Ismoke as a RA patient i looked into collidal silver and everything i read said you can take too much which is dangerous. I don't remember how much is too much but i guess as long as you follow the directions and don't go overboard you'll be ok. So i take it collidial silver added to water in a soil scenario will help if you run into a root rot problem?
hey greeenthumb...sorry...i lost my password and am having trouble using my ismoke2much this is my temporary one. Yes greenthumb...a small amount(15-25ppm per gallon) of colloidal silver will help prevent root rot...haven't tested the theory...but someday i will i hope... 25ppm is an Extremely small amount(cannabis requires only 25ppm of Cl also!) Only one kind of silver is safe...that'z true colloidal silver. Any other kind(such as silver nitrate or silver chloride) can be deadly...just like greenthumb warned... I've done more extensive research...and found out there's alot of "snake oils" out there... ...u can thank the FDA for that. UR right greenthumb about all the manufacturers "claiming" to sell Real Colloidal Silver... ...such as those "colloidal silver" home machines;don't buy 'em(they make ionic silver...not colloidal)...they don't Actually work. Most manufactures(90%!!) are Falsely selling "ionic silver" as "colliodal silver"!! They are 2 totally diffrent thingz! I only found one company that sells "true" "colloidal silver"; not "ionic silver" being sold as colliodal silver: MESOSILVER-tha only colloidal silver product safe enough to buy...don't trust any other manufacturer!!! Here's 2 official websites that carry MesoSilver: 1) 2) The Maker's of MesoSilver use a 3rd Party to test their product!!! Here's tha Mesosilver Report: Want to learn more about Colloidal Silver? Hope that clears alot of sure did fer me... Conclusion: Forget trying to make colliodal silver'z impossible without proper equipment! Forget using a silver bar/coin and sticking it in the bottom of your reservoir--i was wrong 'bout that also...instead;use colloidal silver becuz it is the Safest!!! You can not overdose on colloidal silver If you follow directionz!! (Edited by hellostupid at 12:51 pm on June 5, 2003)