I can post quote of Americans making anti US comments all day long. Hell I make anti US comments all day long. Fuck you Yanks! That one slipped out. The US is a super power, we all hate you. Fucking live with it! But seriously. The Muslim Brotherhood isnt going to get elected in Egypt. There is too much money to be made by servicing the European tourist trade to have any of their bullshit running around.
Sources are the only way to prove your point and for the person your debating to get context to respond. Some news on the internet it just shit, opinions, and quotes that can't be traced back to anything. Other, good, resources can be traced back FIRST HAND to a place, person, or book. Once you know where the information came from, then and only then should you be able to make an informed argument. Otherwise we are just spooing opinions all day long, and we know what those are like.
Your hilarious Lion you can find everything I post in 2min on google regardless of the sources what I posted a real quotes from the members of the MB if they were not true the author would be getting sued by the MB for making false statements. I also love how you find it necessary to say I have to back up my opinions with links yet we are supposed to take your opinion as fact and not challenge you on it. If I have to provide facts and links to unbiased materials to prove my point then so do you unless your special some how and we are all supposed to just believe what you say.
I did find some of your quotes on Google, and like I said they were on opinion pages from far-right sites with no sources to support their quotes. 1. All I've said is that the political arm of the MB is moderate, and just wants their piece of the political and social pie. As soon as I can, I will try to find the NPR report I am thinking about, or one of the many AP articles that say this. 2. If you look back at past political arguments between myself and others, I provide sources and do not just talk out of my ass. However, as Skuzzi and I have both said in this thread, the MB isn't even an issue, they have little support in Egypt or in many other other places they have chapters.
eah, but just because it can be traced back to a "source" doesn't make it fact. Written in books or reported by journalists doesn't make it fact. I get your point tho, and I'm backing out of this before I get pulled into it.
I didn't say it made it fact, I said it lets you make an informed argument. People can tell me all day long that you can get milk from a cow, but unless I physically can go and do it, I don't believe them. This doesn't mean that EVERY cow gives milk once I've witnessed it, but obviously there is a truth that some do.
I'm not going to argue any further I'll just leave it at the MB is a radical muslim group who's very motto is about killing then infidel and forcing sharia law on the entire world if that's not proof enough then I don't know what is. I guess we will have to wait and see and I truly hope I'm wrong. Here's an article that maybe of interest not about the MB but interesting enough. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358792/Anjem-Choudary-lead-White-House-protest-calling-Muslims-rise-up.html#ixzz1EZmzLaqJ
Israel's importance is that (1) They are one of the biggest recievers of military aid and money and there's nothing like a legitimate government overseas that can help you launder money and blood diamonds. And (2) Megiddo. The place foretold by the bible that the "Final Conflict" will take place. All of the armies of the world will descend upon Israel from all directions and just as it seems like Isreal will be decimated Jesus will return to destroy all of the enemies of the Isrealites. So if you put the military industrial complex and the religious crazies of this country together and tell them to do a project Isreal is what you'll get. A mixture of corruption and religious fanaticism is the reason why we care about Israel so much. That and the fact that we have so many rich Jewish people here in the U.S. (especially Holocost survivors) who spend money on election campaigns and send people to Washington who have their point of view. It also dosent hurt to have friends in high places which most Jewish people do (and if they don't they know somebody that does) and I don't blame them because if more Jewish people had friends in high places (not Heaven) maybe the Holocost wouldn't have happened. That's my opinion, but I could be wrong. But I don't think so!
Israel holds the secret to imortality... well, some Jew somewhere does, but probably in Israel. That's why the Nazi's wanted all the Jews; God had given Moses an immortality potion that he, in turn, passed on thru the Jewish generations... it's out there...we will find it!!!! lol fuck I dunno, a better question then why are we protecting Israel, is why the Hell does everyone hate Jews so much?
Could be taken that way, but I figure if I own a company/business, I want certain people to work there, I can do it if I want. Yeah, there's the whole equal opportunity stuff - so you just seek out just the right qualified individuals, and "it's just a plus that they are _____(Jewish, etc)" Is that necessarily fair? No, but life's not, is it? No matter how unfair something may be, the bottom line is you cannot change the ideals in someone else's head, and you can't do a whole lot about it when they're in charge.... for the record, I had no idea they were ALL Jewish, just thought a few were.... And fuck Israel, Egypt, and all of those other countries. Learn how to fucking take care of yourselves, while we (US) figure out how to do the same for us. GTWT :XXhippylove:
preach brotha lion:thumbs-up: ...man i hate that show...i also hate curb your enthusiasm....i jus dont find larry david funny at all....whoa....talk about a thread-jack...back to yalls discussion on US backed dictatorships
GTWT, I wasn't complaining about fairness, just noting that most the ppl on the show were Jews.. so.. oh well, whatever. Let's hear your ideas on how we might drop all of our aid to and from other nations and "take care of ourselves"? Not trying to be a smart ass, really, but I do want to know how you plan for us to become a fully independent sovereign nation.
Not fully independent, just tired of the US somehow assuming the role of "world cops". There needs to be a healthy amount of relations with other countries, but too much money is spent in problems that are not our own. I don't have any solutions for you, SW. I will say that like most Americans, I just bitch about what I observe. I don't have answers. GTWT :XXhippylove:
lol ok then. I do agree there are certain situations we should stay the Hell out of, but knowing that most of the world wants to eradicate a country for no real purpose other than apparent religious reasons, and to say we should just leave them to take it is pretty fucked up IMO. I mean, jews tend to be irritating as all Hell, but that's not quite good enough reason to let them be exterminated. Besides, they have helped us out more than most ppl seem to realize.
All the more reason to let them blow themselves to kingdom-come! All we should be doing as "Keepers of the Peace" is to make sure that they don't take us along with them by securing nuclear weapons and thissile material and strengthening the ties and alliances of the modern post-industrial societies of the planet so as to not let ourselves be pulled into a global conflict by these fucking religious wackos. The fact that the neighborhood that they live in is where most of the worlds natural resources are that we use at our level of technology should be the number one motivation to get the "Green" ball rolling at a high rate of speed so that we can cut our ties with THEIR oil and OUR national security. At that point, as long as noone is developing nuclear weapons I, and most people, wouldn't give two fucks if the whole fucking lot of religious fanatics over there on both sides made a fucking crater in the Earth the size of the Middle East!