Sure there was some "fallout". But I don't remember their embassy's being attacked or their people being killed. Peace.....
This is the gunship for it. I see these thing everyday. And hear them firing every night. [YOUTUBE]-QDbQKzPA5k&feature[/YOUTUBE] Peace, through superior fire power.....
I think I remember some embassy problems, but even if there weren't, what's your "point"? Also, the film was made in America. That's another reason it has something to do with America.
There's really only one aspect of this debate I feel confident about commenting on: This foreign aid to countries who protect our enemies, and allow attacks against us needs to fucking end. Period.
AC130...yeah fly them regular :bong2: Yeah me too... Just yesterday i was f one of them over the Foundation map in MW3 And i pretty much hear them all the time but manage to dodge them with blind eye perks and assasin pro perks I kinda enjoy taking them down with my Javelin Do i talk to much about Call Of Duty If we just pull out of all these places,wheres our ears on the ground,our intelligence coming from Half of me would like to see all contact cut between them and the west but it would only create more paranoia,hysteria and hostility.We need a presence in these god forsaken places. Again,there are so many fanatical muslims in our own backyards that it dont matter a shit what ties we cut.We can be attacked from within anytime they get the planning,logistics and dumb ass martyr wannabe to do it.Just my opinion:2c:
RANT:Muslims wanna live here,WHY do we change to suit them and not them to suit us? Definetely.Times are hard and charity begins at home.Not just to these countries.Id go one further living in this United States of Europe piss. Id want all fuckin UK govt subsidies to the EU cut,these bullshit millions we give to keep french farmers and spanish fishers in business just to hinder our own farming and fisheries.Scottish fishers can only catch a certain quota and HAVE to throwback certain fish if they go over cos of dumb EU regulations but we give millions so the spanish can fish in OUR shores:eusa_doh: Theres a recession going on...growth in the UK is at some stupid small percent,its barely visible Fuck giving money to Somalia n Sudan and EU or anywhere while our businesses die off and the middle class owners get shafted out of their homes. The working class cant get fuckin jobs and the pension is not rising at same rate as inflation.Public services are all begging for money and every penny is a prisoner no matter where you look right now.But we STILL give awya BILLIONS to countries that wouldnt even give us steam of their piss:disgust::5masked:.The govt is trying to cease huge education grants and cut funding.No new affordable home being built. One in 3 families in inner city going hungry at least once a week so their kids can eat but all the while im reading how a fucking somalian family of 9 were given a 1.2million pound house in chelsea!!! This aint a one off ,apparently its happening all over.Last week it shows you some Romanian gypsy family of 7 turning up,getting a house and all the state benefits the same week they got here.Its staggering that our countries fall into disrepair through lack of money,too many taxes but yet we give gazillions to the EU,to Africa,UN,everywhere. to the UK,the only country in the world where we will let you eat,sleep and shit in our house for free.In fact WE pay you while you shaft us up the arse:disgust:These mad mullahs who preach hate from their mosques,why cant we just expell them?We pay their homes,food,clothes while they set up terror fuckin cells and raise money for Alquieda:bduh: Theres more than diplomatic ties with these nations needing dealt with,we need some sort of border controls here in the UK.We dangle carrots for these fuckers to cross over from France.UK is a small place...but yet we ENCOURAGE mass immegration of ALL nations:eusa_eh: Hey i dont mind if they bring hard graft,decent citizenry and values to the table but HATE?They sue if UK schools dont serve halaal food,same in jail,they get more rights than anyone.Its like we are SCARED to offend muslims. They get all touchy about Mohammed but shit they can call us all fuckin infidels and shit like that.SOMEONE,SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY FUCKED UP AND ITS TOO LATE TO BOLT THE DOOR.I dont know if you guys got whole cities taken over by Muslims and where white people now cant go even if they came from there but i can see that shit far enough over here and its definetly summit i have noticed since relocating down south.Anyway...i feel better now i got that off my chest:tvlaugh: Well past my bedtime,cant finish this spliff....any takersassit:
Yes. When you give up getting laid to play a video game, it's time to put the controller down. :rofl6: Peace....
