I'm right there with ya with the wife :roffl: Don't sweat the pic quality tho. Makes me feel less lonesome. Damn that willow provides some damn fine stealth! You can hardly see where the willow ends and the cannabis begins. The grass too. PPP def lookin droopy as expected. Let's see if they come back :thumbsup: Those are the horse shit ones right? As in pure horse shit? You are encouraging me to post up crappy pics of The New New Friendly Farm Outdoors 2014. One plant. :LOL:
the composted horse shit is mixed with the sand/dirt mix, I watered them again when I got home, im thinking maybe they won't have to work as hard for the first few days to get the nutes they need.?:icon_confused: we always keep the edge of the pond "natural" because there are flowers and such that show up every year, this year a couple of purple lilies popped up under the willows. the pond also attracts a lot water birds I like to look at while out in yard doin my thang:redbong::thumbs-up:
Damn, that one is huge. Way to big for walls to contain. That thing was meant to be outside. I'd be careful how I talked to her, she's big enough to bitch-slap a grown man!!:roffl::roffl: Hope they recoop and kick back into gear. Good luck!!! Be Cool, CG
I don't think the 2 big girls are gonna make it, the smaller of the 3 wilted for a couple days but is fine now. I'm wondering if I put to much sand in the soil mix and it's affecting the roots, although the smaller is fine. I can't get the trouble shooting aspect of growing down. The white rhino clones I put out last month are small, only 2 got bigger the others just flowered and never got any taller. They are all bud though, I never topped them.
I pulled the 2 big girls this afternoon because they were looking real bad. After pulling them I found that there was water holding in the hole I dug for them. The smaller plant has adapted and it's starting to show some new growth
The remaining PPP it's doing good flowers are growing nicely, all the white rhino clones I put out are doing good, they gotta be the smallest plants I've ever grown. It's kinda neat to see these 4-6 inch tall plants that are just a single bud growing. There is one that's over a foot tall real close nodes all the way up that's going to be a single bud as well. I'll get some pics up later if I can
here's a pic of the remaining PPP, doing good you gotta look but there are 8 little white rhino's there are 2 more rhino plants not in the shot that are about 12 inches tall, the battery died on the camera.
prepping for spring I was thinking about preparing the ground in the area I want to plant next spring. I want to grow 2 monsters by the willow tree since it blends in so well. I was thinking about making the hole a 3 foot circle that's 2 feet deep. Putting a 3 inch layer of old hay in the bottom, putting a thicker layer of fresher manure, another layer of hay and then fill the last foot or so with old decomposing/composted manure and mound dirt on top of that. I figure if I work on getting that done this week and let it sit till March when I put a 12 to 16 inch little bush in the middle of it, it should be a pretty fertile hole with some extra nutes waiting at the bottom when the root system gets that big. There is one spot in my pasture that the horse has always used to shit in for about 6 years now, the grass is always like 2 foot taller than anywhere else. I could just dig my hole and fill it with dirt from that area. Any thoughts or comments?
Where are the out door growers when you need them for advice. If it was me I would at least include in each hole a large bag of that black compost soil you can buy at the nurserys into that mix as well since your going to be near the pond make sure the amendment's you add to the soil will also help in drainage. I would add a large amount of perlite to the soil to help with the drainage. :redbong:
Thanks Mr G, I reckon all out door folks are trimming and smoking after this season's harvest. I wasn't thinking about drainage for a out for grow. I might need to make my ponds full level a little shallower, so the deep roots aren't sitting in water when the pond is full. I'm glad I'm thinking/asking about this now and not next spring after I've planted them.
so here is the harvest from little clones of the white rhino and a 2 sage. I reckon since I put them out so late in the year most didn't grow much, the pic of the buds on the table are actually individual plants. yup,:roffl::roffl: looks I grew a couple of 1g plants:roffl::roffl:
i'm really looking forward to next year. i'm gonna try for at least 1 of those 8' monsters. I got a lot of prep work to do, but I got all winter to do it.
Well, believe it or not the PPP that I left out by the pond is STILL going. I had forgotten about the damn thing till this morning. Ii didn't have light to get a good look but the buds are bigger than they were though not very tight at all so it is living and growing still. Maybe by mid January it might be ready lol.it's been out there for 2 months, I'll have to go back through my tables thread to figure out how long it's been flowering. EDIT: I put the PPP into flower the first week of August so it's working on 5 months flower time
If your winter is warm and you are secluded you could throw a couple of plants out now and just put a low watt swirly light above or Christmas lights and have them turn on at 2 or 3am and off when its light, that will keep them in veg, just turn off the lights in mid feb, (depending on your light cycle, i am in MI.) and they will flower.