Crazy my ignorance causes me to think only 'fuck NK" and bluster in my heart about our military might. But Res is on point. Damn right a million hostages. I have to say I cringe when Trump talks. He sounds like a 5th grader - "they better not even think about it" Hey news flash they did! Idiot. "They better be nervous" like it's getting picked for the cool kid team at dodge ball. I see no good solution. Continue with the measured diplomatic response and Kim will continue to make bombs and threaten to use them on people. The fear is of course eventually he will make the first move, bomb somebody, and suck us into a conflict that way.
Trump talks same as the previous, even obama threatened to bring full force of military on them. Likei said mattis said hes end their people Its kinda like kennedy to say russian bombers wouldnt have a place to land in a nuke war. To secure peace is to prepare for war. Obama got us into this mess, same as we will be doing this in 10 years with iran
Obama? You so funny. You think NK is Obama's fault? That's some funny shit right there. How about Clinton for bailing them out ages ago in exchange for no nukes? How about Bush when NK first got noooocler bombs and he cut a deal. NK is a recurring problem America has and EVERY recent President has had to deal with. Clinton straight through to Pres Tiny Hands. Nobodies hands are clean.
They all share blame thats for sure, but obama never showed a back bone with the new leader whatever fuck his name is. Youve seen the reports of this dude feeding people to dogs, anti aircraft guns etc, shit he killed his own brother in broad daylight. That being said, a ground war with nk would prob be one of the worst decisions ever. They shoot at guam, light em up....thrn drop pop tarts out of helicopters, im sure his army would defect if we feed them...well his army wont, but civilians may. Tuff talk and making china think of a flood of refugees at the same time of us starting a trade war with them should be enough to have them help with this since frankly its always been a proxy war between us and them anyways, and if we dont check china, thry will be the world leader in a few decades
just listened to cnn on the way to work, does chris cuomo hate america? 'we shouldn't bully china into helping', but instead let nk bully us.....seriously are you never trump guys willing to destroy america out of hatred of trump? 'talk like trump makes us on the brink of war''s like no you dumbfuck, them putting a nuke on ICBM that can hit anywhere in america puts us at the brink of war. trump and mattis telling people that we will end their country puts things in perspective for NK. I want a leader that says flat out I will destroy you if you fuck with me. Same as if someone threatened me and my family, I'm not going to apologize and beg them not too, I'm going to say 'youd better eat your wheaties and get range time in because I do' cnn should be ashamed of themselves, they really should. for better or worse, this issue will finally be dealt with, and NK and china know we aren't playing games. China has to do something, cut off their power or food or else china's economy will be destroyed if this goes any further. love or hate trump, he deserves credit for this but like i said a few years we will be playing this game with Iran, and thats solely because of Obama
...or the the blame. China has lots of levers and buttons that can be pushed. They can be pushed harder by cooperative international pressure. Threatening and playing 'Who's more badass' alienates much of the international cooperation we need to apply real pressure on China. If Tiny Hands' chest thumping works? Great. Awesome! Fantastic even! If it goes badly, lots of people will die and that can't be pinned on Obama, Bush, Clinton, et al. Hmmm kinda like when your favorite AG tries to remove protections for the industry I make my living in?
Nk gets all the blame, dude seriously, they threatened us, being a bitch obviously got us to the point that they have nukes to do this. You honestly dont believe we should allow this like rice suggested by tolerating a nuke armed nk....which means a nuke armed south, japan etc. Wheres your line? Pay him a few billion a year so he doesnt know nuke la...exactly where? Ask pretty please like obama. Let him nuke chicago, then nuke him back...exactly where. And frankly some blame is clinton and obama. They accelerated their program past couple years im sure because of libya. They gave up nuke weapons program and got raped on live tv with a knife....who do you think kim feels about that? Trust us, we made a deal with libya to give up weapons, still overthrew him and raped him with a knife....thats why we are were we are. If we continue to be a bitch though, this will continue. Its shit or fet off the pot time. Tjeir program isnt as advanced as they say so tjey will habe to stand down, if they pull the trigger than they all die About sessions, total strawman for many many reasons, but its weird how we all bitch about certain people making life harder and killing income and its certainly not sessions. Legal markets arent going away and will never be amendment will always be renewed...and trump will reclassify to help combat heroin problem, come election time. but legal markets are acting illegally and fucking those whos actually got their balls on the line...not the feds. And for the love of all things holy i dont understand why you dont want the gangs out of our market. They really are killing people and robbing etc, im not mad to see them guys fucked over. My family means more to me than marijuana, i dont want my kids killed im robbery by some idiot for a few dollars. That being said, my balls arent out there like they used to be, we are still waiting to hear whos got contracts so im keeping my nose clean. But im pretty sure no matter what i will be either working or consulting as i know two large companies personally thay bid on the big contracts and frankly they are both likely to get them. The reason i bring that up, is because with sessions issue i would have more to lose than you....illegal market hasnt changed, the only threat is to medical, and no one is worried But legal market has killed anyone that thought they could retire growing and live happily ever after....shit if pot went full legal nationwide pot growers wouldnt habe a pot to piss in. Itd be like selling tomatoes. So many members would lose their ass, those that rely solely off growing are going to hurting pretty bad. People should learn to compromise and know whats in their best interest. We all have different goals, im pretty sure of you took a poll over all illegal growers most wouldnt trade all their income to be legal and have to work a 9-5. Compromise and realizing some need to eat is fair in my can call me what you want for saying that but it gets hard for you to justify dropping prices and not being taxed at like 30% from uncle sam ontop of rock bottom lbs
Yea both sides are morons. Nazis and commies, neither are american nor represent our values. Like ive said countless times on this thread, extremism is never good
Sessions is a scarecrow only to growers drunk on Trump jizz. We know who that is. In any other world a grower would despise his Prohibitionist ass. Yes, if the Pres. escalates tensions in international confrontations there is accountability and blame. Kim's excuse is he's insane. Methinks Tiny Hands excuse is pretty much the same.