Yeah but think of all the trouble i coulda gotten into but havent...all thanks to COD Res- Detroit Huh?Yeah well over here its bradford,luton...any number of cities. Thats what i mean,the enemy is already within they can do all the damage they want from the inside:new_blackey:
oh yeah Detroit and Dearborn. Largest muslim population outside of the Mideast. We have broadcast prayer calls over loudspeaker just like in the sandy hills of Kabul. Requests and arguments for Sharia law are not infrequent there.
Hey...have all the brotherhood community centers you want, just don't go ringing my ears with loudspeaker 'allah jalla mah mandihabibi' bullshit 5 times a day. Unless of course I get to blast Bob Marley and his sacrament 5 times a day over the same damn speakers. (yes Ap, in some Dearborn neighborhoods this is the norm) Want to deal with muslim shitheels? Toss all the militant intolerant sharia pressing western living motherfucking dog's ass licking mentally impaired permanent visa holding motherfuckers back from whence they came. You live in the west you tolerate other religions, and expression thereof, while not imposing yours just like everybody else. They want sharia...there's just won't get your big white titties and a Big Mac to go with it. Mormon, muslim, jew, pentacostal, scientologist et al; I could give a f shit. Tell me I gotta listen to your prayer calls 5 times a day or follow your religious rules? I give a shit!
Several ppl were murdered because of this, but it happened in a foreign country to foreigners so you americans wont have heard about it.
This entire thread is fucking stupid! The majority of posts in this tread are complaining about being shafted in the arse by these Muslim fuckers. :wtf?: The mistake you are all making is that you haven’t correctly identified the cause of that pain in your anus. That’s not a cock in your arse, it’s a fundamentalist’s nasty little mit rummaging around in there pulling your strings. They’re wearing you like a glove and you’re all mouthing off and dancing to their tune! “Fuck these Muslims!” “Withdraw all aid!” “Nuke the bastards!!!” Come on ppl, really? A rather poor movie has been produced to infuriate the Muslim world. Congratulations to the film makers. It’s amazingly successful for the shit piece of work it is. So what has happened? We now have demonstrations in a variety of under developed countries, a few ppl have been killed and embassies attacked. How many ppl do you think were involved in this? A few thousand at most? Out of a population of a few hundred million, that’s next to no one really. These countries are in the middle of the “Arab Spring”. This is the most fundament shake-up of their society in the last few hundred years. Of course there are going to be some nutter fundamentalist that cause shit. These countries have masses of uneducated ppl who know nothing more than the shit that their local mosque has feed them their entire life. Religion is bullshit that is used to control the masses Luckily these sheeple are not the majority hence the numbers involved are nowhere near as massive as the numbers that took part in the Spring!!!!! So that must mean that the majority are disgusted by these attacks. So what does the majority of GK say? “Let’s bomb this majority who are against this madness and cause them massive carnage just because some pricks that happen to be the same colour as the majority have attacked our embassy!” Well that’s a great idea, because when you do that you instantly turn the majority against you. This majority is Muslim and will band together with their enemies enemy and the fundamentalists ranks will swell unbelievably. So congratulations T6 and friends, you’ve managed to kill thousands and in doing so your arse will be ripped to shreds as that fundamentalist hand swells and swells in their My rant on with-drawing aid is pretty similar. I’m sure you can fill in the blanks
skuzzi's spoken Skuzzi the aid aint going where its meant to half of it. It bugs me that we are pulling back our cash in Iraq and Afghanistan and look at the mess,sectarian carbombs and our soliders getting killed by the Afghan police we are training to hold law and order when we leave.Its dumb,fuck giving aid to nations we KNOW harbour terrorists or even resentments against us.Put our dollars back into trying to leave Afghanistan with some sort of self respect instead of tails between legs and running like Cameron and Obama are doing now.Skuzz look at the poverty all over the UK just now.Are we gonna let our society fall into disrepair just to help other ones emerge?There comes a point to draw the line,i dont say this cos of any bullshit Mohammed film.Its my opinion on some practices i dont agree with our Tory govt. Dont even get me started on the EU again
Where'd my eloquent witty response go? AAAaaaagh!!!! fucking stoner fingers! summary: I'd rather leave the puppet show altogether and wait for the swelling to go down than do more of the same. Otherwise we're posed like Kermit waiting for the next hand.