And we have been at peace for hundred if years here, or any other nation for thar matter? When was the last time one nation or peoples wasn't killing each other? That is not justification to bomb a whole nation because a few people killed four of ours.
yeah screw it, at this rate we might as well just nuke the shit out of the whole planet. probably be a huge favor to the rest of the universe
drunken ramble Yeah that and their gay hazing type shit they do at the local skull and bones:jerk: So you propose just pull out of everywhere,we will call it the catholic contraception method,lol. So pull out and just build the homeland defences up strong,like a wall across the mexican border type shit?Theres lots of fors and againsts i suppose but i think USA use their embassies for a LOT more than just diplomats,some of them embassies are key to foreign intelligence.Its about the logistics more than the ideals.We pull out and we lose vital intelligence,ears on the ground,we lose many things.Diplomacy needs to be practiced,even when your stockpiling arms to attack a nation your engaged in diplomacy with but if we go to war with Islam then we pretty much end up with cancer cos Islam already resides within OUR countries,nevermind the billion of them round the world,just the sleeper cells already operating are enough trouble without the moderates getting involved.I dont know about USA but over here we got a LOT of Islamic fundamentalists. Internment?See its not so simple without trampling over peoples rights and in the end all that does is validate the people who eventually will trample over yours. Its definetely not a clear cut situation by any means. I still say Syria needs bombed,maybe that will spook other nations. We need to give the Syrians the extra muscle needed to get rid of their despot leader,then we can walk away while they descend into sectarian violence
What's so hard to figure out? Somebody attacks on our soil we beat the snot out of them. They attack us on their soil? They don't want us there so we leave. That stuff about embassies being "sovereign soil" is political mumbo bullshit. It's their country and they can kick us out anytime they want. Shit...if I were them it'd piss me off a having big hulking bully squatting in my backyard. More so if I ignorantly had no idea of any good they were creating. Right now the bulk of Libyan oil contracts goes to the Italians and Chinese. Pull everything and don't look back. Even our business losses would be minimal. Hank- Spot on. The information age is transforming world politics and ain't nobody going to be able to control it. Just like McDonald's, Freedom of choice/expression will win out because it's what people want. Fundamentalists of all stripes intuitively know this and it scares the bejeezus out of-em.
The Embassies are suppose to be sovereign soil and that's suppose to keep out the host governments. Now if you think they sould be able to just come in any time because it is in their country, then there really is no point in having embassies. They should just rent offices from the host government. It might even be cheaper. But as they are defined today, if an embassy is attacked, is that not an act of war? If so, then we should act like it and respond accordingly. If the locals don't like us there, I have no problem with them gathering outside the compound walls, but as soon as they enter without permission, it's war. Is the U.S. being a bully in Libya or Egypt? What have we done recently in those countries that would cause them to attack the Embassies?
Besides occupying nearby countries or propping up brutal regimes well into the late 20th century? Throw in that we're exact polar opposites on political spectrum and I'd be surprised if there wasn't trouble. When times are bad people need a whipping boy. (and it's always bad in the Mideast) The western culture, and the U.S. as the biggest target, is the whipping boy for Islamic fundamentalists. I could argue either side of whether historically that is fair or not. Sovereign insofar as the Nation is willing to host an embassy. The apartment is the embassy, the Country is the building and the citizens/gov is the landlord, as an analogy. In Libya do we really know who is pulling the strings? Who the long term political power is eventually going to be? Nope. So instead of blustering around like a wounded peacock let's be the older wiser statesman and take our coat and hat leaving them to their mess. We've already lost lives unnecessarily, let's not inflict more harm because of a misplaced pride. The pride is knowing we're right and they're wrong and having the patience to let that play out as they decline and we comparatively prosper.
I don't mind leaving, but I sure would feel better taking a dump on their dining table before I left.
It was a few people taking advantage of a situation. That doesn't warrant action, other than the marines that got sent in who are about to tear the shit out of those few people.
If they wanted us gone, what is so complicated about it that a peaceful demonstration of their desires could not get the point across? Killing people wasn't necessary, and neither is making a war out of it. The only Libyans we need to kill now are those who were involved in the killing of our people. A nice public execution and then we can pull out.asssit:
Isolationism dont work...not in this century Only problem there though Res is after you guys pull out and diplomatic and intelligence ties are cut then 10 years down the line,god forbid,but if another 9/11 type event happens and it turns out the dudes responsible came from a terrorist training camp in Libya then you guys are gonna spend millions and a load of lives just to get a foot back in the door again to goto war with them....only for a few years later some new president comes in stateside and triumphantly "brings the troops home":bduh: We leave Iraq,its like a northern ireland on steroids.So what ,some may say, but trust me,that alone will fuel the radical theology to the masses for the next 50 years. Theres no clear cut answer but i think Isolationism is head in the sand type shit,its dangerous. It wont cause USA to be hated or attacked anyless cos its not what you guys DO that the radicals dont like,its what you stand for. Whats needed is a FOOTHOLD over there somewhere.Im thinking Syria is a good forward base of operations:eusa_think: Lions right,special ops will deal with these guys.Peace:2c:
No. He is an Egyptian national. These "free" press can figure all that out. Their problem, not ours. If they want to make it our problem, well....that's a fuck up on their part. From the intel I've gotten from a marine friend... the biggest fuck up here was Mrs. Clinton calling back a platoon....... I'm no warhawk man, I've done the military thing and it's FUBAR'ed all the way around. I can sit in my house and rip bong hits til my eyes are crossed BUT, if a bunch of thugs I don't know, want to sit on my porch with AK's... shit is going to get ballistic up in here REAL quick. Period.
Hmm. Maybe I should say again? This guy is an Egyptian National. Why does it matter where he lives? If he lived in Taiwan would they bumrush that shit? And maybe I should say this once more? How does this have anything to do with the US?
Well, he lives there, for one. He is an Egyptian citizen who possibly prefers and has emigrated to America. America, who happens to be one of the foremost proponents of free speech, free expression, etc....which allows mocking of religious figures as part of that. Maybe the reaction would be different if he lived in Taiwan, but I think people are wrong when they say the reaction would be different for any country other than the U.S. When those Danish cartoonist published the Mohammed cartoons a few years back, there was fallout against the Danish. :danger:
These guys dont know when to stop If you ask me these guys are just begging for a ass kicking. They dont know when to stop. What 2 billion aid to egypt last year and they have to be asked to protect american embassy are you fuckin kidding me. Time to quit buying friendship with these assholes and cut them off completely. They should drop a gun ship on one of those fuckin crowds and lay them all flat. t6