I have not. Or care to. But, the weird part is...it was made by an Egyptian national who lives in Holland. WTF does that have to do with the US??? Shows how ignorant those dipshits really are.
Now the Muslims in Sudan are attacking the Brits and Germans. See? Told you it wasn't about the movie... http://news.yahoo.com/sudan-protesters-attack-german-british-embassies-131032349.html "Meanwhile, in Tripoli, Lebanon, protesters set fire to a KFC." Oh, it's ON, now! http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/14/world/meast/embassy-attacks-main/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 "The film permit for "Innocence of Muslims" has been withdrawn at the request of U.S. authorities, who cited public safety concerns, according to Film LA Inc., the nonprofit agency that oversees production in the Los Angeles area. Withdrawing the permit means the agency cannot release copies of the film. YouTube has restricted access to the video." So, "U.S. authorities" are restricting freedom of speech because of these nutjobs?
Lots of faith-based initiatives going on these days. Religion is a mental disease. These kind of things are bound to happen when dealing with the insane. asssit:
Now that's just plain wrong. The Phelps get to scream "God hates Fags at military funerals" as free speech but a joke of a film gets shut down? If the owner of the film is prevented in any way from personally distributing the film somebody better sue that weasely piece of shit L.A. film agency for violation of the First Amendment. Who are the U.S. authorities who requested the restriction? Obama's White House or Hilary's office of State? Way to stand up for American principles there guys.:bravo: Romney blasts himself in the most messed up knee jerk statement imaginable then the Administration shoots itself by stepping all over the primary tenet of our Nation. Are these people really as stupid as they seem, or, have they over complicated everything to the point that stupidity is the only option left?
Is tha REALLY the film Hank?? You shitting me,painted faces,dodgy accents and flimsy sets. Bad acting too:tvlaugh: The guy kids on hes jewish american and turns out hes egyptian...wtf. When Mohammeds name gets spoke you can never see the other actor. Its edited to fuck,why dont these clowns go storm egyptian consuls and kill their staff,its bullshit.Any excuse with these guys.:sad4: http://www.theweek.co.uk/middle-east/islam-film-row/49036/innocence-muslims-how-bad-how-cheap-how-wrong
The guy who did the film is a Californian Coptic Christian with a background of aliasis. He even contacted crazy Florida pastor for help promoting the film.
ive watched that video three times. These people in all the differant countries that are taking that as a insult from the united states are out of their fuckin minds. Are these people really this stupid???? The video is ridiculous. They want a war I say we give em one. A WAR THEY WONT BELIEVE!!! America has become the biggest suckers in the world. Time we start pulling the strings tight and put a little fear in these bastards. t6
I don't give a shit if they are pissed off. I don't give a shit if they kill each other. I start to care when they kill Americans on U.S. soil (or burn down a KFC).
Those people in egypt are pretty stupid. For starters their economy sucks and the only way most of them make a living is thrue tourist attraction. Now nobody in their right mind will go over there. Also watching the news this evening watching them what a bunch of asses. Its time to cut off all the aid the u.s. is giving to them and hold their government accountable for this kind of crap. Shit flows downhill t6
HaHa ..T6 you nearly got me signing up for the army there man...rousing:thumbsup: You know,leaving all the 'give peace a chance' rhetoric aside,you make a valid point there man.As part of the 'repentance' proces for Iraq and Afghanistan,its apparent to me that USA and UK both seem impotent now.In Libya we refused to put boots on the ground to save lives and easily topple Gaddafi,we provided "logistical support",fair enough we had the navy there but to me its like both countries are scared of the political backdraft to engage militarily with anyone.Im not a hawk nor a dove but for instance if we can go to war over bullshit with Iraq then why cant we storm Syria.Is it cos we dont wanna piss of Saudi?Is it cos our countries cant afford to go to war?Maybe both but it also feels that they would be hesitant to even try get a UN resolution for anything resembling "war",maybe scared of the 'Jihad'? That just sounds funny in any context:icon_biggrin: This situation in Libya though,we cant just go to war on an "Arab Spring" nation too quickly cos it would undermine the rebels in Syria.Its a political minefield... which kinda backs up your point a little T6.Personally iv watched the genocide in Syria a while now and its disturbing but not as disturbing as our head in the sand mentality here in the UK.We helped carve up that region after the war so its in our interests to get involved.Bomb Syria...The Libya guys will be hunted and terminated by Special forces,unless the Libyan Govt freak out and hand them over themselves.Peace:jj:
Ya know its kind of mind blowing but you have to treat these radicals over there with force because thats all they understand. Those fuckers have been waring for hundreds of years and its a way of life. Lets take ghadafi for example before his down fall when he was high in power and always mouthing the u.s. Clinton sent a cruise missle in on his palace which missed him but killed one of his kids and his mouth was pretty low for a long time. People say oh my god you cant kill innocent people by bombing over there. Well let me tell you fry a couple of those countrys and the rest will shut up pretty damn quick. They might be radicals but they know when to shut the fuck up. But you got to show force not kindness t6
I totally agree that diplomacy and sanctions just dont work against people who are indoctrinated with a siege mentality.It is a way of life,they dont have much better on offer but thats not an excuse or any of our faults,merely an observation. I think theres gonna be a war fought at some stage with Muslim radicals and its gonna overspill to the point moderates get involved in the Muslim side,when that happens it will be a long bloody drawn out war over Ideaologies.Personally i think with this in mind we need to carefully pick our battlegrounds and i dont feel Libya is the way forward. Syria is the beachhead IMHO,we need to be there. Of course Israel may speed things up if they carry out there intent to Bomb an Iranian nuke plant during the American Elections:5eek:
I thought this an interesting article from this morning's newspaper. Democratized Media Meets the Arab Political Awakening "The conflicts of the future are thus going to be as much about the abundant cultural flows of the global information economy as about the scarcity of resources or the breach of territory. This is because contending values have been crowded into a common public square created by freer trade, the spread of technology and the planetary reach of the media." "No military retaliation, or further violent attacks on diplomatic outposts, can erase the reality that what is sacred for America (freedom of expression, including sacrilege) and what is sacred for the Muslim world (their faith) are clashing values now contending on the same virtual terrain. The issue goes beyond the most recent dissing of the Muslim faith to the overall message of Western-shaped globalization. While it is true that the American creed "respects all faith," it is also true that those who hate Islam or respect nothing can also express themselves. Good faith and bad faith get equal billing in our democratized media culture." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-gardels/democratized-media-meets_b_1884104.html?utm_hp_ref=world