunge Easy growing, just finished more tables and in process of switching out veg
sorry busy with holidays. Total pump failure. will have pix up hopefully later when I get a few minutes. Went in and everything was limp and laying down. New pump, literally purchased for this shit out on me. Thankfully I had spare and they are recovering. I'm sure some damage was done, but after a day with new pump they perked back up. Just lost some leaves. And for the life of me I can't figure out what wrong with pump. I guess it was just a lemon, but flsuhing now.
damn. near miss. dodged that bullet. pump gremlins. hate those fuckers. don't know why. speaking in haiku. good to see you. glad plants will survive.
knock on wood for me but I cant understand how so many people have pumps fail on them.....I NEVER in 7 years had any kind of anything fail on me pump related.....but a few months ago, I DID unplug a pump to clean it and hooked it all backup, yet forgot to plug it back in.....it took a 1lb table to a half LB table overnight, but I was in week 3-4 and I COOKED the rootmass take a look at the roots, they'll tell you everything u need to know
I'm sorry, been slacking....super busy. I don't know how the pump failed, honestly I was more worried about it clogging the drain (i think I asked you about that) this looked like it failed to feed. I'm not sure how long it was down, but I caught it about 2 hours into the light being on, but that's not to say it didn't sit an entire 24 hours down because the day before I just checked PH in the ressy and left. Wasn't really messing with anything so it couldn't be anything I changed. I did check the pump and it looks like it's working, just not full force. Its barely got a 1" discharge while in the water with no hose if that makes sense. I guess it wasn't total failure but it weakened so bad it could push the 2 up. Back on track though....but some damage was done. Got more tables set up. I might start another thread if I get time, but what about bare bulbs....be tight and gettimg more lights and don't wanna pay for hoods. Whats exhaust like? Can I run a 1k in a 12x 12 (back in a basement ) during winter for a month? settiung more up but trying to control costs atm
Ill never use a hood again.....theres no reason for it unless your in a small space and have obvious heat issues try it out and if it doesn't work, THEN go buy a hood, but for me...hoods suuuuck! you'll be fine
Unless you have low ceilings you will be fine going bare bulb in a 12x12 basement in the winter. Keep the air moving in the rooms. No need for hoods/tubes and the associated ducting.