Helpin out the folks.

Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by Bje4201, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Momma's got it goin on!
  2. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    I was blown away when I opened the email she sent me. apparently shes been, in her words, "pinching the shit out of the top" cause its to tall. apparently over her head. also, if that monster is a male I want some pollen. I may not know what the hell to do with it:roffl:but I bet it would be a nice plant to use for a cross of some kind,
  3. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Wow, that plant is turning into a monster! :thumbsup:
  4. dlr42

    dlr42 King of GrowKind

    We're going to need a bigger pot.

  5. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

  6. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    Yep, you are correct sir! Problem is, shes not gonna transplant it. I told her she'd need one when it was only a foot tall. She's afraid of killing it trying to jack with it to much. It is supposedly a 5 gallon pot. Oh! You know what she's been feeding with. Miracle grow, shut my fuckin mouth. Hahahaha
  7. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I've grown 7 ft trees in 5 gal. buckets outdoors.
  8. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    Ya man its always outside but the yard is a slope to a creekbed. With a shit ton of rocks in it. Plus, she sent me some more pics, whamp whamp whamp, its a he. She is going to try and save some pollen off it for me. Not sure how soon i'd be able to use it, but how monstrous that plant is i want to see what a female version could produce. Ill post the pics of the balls shortly.

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