
Discussion in 'Politics' started by HeadCase, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I'm not big on politics, but the US as supported more than one dictator or despot in the past. We offer aid to those who don't deserve it because in some way or another, it benefits US. It's not about the other nation's ppl, it's about ours(sorta kinda) and lining the pockets of our politicians and officers to fight their own private wars for THEIR gain.

    'We' don't give a flying fuck about the egyptian people, but this situation gives us another chance to put the guy we want in charge of the shit storm. It's ok tho.. he'll give us want we want and then be assassinated within a year or two as usual.

    Money money money.. blood blood blood. That's what this game is about. And power power power. AMERICAN power.

    If it doesn't blow over in a couple months, we'll send in some of our ppl to kill some of their ppl. Then it'll be settled. J/K.. I dunno, this crap is nothing new, but there will likely be blood-shed before it's really over.
  2. hydromorphone

    hydromorphone Excommunicated

    We have troops deployed in Egypt in Sinai guarding the Israeli border. I honestly feel the one thing America can do to impove our security and relations with the majority of middle eastern countries is stop supporting Israel. Anyone know why Israel is so important to the US? I have no idea and would greatly appreciate being filled in.
  3. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    It is kinda like when you are a kid and save up all your allowance to buy that one majorly cool toy, but then you realize its just a bunch of plastic and sucks, but you are kinda stuck with it because of all the hype you made about it to your parents.
  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    In essence, let them buy jeans and use the internet and all hell breaks loose. That's no fuckin way to be a despot! Keep-em in rough cotton or wool and scrawling on chalkboards and none of this shit would have ever happened.
  5. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    really though why is israel so important?

    whats the gripe? who would die if we werent there?

    is this one of the"if we arent there theyll nuke eachother things, would that be so bad really?

  6. hydromorphone

    hydromorphone Excommunicated

    Aahh I get its a horrible mistake we don't want to admit to just like the war on drugs
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    If for nothing else, Israel is important because of a promise. Feeble of an argument and fraught with contradiction as it may be, I really believe that way. Second, I think U.S. influence is a large mitigating factor in quelling Israeli military action in the region. They're a country concerned with their existence, with due cause if you take even half the threats against them seriously. U.S. alliance brings a sense of confidence and strings that if lacking would put Israeli in a position to act out of fear rather than confidence and with less regard for international influence.

    Pretty stoned and trying to decide whether to cut fresh powder under the lights or put on the jammies and fill another bowl so feel free to disregard the above as complete bullshit. Kinda typing just to type and would be willing to throw away almost anything I've said here tonight. But then again....
  8. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur


    lets pretend it was only $5 billion per year for 97-07 and lets asssssume high at population of 280 million, if 70% payed taxes thats $25 per year...i want my money back

    so now wait a minute...

    $2.24 trillion if 197 million pay 8 grand in taxes...

    i think im gonna be sick... :pimp:

  9. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    Yes, they make AWESOME weapons!! They actually make some of the finest weapon systems in the world such as tanks that are primarily for use in desert environments and are not as susceptible to the hazards of sand-binding and wear as other tanks, they make some really neat anti-bunker rockets that can be shoulder-fired and penetrate 3 ft of solid concrete with steel reinforcements and then brutally destroy everything on the other side, breaching weapons specially designed to blow down steel reinforced doors, blast oles thru concrete walls large enough for a squad to walk thru, and they invented the Uzi and Desert Eagle. The Uzi has seen lots of use in military operations, especially guerilla operations, and the Desert Eagle is the biggest, baddest semi-auto handgun in the world, and very versatile. Yes, it has become known as a "comical/ movie prop" but it's pretty damn awesome.

    Also, Israel is the universal symbol of Judaism, so therefor, it is an important religious landmark which must remain for the sake of protecting the ideal of religious freedom. That's how I see it at least. Ppl want Israel gone because it's full of Jews; get rid of Israel, and you destroy the Jewish symbolism, which is freedom from religious and tyrannical oppression. See Egyptian rule over Jewish slavery for instance.

    Israel is a symbol of freedom. I think that's why we support them. And it's not without benefits. They aided us in Somalia- anybody see the movie Black Hawk Down? Based on actual events, and the Israeli's helped us out there, just as an example.
  10. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    wow man, i didnt realize slavery was still the public realms anyway...

    thats fugged up... :pimp:
  11. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Its our duty to support sovereign nations from being burned to the grown by tyrants. The ME groups that want Israel destroyed are violent western hating radicals who should be nuked.

    Why's Israel important? same reason the USA is important...


    I feel very sorry for the people of Egypt once the Muslim Brotherhood take power they will be wishing they could turn back time.

    Us in the west also need to worry knowing the Brotherhood is the biggest group of radical muslims who preach death to the infidel which means if your white or a woman your screwed.
  12. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Completely untrue since about 1980.
  13. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    you are 100% WRONG!!

    In a Press release before Christmas they called for Jihad on the US & Israel then again shorty after the protests in Egypt ended. Now people are wondering why the USA is wavering in the support of Israel.

    another article from 2006

  14. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    1. Sorry, but I've been reading up on them for a while now. Half are moderate, half or not. The way they use Jihad is not the same as say Al-Quada, which they broke ties with long ago. The political party they are forming is a moderate, youth ran organization.

    2. Where are the links to these articles you are proving your point with?
  15. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Israel was a US idea and you lot hate to look silly so continue to support it at any cost.

    Plus the US has a large Jewish community and they are rich too.
  16. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    that's not what I meant, but sex slavery is still very much alive and kicking
  17. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Also, the authors of those articles, Canadian, are John Loftus, who is a president of the Florida Holocaust Museum, and Barry Rubin, who is an Israeli professor. I am sure they have no bias against any Muslim groups. Also, opinion papers are not 100% proof you are right/wrong.

    Sadly, we can only look at their history, what their leaders say, and what they actually do. As of right now their political branch is secular and invites all people to the table. They only have one representative out of many in the counsel (which also includes the youth, Christians, secular's, the military, and many more) setting up the new constitution, and don't have much influence over the majority of Egypt.

    Also, where is these press release calling for Jihad?
  18. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    His position is fitting considering the Muslim Brotherhood and every other Radical Mulsim group are very similar to the Nazi's in the intolerance for anything that is not Radical Islam.

    Muslims are not the problem its the Radical Muslims that are the problem the main issue is these people while they are the minority of the Muslim community still present the largest block of politically radical individuals on the planet.

    After all the the Muslim Brotherhoods Motto is

    You are either blind or very naive to believe the Muslim Brotherhood has changed their core values. If you do believe the MB has changed how about you post some proof because I can post quotes from members of the MB making anti US comments all day long.
  19. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    I would be happy to engage you further, however, as I said before, if you are going to post your "proof" please provide links to your sources. The only place I could find one of your quotes was on a far-right anti-Obama blog, and I am assuming that last bit is Wikipedia.
  20. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I''m probably wrong, but I'm pretty sure almost ALL media sources, especially internet, are pretty damn biased nowadays so I doubt the source really makes a lot of difference in any political debate. But I suck at politics, so I'm probably wrong. I guess that's just my opinion.

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