you are fixated on half a sentence with no regards to the rest of the memo nor its intention, or even his actions. like i laid out, NK isn't trumps doing, if anything Obama made it impossible to have peace....and we will be doing this same dance with iran in a few years. one president bombed many countries, overthrew governments etc, is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and he's got a nobel peace prize, the other said mean words to a tyrant and is some how worse in your eyes
Obama was a war Pres who is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. We went from 4 countries we were bombing to 7 under Obama. What's yer point? That he sucked and killed people in the name (excuse) of US safety? That he fed the military industrial complex billions of $$$? Who's defending Obama here and why should Obama dick moves exonerate DJT's idiocy. If Trump betters his mark by exacerbating our position with a tyrant nutjob into yet another war or a nuke strike, he deserves credit for the fuck-up. The Orange Fart Blossom in Chief is already on his way to further expansion of military spending...what's adding some more death on top of it?
some heap big trouble. NK actually using nukes and threatening to use them on people. The economic war machine that profits from conflict. These are big ass problems along with others. Trump didn't create these problems. I'm not sure he's making them any better and sucks for him NK seems to be stepping up there game on his watch. The race to the bottom in rhetoric may not be the way to go. As for blaming presidents of the past? Meh. Useless conjecture. As if we all could have taken care of it if only they had listened to us earlier. Like when I was 25. I knew way more than anybody then. If not Kim jung looney pants then some one of the other thousands of unstable despots still dying to get themselves a nuke. It's a problem the world has to deal with. Having nuclear bombs on the planet is like keeping a loaded uzi in the house with kids. You know it's eventually going to be a problem.
there is no safety from the US unless you have a nuke....that's what obama/clinton created when they over threw lybia, and moreover he gave the same deal to Iran. about the war machine, for better or worse it's why we are not in poverty. the lone reason we are a super power is that wars arent fought on our soil. after wwii we still have our industry standing thus by default becoming the leader of the free world. it is what it is, no different than any other country. you guys act like man hasnt fought man since the beginning of time. hell we weren't even on the world stage until after reconstruction from our own civil war. you can sing kumbaya my lord all you want, but no one will ever get rid of their nukes now, we've shown the world what happens even breaking our own deals. you can't put that genie back in the bottle
I disagree with your facts and reasoning, and conclusions but I'm not sure what your point is anyway so who cares? My point is our system has problems, the world has problems, that predate the current admin, and won't go away when it does. Big problems and I'm not so confident in the pilot. The takeoff has been turbulent. The other thing is it's not bad to envision the way things should be.
