GH 3 part - Useless' formula

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by Useless, May 30, 2009.

  1. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Questions regarding formula...

    Can you use bushmaster in flower week 1 to limit stretch?

    If so, do you have to adjust the standard week 1 formula?

    Also using MOAB on 8-9 week strain..

    I'm guessing you only use this for 2 waterings during week 5?
  2. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Yes, in fact that is what bushmaster is designed for.

    I run bushmaster only (no nutes) for 3 days. Then jump right back into where I should be on the nutrient feed schedule.

    MOAB, yes, week 5 on an 8 week strain, week 6 on a 9 week variety.
  3. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    would I sub bush for nutes, or ph'd water during feed schedule?

    Sorry for the questions, but this formula rocks so far
  4. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    No nutes, ph'd water with bushmaster for 3 days. If you are stopping stretch.
  5. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'


    just got some moab,

    this states to use it week 1 also, should I dismiss that and keep with the week 5 like planned?

    Also for clarity, 50 % strength, with NO other nutes, correct?
  6. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Don't need it in week 1.

    Use it at 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons. Drop base nutes 50%.
  7. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    It works

    Hey folks, just a report that I switched to this schedule and it works great. I was running Botanicare nutes hempy style before, with PPP. Had probs - looked like MG def. and Epsom solved it but.... Now switched to Useless' formula in RDWC - no probs. Ph tracks perfectly at 5.5 - 5.8 so long as I top off with fresh high ph water during the week. I think as plants drink, res drops, ppm rises, ph drops. Top off counters this - keeps ppms down, ph where it should be.

    Thanks, Useless, for a kickass easy to follow schedule. Took the fear out of hydro for me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2011
  8. Puff-Puff-Pass

    Puff-Puff-Pass Established Healthy Roots

    Anywhere I can do some reading to better understand nutes and mixing and understanding what everything means and how it other words "Nutes for Dummies"??????
  9. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Horticulture classes, learn how differant minerals and such get eaten and dispursed
  10. Puff-Puff-Pass

    Puff-Puff-Pass Established Healthy Roots

    what stage is considered week 1?
  11. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    week 1 of veg is considered the first week of feeding, not first week of sprouting.


    you clone, wait 5-10 days for roots, transplant, once plant has roots and is new home, that is week 1

    from seed, you would wait 1-2 weeks after sprouting until a feed is needed and that would be considered week one (usually when you notice slight yellowing from nitro)

    That is my interpt anyways

    Feed schedule rocks
  12. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    If you follow this schedule as it is explained in this thread you will have success doing hydro. It doesn't get much easier to follow or understand than this.
  13. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    This is exactly my understanding/practice as well.
  14. Puff-Puff-Pass

    Puff-Puff-Pass Established Healthy Roots

  15. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    just mist the clone a once a day if in rockwool with plain water. Dont let the RW dry out though, but with something on top to keep in moisture it shouldn't.

    even when they show roots I don't worry about ph until i start with nutes
  16. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    Hi all,

    I'd like to know about using this schedule with 350-380 ppm water. I mixed up some week 2 nutes and found that I needed to dilute the mixture by half to get the proper concentraion. I'd assume that would be the equivalent of feeding the plant "diet" nutes. The plants don't seem unhappy at this point.

    Since my water isn't so good, is it acceptable to increase the final value of ppm a little bit in order to compensate? Or am I in bad need of RO water?

    I made a mistake when I made up my week 1 nutes, and mixed it at 800 ppm instead of 600, since I couldn't read my writing. Didn't seem to hurt the plants. Does this suggest that a little higher concentration, say about 200 ppm worth, would be acceptable throughout the grow?


  17. Steel Erection

    Steel Erection Germinating

    Hey guys...and ladies. I'm new here but I've been runnin the Useless Formula in e & f ables for about a year. I'll give you my system and problems and hopefully I'll get some feedback. I need a little help dialing this in.

    2000 over each 4 x 8

    4 x 8 tables




    8" net pots filled w/ hydroton placed on a 1/2" coco mat

    Flooding 4 x for 15 min

    growing from clone



    Useless formula usually mixed for 5 gallons over 3/4 strength

    5ml per gallon florablend

    5 ml per gallon silica blast

    10 ml per gallon Calmg


    Useless Form mixed 3/4 plus 5

    5ml florablend

    5 ml silica blast

    10 ml calmag

    5ml bud candy


    Ok so I started using Useless's formula about a year ago. Spoke with a well known grower on another site and he recomended the addatives. Did maybe 5-6 runs with it.. All turned out well except for the last round, I had one freak on me. Anyway I always seem to run into the same problem. I always sem to get wha I think is a cal/mag deficiency. I'm leaning more towards mag. I'm Using calmag because of the r/o but I think I'm locking something out. I notice slow growth, light/ dark leaves, purple stems and underside veins of the leaves. Now I also read that mixing the silica could lock out some nutrients. I flush and mix according to Useless my ph usually stays pretty stable. Right around 6. I just changed my res on my moms and took the calmag out of the equation to see what happens. Anybody with any suggestions?
  18. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    What brand of calmag are you using? 10 ml per gal seems high, I usually run about 3 mls per. You really don't need cal mag late in flower and you have to know what brand you are running as most have nitro in them.

    also do you have temp problems? I think that's what the silica is combating, without high temps you really don't need it. I think most use that in recirculating systems not EnF...can't say for sure, but have only heard of it's use to help combat high temps

    I don't understand what you mean by 3/4 and plus 5 it exactly how he has it and you should be fine.

    How high are your PPMS?

    Sometimes less is more
  19. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    GH 3part is lacking in cal/mag in the beginning only, typically in week 1,2 and sometimes 3 of FLOWERING and USELESS suggests using an additive only for that timeframe

    IMO/E......your using waaay to many nuts n bolts to try and juice up your NIP said, less is more got about 5 things to many goin on
  20. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    What we have here is a clear case of over swaggulation!


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