My teeth are fine as are my kids'. Chlorine is a hazardous substance until diluted, anhydrous ammonia is hazardous until it's mixed into soil. Lot's of things are dangerous in their undiluted form. Hell, I wouldn't put 35% H2O2 on my skin but I dilute it for garden use. LSD was tested by the government but invented/discovered by accident in Switzerland in the 1930's. Conspiracy theorize away, but methinks we got enough real life corruption going on without going on reality stretching goose hunts. I'm with LL, a bad system does not in and of itself imply wholesale election fraud.
"People wanna come round and try to tell me smoking crack cocaine better than sensi..." Is this the right thread to just throw out random thoughts and quotes? That's a Sublime Quote. I think Mr. Nowell was correct to be suspect of the assertion that crack cocaine IS better than sensi and I believe that is the real reason there are rich people controlling policy in a country based on "Capitalism" government controlled of course since real capitalism wasn't working fast enough for wall street or uncle sam. Where is the study that claims fluoride is not good for tooth enamel ? Here is a Center for Disease Control webpage dedicated to fluoridation and it's effects with published studies from multiple sources from as far back as the 50's. It goes in great depth if you click on the studies from the list. So ok tit for tat so show me a semi credible source that claims it's worthless. Say from the Dental Association. OH wait here's real zinger of a site they host on that claims to be "the best resource for information about fluoride". I'm not concerned that the 30 or so people you know that voted didn't tip the scales I am sorry that your world didn't align properly with reality. But don't worry Chuck Norris and wife made this statement before the election. [YOUTUBE]9Rw1ioJ99vk[/YOUTUBE] *Sigh* the lights are still on... Got this emergency preparedness kit and no where to go...Steelcity Edit: Wait OFO did you really just say "produce a study and not by just some Phd" ? Out of curiousness who exactly do you think does research like this ? Maybe a University Medical Center or NIH or CDC? Or what?
seconds of a Google search and you can find the clinical studies done world wide those text books reference already and that the Doctors and PHDs have to actually read first hand and not just paraphrased in said text books. One of the first studies used a group where high fluoride levels were found naturally in their local water supply.
I dunno, feeling kinda cranky. Maybe I need a glass of muni water? If flouride does indeed pacify populations why are the U.S. ghettos so freakin' dangerous? They're ALL on muni water.
So is taking random pills cause a doctor that sees 30 patients a day for 10 minutes each says you should....
You've honestly lost me. Where are you goin' with the crack sensi pills thing? Are you saying Sublime was wrong or right in the lryic? Are you saying flouride is bad simply because mainstream says it's good? That fluoride or crack somehow equates with over medicating? (the last one I can somewhat grasp)
Sensimilla: A form of marijuana, in which the end, smokable product contains no seeds. Sensimilla does not refer to a particular breed or strain . Btw, what up with water frakcing stuff, that is some serious shit.... Ive seen a documentory, where a guy can take a lighter to his faucet, and it will burn like a fire. Another guy put a balloon over his faucet, and filled it with gas, and was able to keep that flame lit for a while. I dont give a dam about flouride!... Fracking is where something needs to be done. These people are drinking chemicals and gas.... :bduh: Btw: Mr.King what about all the flouride in your toothpaste? They got us for sure, them evil scientist and goverment! Ofo: Flouride is definitly good for you bro, Think about it, cavities, get prevented by flouride. So maybe they are helping us.... Plus everytime I go to the store to by toothpaste, I look in the back for the ones with most flouride. Fuck the cheap shit... My teeth are white, but i still get cavities. Hmmmm am i being fooled? or is my teeth brushing skills suck?
what's in your water I Spit I don't swallow And I'm referring to toothpaste. you swallow the drinking water I carbon and RO mine.
Good Point. But I will never drink the water from the faucet, I Gots a "Crystal" Bottled Water Jug Dispenser, that should keep the goverment from drugging me. :thumbs-up:
49% of Republicans polled in recent public policy polls believe ACORN stoll the election for Obama. A modest decline from 2008's 52% considering ACORN no longer exists. I drink RO. I voted for Obama. This message is brought to you by someone who thinks Romney is a fucktard. Have a nice day.
It does nothing for your teeth. Pure hocum sold to the ADA and muni water suppliers for somebody to make a profit. Same as the hocum that it pacifies large populations via water supply. Inertia is the only thing keeping it there.
:icon_biggrin:I say "shook" for past tense as in "i shook his hand".I shaken his hand dont sound right. For me i only say shaken if im asking for something i want "shook" as in Bonds quote "shaken not stirred". Dont think shook not stirred sounds right ,lol. Although "Im all SHAKEN up uhu hu" dont really have same ring to it either As for ron paul,i cant believe how shabbily he was treated by his party.If the reps had made him the candidate then i really think they had a chance of beating Obama cos Ron Paul sounded like he represented change.... or restoration:bong2: As for the fluoride. If it was some sort of govt conspiracy then its really not that hard a stretch to see the Govt pass propoganda around making everyone think its good for you.A few bullshit tests or whatever.Its not behind Govt to do that kinda shit. Personally with all the bullshit going on globally im happy for them to keep on keepin me calm.I used to get worked about about shit,now i dont really care,the systems corrupted beyond belief, irreparable and not much can be done bar revolution but as long as we are a consumer addicted people then we aint gonna revolutionize nuthin. Apathy rules supreme nowadays.Saves me worrying or caring about their bullshit i suppose:bong2: Ofo- You might like this LSD article-
Boy, the roads we take on GK. 2 more topics, maybe only 1, and it will be gun control. And then i'll take my drink shaken, not stirred.
I once shook hands with a stranger in a park and brushed his gun, since then I have always been a little shaken up when it comes to shaking hands with strangers. hehe:thumbs-up: