Just chopped some DABNEY BLUE...pics

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by CCrete, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Just what I read Use. No real world hands on like you so I'd take your word well before my own. Seedfinder.eu has the Dab lineage showing blueberry heritage. If it's wrong please edjumacate me.

  2. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey CC, those are some nice looking nugs there brother. :redbong:
  3. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Got a link?
  4. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Thanks Mr.G....shes a good girl!
  5. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

  7. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    To me, shes more skunk than anything

    I get the blueberry only when I chop her early, like 8 weeks, but in turn that seems to sacrifice a bit of added weight and the trichs are mostly clear and maybe 40% cloudy
  8. Psycho D



    We need Smell-o-vision!

    or smoke-o-vision would be even better.

  9. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Interesting, thats my description of the dabney. However, I think the BB side is just conjecture. Could be right, but I would like to know where they got that info.
  10. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

  11. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It's only as good as the info they can glean off the net or breeder descriptions. The only thing that raised my eyebrow about the Dab description was the lineage is entirely DJ Shorts. I dunno if this is true or not. Or any of it for that matter...it's why I usually ask you.
  12. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    My Dab is ridiculously stinking of fresh blueberries. I'm flushing one now due to chop at the 9.5-10 wk mark. Can't wait to see what she brings finished. I have a second one much bigger that's also stinking.
  13. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I think she smells more in flower than dried...if that makes sense. She gots a taste to her and smell but the living plant is much more enticing imho..maybe its just me
  14. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Yes, until you master this girl, then you get it all, till then....

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