That's pretty much what I took of it! Fuck him! :XXbirdman: :XXbirdman: :XXbirdman: :XXbirdman: :XXbirdman: :XXbirdman: :XXbirdman: AND it's french! No wonder it got raped!
We can play that game too. Esquire IP = (Because I'm a nice guy, I changed a couple numbers to protect YOU, even though it seems obvious you wouldn't do the same ) For a new member, your not making many friends this way. :roulette:
haha....from the first post I knew this one was going to be fun....Please...More "broken" English please.....or go ahead and find my IP....has nothing to do with where I am or live at any given time....:new_popcornsmiley:
So you guys are going to let us play pinata? Cool, thanks. Esquire- I got nuthin to hide. No more grows here and only my personal head stash left. Before you call on your dogs at Interpol or Europol care to post up a few pics of your own? Might be fun to show off when the knock comes at my door. Might even be able to get YOUR ass back in prison. I know you're just aching to get reamed again. You "continental" guys are all into that shit right? I'll even show a modicum of respect and not go into Sardinian Organized Crime jabs. If you can track my ip then finding my home should not be tooooo difficult. Come on over. I'll show you some midwest U.S. hospitality. Bring yer rump ranger buddy too. The Dakota cowboys LOVE frenchies with loose assholes. They practice by "ridin" steers , just don't get nervous if one of-em grabs yer ears and screams only lasts ten seconds. Anybody have a guess as to how the above will translate the language barrier? cheers.....your turn esquirt.
MODS! What's there to discuss? That is blackmail. That's your entrance dude? "Hey I can get IP's, so don't piss me off" That's not a very nice way to make friends. Usually the blackmail comes after you've been threatened but it didn't even take you that long. I don't like judging so harshly right away but that's a beat way to come in man.
You know what bugs me about this. We have already had shit fly with leo and members and the joint still hasn't really recovered from that. Then some dude pops around making these statements for no apparent reason. I didn't ready what he edited but I take it is about prison and the like. Anyway. here is my the cops and have me arrested. It is just a matter of a few years when I have to figure out where I will live after my foks have died. Remember I am court ordered, and the way it reads prison and a psych hospital seem to be the top choices. So have them come, now or later what the hell do I care? Gees I mean really what kind of person would just cause pain in someone else's life, from a distance no less, then just skip happily down the road? I don't understand. Why?
um yeah this guy needs to go! shouldn't be that hard of a decision for you mods, come on the guy threatens to call cops on us hmm thought ur jobs were to protect GK and it's members
:rofl6: Muzik? Seriously? Is that badly spoked English with french twists? You can make immigré into immigrant, but not musique into music? I aM quite muCH hopping to see not 1 Inspektor CloUSeau at 1 good back door!
Rating a thread and rep are not the same thing. Don't let this guy get to ya....the IP thing he posted was GK's IP...not someone's personal IP. We're talkin two different things here. He's NOT able to harvest IP's...that I know. Now if you follow a link he has posted he CAN harvest your IP but not thru GK he can't. So sorry for Inspector Gadget here. :laughing1:
Already knew that Herb, but thanks for the reminder. I was beating on him for being enough of a dick to even suggest it. HMMMMMmmmmmmm. Be back in a minute.