Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US
The bastads! They are taking the role of world police off the US. Fucking Libyians, we should have bombed them earlier when we had the chance!
So, the White House bought some ad time in Pakistan: XtNu6E7c4vA I think he should have said something more along the lines of, "We have freedome of speach in our country. If you do like it, tough shit!. Now grow up and stop acting like a bunch of sub-human fuck-ups. I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."
How would we feel about the Chinese Government (as an example) buying ad time to propagandize their message on U.S. television? Methinks this does not bode well.
Here is the video. I've heard two completely opposite translations on what is actually being said (the spinners at work). Since I don't speak Arabic, I cannot say for sure what is going on, but it doesn't look like they are being too careful about getting him to the hospital.
Anti muslim rant...after you get through the damn prop 37 commercial. "We need to swamp them with ads until they grow up or something". He's referring to Al Jazzera.
They're not having a friendly exchange of ideas there, there is nothing friendly about that at all. I call bullshit on "taking him to the hospital". Those ass hats are celebrating the fact he is dead.
Me too, those dudes always tell it like it is. I hope those asshats at clear channel don't fire them.
I like how the alternate translation/explanation you got there is from Alex Jones and infowars. Untill I meet a native speaker Ill go with the majority of reports on that one.
I sure don't want to go to the hospital with those guys if I was hurt. It sure didn't seem like a act of kindness to me.-Bud
What ever became of that Lebanese news ( article stating they were murdered and sodomized?