Thanks for the replys guys, I used straight course perlite for the clones in the solo cups and figured I would throw in the Verm when I made up the 2 gallon pots for final planting. I did find course verm at the local hydro shop,
JCIO, remember to mic at least 1 part Vermiculite to 3 parts perlite. I mix a little more maybe 30% of the mix is Vermiculite and the rest course perlite. When watering I water with a wand sprayer so it has like a shower head sprayer. I water all the way around the pot all the way to the edges. As soon as I get some water trickling out the drain hole I stop. I water the plants when they are dry, but not wilting. Dude your going to love Hempy.
I am loving it so far, I put a clone (from the mother plant no rockwool) straight into a perlight/verm mix and not even a wilted leaf!!! I don't even think I will use the rockwool again if this is the case from now on. All the other clones I put in with the rockwool a few weeks ago all are green and look great, using the useless GH3 formula. I can tell know when it's time to transplant from the cups to the pots now. even with straight perlight, I was watering every two days and didn't have wilted leaves, so the roots must of grew down to the res quick. I did accidently tip a cup and was surprized how nice and big the roots were, man they looked white as snow and fat! I see what you mean about the watering, getting around the top. prob next week will be the start of my first flower in hempy with some great gear, got Fool's gold, og13, Fugo, Orange (Something?), and a epic pine strain.