Gee skuzzi I am sexually aroused that you would single me out as the front runner against the rag heads!!!! t6
You were the first to post pics of nuke and called for bombing more than anyone else. I didn't single you out, your actions did. I'm pretty sure rag head is a racial slur to, but I guess that's ok when they are used against "the enemy"! As for iraq and Afghanistan TA, that's a different story. I'm on about Lydia and the arab spring countries. Killing innocents because of the minority is wrong, end of.
Yeah fair enough.... but dont bring Lydia into this,she was only a one night stand and although she tried to fuck me up the ass,she dont deserve to be nuked:tvlaugh:
Say what ya want skuzz your entitled to your opinion. I would say though that the majority of people are fed up with there bullshit. Maybe when they start pulling shit on your side of the pond you will have a differant opinion. Do you think when the japanese bombed pearl harbour they were considering innocent people?? Do you think the U.S. was worrying about innocent people when they droped the "A" bomb on hiroshima and Nagasaki? Well fyi you can see what happended in the end and I think you will see this again in the near future. t6
Erm nope. All of them actions you mentioned were atrocities and completely undefendable. Do I think these ppl were thinking about anyone but themselves? No! They were both completely wrong. I also fail to see your point in mentioning them too. As for ppl attacking uk citizens, what's your point there too? We have been attacked for decades. You ever heard of the ira? They were funded by american money too. Do I want to nuke ireland? Of course not, that would be idiotic!
I suppose if some nutters from your neck of the woods did some terrorist shit, the army would be justified in dropping a bomb on your house? :BushDumb::BushDumb::BushDumb::BushDumb::BushDumb::BushDumb::BushDumb:
Just to clarify... In all fairness T6,we HAVE had our fair share of shit over here over the years from Terrorism,probably more than most nations. The IRA's mainland bombing campaign lasted decades and killed many many innocents. They were funded by,along with American sympathisers,the Lybians. We didnt do jack shit except sanction Libya and then they go and bomb the pan-am flight which murdered a shitload of people in Lockerbie,Scotland. Theres the 7/7 public transport bombings and the Glasgow Airport attempted bombing,all by Muslim radicals. This is just stuff of the top of my head,im sure theres likely a LOT more terrorist attacks. We have had embassy sieges in which cops are killed and stuff. Definetly a LOT of shits been pulled on us over the years man.Peace
Dont get me wrong skuzzi,a lot of my views are quite liberal and some not so liberal but no way would i wanna see nukes deployed or innocents murdered.Thats exactly what these fuckers hope happens cos then it gets all the moderates involved in their ideaology. All it does is enable these punks to say "see we told you they were cunts". This is why we have special forces. As for aid,i stick by my charity begins at home statement in these harsh times.Peace:jj:
My view on the situation is this... If your religion is worth killing for, start with yourself Truer words have never been spoken
I dont understand people who kill for religion cos last tme i checked the basic premise of most religions is all peace love and understanding. Again,its the guys who interpret religious works for others who cause the problems. Religion is simply the excuse. If there was no religion in the world you can bet there would still be this shit going on,they would simply change their "my religion is superior" argument to "my race is superior" argument. These Muslims still hold grudges from the crusades for fucks sake
Their lives are so shitty, they have to blame some one and they are not allowed to blame their government.
The basic premise for most religions is about control. The peace love and understanding bullshit is jut so you won't see the boot on your neck. God/religion doesn't have a qualm about killing. It's WHO you kill that they have issue with.
O.K., I'm convinced. No nukes on these guys. Just the standard missiles from drones directly on the bad guys. Then pull all of our troops out of that area. We can rebuild our own economy and let China and Russia run things for a while.
Yah, they are getting a good idea who these guys in Libya were. Drones are not a bad compromise. I haven't seen anyone mention it, but there is a video that shows Libyans pulling out the ambassador and putting him into a car to go to the hospitle.
Of course no one has mentioned it. Why would they? That vidoe wouldnt help GK's message of hate towards Arab States now would it?
here's what I think... methodically bio-gas the shit out of the whole country and send in a few battalions of 15yo thug-wannabe fire-teams to clear out the stragglers. That'll clear up two of our major issues right there. Less juvenile gang-bangers, less libyans... 2 birds, one stone.:thumbsup: