Just Joined, first time grower

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by PML, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. PML

    PML Germinated

    alright i'll see if i can hang that thermometer... What would be your recommended temp for the top of the canopy on those two plants? Just wondering. that little heater has a temp regulator wich i thought was cool for 20 dollar heater.

    o, and i've kinda been wondering if anyone around here has cards, havn't heard/seen many people talk bout it.
  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Make sure that heater didn't have any lights on it even the little red ones it will hermie your plants. Welcome to GK PML.
  3. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud



    ...Gotta admit...if I am understandin' you correctly...yer' recently new to all this cultivation stuff...

    ...And already your cloning???...

    ...Taking cuttings and increasing yields???...

    ...You my new start are a leapin' right out of the startin' gate like a man on a mission...

    ...I sense your learnin' curve will be short...lol...

    ...blendin' n' sendin'...:love4:

  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I have to agree with Daze. You my friend are a proper 'newbie'. Ya done did your homework ahead of time and now it's gonna pay off.....I guarantee you that. Nicely done and welcome to GrowKind. :ebert:

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