to GK Bindy :welcome: Unfortunately Headcase is right. I don't think we have any greenhouse growers here at the moment. I think you'll find that GK is not like most other MJ forums out there. We are an easy going group, but won't tolerate the usual bullshit you'll find on the bigger forums. We all (mostly) strive to keep the site as drama free as possible. This is actually a good thing once you get settled in and get to know everybody, and everybody gets to know you. We do get quite a few "bullshitters" that come through and try to spread lies and make outrageously false claims about their growing skills right from the first post. Even going so far as to claim other peoples pics as their own. They are usually exposed and dealt with fairly quickly. These guys have great bullshit detectors, and most new members will have to endure a little hazing at some point, especially if they show up with an attitude, or a chip on their shoulder. What say we give it another go? Hi Bindy, :welcome: to :GK: Enjoy your stay assit:
I'm not reading anything Bindy has wrote except I caught the part where I was about the rep she gave me so here it is only reason it didn't show up as a real neg rep and hurt my rating is because she doesn't have enough rep to give it yet.
Deep breaths ppl!!!!! :bong2: :bong2: :bong2: :bong2: As for the out door / in door statement. What was said was that you can get more weed from indoor plants over the year. You can grow 6 cycles per year inside as apposed to 1 outside. Over the course of the year you will get more from indoor plants!
Lacy... (Bindy)... Canadian123 made a mistake & owned up to it. Get over it. Looks like you both kind of got off on the wrong foot due to a simple stoner mistake. Shit happens. You know this kind of crap is not tolerated over @ GP and it is not tolerated here either. You know me from both places. It stops now.
wwboy wow that got crazy fer a moment....ill say this .....greenhouse stuff isnt too bad but ya need to know (HOW) to grow marijuana first....when you have some grows under yer belt the greenhouse stuff will come easy.....maybe start indoors in a soil grow to get familure with marijuana first....then jump back on here with any greenhouse related questions???
wwboy 4 lbs is quite alot even for happy when i get 1 lb per plant in the fall ...not sayen you cant or havent but WOW thats alot.....hell ive grown big bud & bonkers out door and still my biggest harvest from one plant was 1 3/4 l.b.........i was soooo happy!!!!you should toss up some pics of yer 4 lb biggest had beer can size trunk...roots that came up out of the soil & back in again along with roots that were above the soil line that dove down.........looked like a swamp /prehistoric plant....just awsome.....still 1 & 3/4 lb.....which i thought was great!!!!!!
Is everyone kidding me around this OLD ass thread??? Seriously now? you CANgrow 4lb plants outside...shit I watched a grow on 420genetics last year from a guy "5150" who grew TEN..10...TEN...10 POUNDER PLANTS on the regular So to ALL you nay-sayers and folks who think its NOT possible, eat me! Its all toooo possible Yea so this is ONE plant... Dude says he's 6'3 270lbs NUFF SAID????????????
wwboy Well good for you & him as well....happy happy shit....never said it wasnt possible/ just that most persons dont get that type yeild...but you go man..
Hows your foot taste Mr. Condesending?:roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: Sucks bein proven wrong huh? Me personally....I learn from it
wwboy ya didnt prove anything...i already said its possible just not not able to grow each plant to that hieght/width and have to space them out and keep low....if i lived in cali i might see more large gardens but for most a 4 lb plant isnt too smart a way to go....but good luck just the same.
How about YOU, learn how to spell :roffl: You got the wrong cat....i rip my sock off on jobsites to wipe my ass, weekly! My hand aint shhhhhhhhh
wwboy ok chris ya got me there.....a buddy of mine does the same and i know he would laugh if i thought he wouldnt do ok ya got down outie.