
Discussion in 'Politics' started by gardener, Feb 13, 2003.

  1. northlite

    northlite Blazed and Confused

    I know you've got 2 heads Gem, but try an concentrate on 1 thing at a time....yes I did watch Colon Powell, talk strait from the heart, he would've made a great President......... & yes, Hussein has got to be removed from the CHESS game, without the shadow of a doubt, & ALLAh agrees........ don't you Aggs...?
  2. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    Northie- I never said Saddam shouldn't be removed- ever.  I agree with you, My Friend... but War isn't the answer.  Saddam's people LOVE him- not the Kurds- the other Iraqis.  Also note this would be the First war where All Arab Nations were opposed.  You're so right about the bio-****.   These are some SCARY fucking times!

    Interesting fact on Iraq- 50% are 15 and under.  Anyone know why?

    (Edited by GeminiGoddess at 6:59 pm on Feb. 14, 2003)
  3. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    All arab nations arent opposed!! We have Kuwait, Bahrain, qatar, oman, jordan and turkey have all offered to lend support. ****, even saudi arabia and the iranian government are giving a little to oust saddam! Saddam has no friends except for syria, a huge terrorist regime who harbors jihadists.
  4. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    Feel better, Sylent?:biggrin:
  5. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    You SEXY M. Fucker!!!!!!!!:biggrin:
  6. northlite

    northlite Blazed and Confused

    100% agreed.....on Iraq

    the Arab nations know they're sitting on golden Oil-Wells, and lots of sand !

    ....we're all made of bio logical stuff

    ........%'s yup !
  7. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    Respect, Northie.:biggrin:

    I'm honored you share your wisdom with me, My Friend.... As Always!:biggrin:
  8. boxman

    boxman Begun Flowering

    How about giving me some head?

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