Our system is the best in the world. What would you prefer, venezula? Isnt that the socialist eutopia, bernie and all the leftists loved that place until a few weeks ago right? Or china, nk, exactly who has a better system? We have safe gaurds in place, those places dont....socialism always leads to communism and the death of its own people....always. Europe is finally falling, only reason it did so well was because of us occupation after the war....but that socialism has finally caught up, the germans enslaved a continent without directly firing a shot. They are killing their own people but hey the politicians and globalists are getting wealthy beyond all expectations. The us is the best, i wish we savoired our libertarian roots more, but it is what it is But i wouldnt mind knowing what facts you disagree with? Lybia? Because i can cite sources, its pretty much common know we bombed the fuck out of them, and overthre egypt, tried to in syria, etc et Its hard for you to believe that obama single handedly (well with clinton and other globalists) murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people isnt it? You can accept that fact, shit his numbers make bush look like a bitch
I feel obama has alot at fault with Korea, during his time in the white house, korea got strong fast and that line in the sand shit has bit us in the ass now. Obama should of bitch slapped korea when they first got the nukes. No one wants war but now they got shit that can hit us. Just like the cuban missle crises again. At least Kennedy talked the talk and was prepaired to walk the walk. Think of what H clinton would of done in this case, it would of been "I got pms, I cant make the military meeting" maybe kim jung dumb will know Trump will give the "fuck them up" order and people on our side might die, but not as many people that would further down the road if trump does nothing. Maybe new talks and Sanctions will work but if not "we are locked and loaded with fire and Fury" sounds like a new arnold swartzinaggar movie title.
Nip I love ya but I think you are a nutcase. I think its safe to say we have some serious problems here in the good ole US of A. Predatory capitalism is like a virus that eventually kills it's host. We are all in it, a part of it. I see the matrix, whereas you don't appear to. Just because there has never been a time in human history when some group somewhere wasn't trying to exploit and/or eradicate another group doesn't make it OK to do so. Rape is probably a pretty old idea. Still a bad idea. "My country, above all" is a near step to "my country, right or wrong." This is a mentally lazy approach. Use some critical thinking. C'mon flex those brain muscles on something other than justifying your decision to vote for His Idiocy. See we here at GK have a long tradition of mocking the idiots in power. JCIO i know what your saying. It's not working what we are doing because in another year NK will have the confirmed ability to hit the continental US with a nuke. He can already hit Guam, which is a US territory. It's like watching a madman slowly raise a gun to your head. At what point do you risk all and grab for the weapon? Maybe trump will fuck em up despite the cost, (BTW what better than to have the US gov owe you tons of money?) while the gun is still pointed at some random Asian baby you don't even know? Always a tough choice. Very tough choice indeed. Me personally I have a Scottish temper. You don't want me in charge because I'd be carpet bombing NK back to the Precambrian Era. I'd spare as many civilians as i could so they could live out their lives hating America too (NOT- kill em ALL). You know that like half the world is descended from Ghengis Khan? One man raped his way to spawning a billion offspring. Even though he died a horrible death, in the end he kind of won the race to spread your genes. Promulgation of the species and all. might makes right.
Supermo, id say the same about you lol. I never said capitalism was perfect, but neither is life. To say ever captialist is bad is just wrong. Everyone here that ever grew pot for a fee is a capitalist, you provided a service for an agreed upon fee. I see most of these people protresting the president as in dire need of mental health treatment. It does kind of remind me of you, because nothing is good enough, nothing he ever does will be good enough. They bitch about the machine, but back the machine out of ignorance or arrogance. Donald trump was the biggest fuck you to the status quo we could have. Clinton was the machine, obama was the machine. You seem to think we can all just sing and be friends, that will never happen. Im a tour vet, you know how many predators there were are tour, a place that shouldnt had any actually was a safe haven for them. You know the difference between being labeled custie or being fam? Just like socialism or communism, the top become predators, its just human nature. You could have someone with best intentions, but it cant stop human greed. Look at bernie, bernie started as a joke and no backing...he was truest to his principals then (he was still a conman), the bigger he got, the more corrupt. Look at the man now, private jet, multi homes, never meets with people. Life isnt about everyone gettinf the same result, its about having the starting point which we do have in america. Because no matter who you are born too, we dont have a cast style like socialism requires. You are not your father, you are you...but you gotta work hard. Its just like most here want full legalization, until they have it and can no longer make a living, only the rich make it when that happens. Even though weve been on trenches for years, fuck us, the rich deserve our fruit because of social justoce or something. Some ideas seem good until they actually happen But back to topic.. Its ironic that those who oppose hate justify their hate against people they dont even know isnt it? Ironic that people complain about people carrying nazis flags because nazis killed millions and we fought a war against them....whilr carrying hammer and sickle which killed multi times as many, that we fought many wars against. Its ironic when people hate, they actually protray the traits that they supposedly hate isnt it. Me, i dont hate too much, i wont give people that power of me. Im a live and let live, been there done that, got the scars to prove it. I will admit im an asshole that pokes the bear when its pissed until the bear realizes they isnt shit the bear can do to change the situation. But frankly, like ive said here many times, trump was the boggest fuck you we had, we fucked both parties....and this so called social justice shit, yea fuck that. Sjw are neither moral nor the majority, only a true cuck would back them, thry attack their own as soon as anyone exprrsses an opinion. The march for communism, even though thst same systrm would murder them all like it has in the past.