los angeles new pot laws

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jr215, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    Okay, as starter of this thread, can I put an end to it? We all have our own reasons for using marijuana. Some recreational, some medicinal, some both. Peace and love to all!
  2. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Where would the fun be in that :lmao:
  3. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    No sir you may not. :passsit: This is a legitimate topic of debate and I don't think anyone has been out of line. Just some differences in opinions. :passsit:
  4. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Its my thread now bitch!
  5. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    Well okay then
  6. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Now that's outta line! You wanna :boxing: ?? :jj: :passsit:
  7. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    @ Ofo> Have you tried a higher CBD strain like Herijuanan? A higher cbd to thc ratio is supposed to have fewer paranoia and anxiety symptoms.
  8. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Help me find a job when I move there.

  9. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I am on vacation with my parents sleeping in the next room and drunk people coming up to me on the porch (where I attempt to escape the parents for a little toke and watch the ocean). I was quite anxious before as some drunk chick pulled me into a 30 minute conversation about how she moved from Germany for some guy who left her and blah blah blah. I have social anxiety and this heavily accented drunk girl is all over me.....good thing I had some weed because I think I would have shot her without it. So, yeah, it relieves anxiety. I have some heavy Indica Mendo Purps and a Chocolate Caramel Truffle with 400mg hash oil Indica lab tested high CBD like jr215 said. Yeah, I am a WHOLE different person with pot. I made sure to have 2 edibles a day here. I usually have to beg the housekeeping to borrow a vacuum every day as I cannot stand sand. It's not even bothering me. This is pretty much a miracle. I have mostly been smoking whatever at home and not paying attention. And not much edibles. This was a mistake! When I get home and I going to have lots of lab tested indica edibles because this lack of vacuuming is absolutely surreal to me. This carpet is nastly and covered in enough sand to make a small ocean and I don't even care!

    I am so high, sorry, rant. (well, rave really)
  10. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Dont you need water for that?
  11. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    The drips from the pool from the kiddos combined with the sand could account for the small ocean, yes ;)
  12. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    IM in san diego. They closed all the shops and now they deliver it to you. Very,very good prices.
  13. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Word on the street in my area is that it's drier than it's been in a long time in a lot of places in Southern Cali. Better for me, maybe my prices will get better.

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