May Donald Trump's Soul Rot in Hell

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SuperMoChombo, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Breaking news, north korea just announced they backed down about guam.

    Crazy aint it
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Who ran over who? Rather creepy rationalization for hate filled with hate...but have it. Hammer sickle war socialism scaremongering bullshit? Dude, you're drunk. Go sleep it off. Wipe you're chin btw or you'll have a crusty pillow in the morn.

    DJT is a pig. Just had to add that to keep up my image.
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Oh Oh! Something worked! Good for Donnie you came a little.
  4. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    actually can't really drink so much anymore, finally got a bleeding ulcer from work and kids are finally back in school so summer is officially over for me

    rationalizing what exactly? it seems like you are rationalizing the lefts behavior. I frankly condemned both, have numerous times thru out the thread...antifa, blm, kkk, nazi....literally all the same to me. They are all far left which violates my core beliefs...nazi does mean national socialist. Both groups violate the basic american principal, I don't see any difference between any of them

    Let me guess, you like supermo think communism would work, just 'real' communism has never been tried? A belief system that murdered over 100,000,000 of it's own people....when i see people think that way it sounds just as fucked up as if someone tried to tell my real nazism has never been tried

    but im guessing from your response about the car it means...see..see..look we were justified beating innocent old men and women, macing people, hitting them with bike locks, putting fireworks in glass bottles and throwing them....all justified now...the 10s of thousands of hours of video of us burning cars, looting, harming innocents is all ok because you gotta punch a nazi

    about NK, i think we should all be happy about that.
  5. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Just for the record I believe somebody who shall remain unnamed is making up stuff.

    Probs with NK aren't over.

    Capitalism is a problem. One problem is it creates a zero sum game by using scarcity as lever. A better system would not incentivize us to compete but to collaborate.

    Chris hedges is on point

    ResinRubber likes this.
  6. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    uhh, if that's what you actually believe im not sure what to say.

    laughable to say the least.

    so a man that once was a part of occupy wall street is our savior? you know who else was part of that movement Kessler that organized unite the right. because socialism always leads to that....always

    a man that is an open communist, supports someone who killed 100,000,000 of innocent people is your savior?

    are you fucking crazy?? hey Nazism isn't bad, it just hasnt been tried. do you not understand in order for socialism to last, it has to have a boogeyman to go after?

    and again, white people are bad right? because people should be ashamed of the way they are born.

    I'm kind of speechless, but hey, at least we know where you stand....obviously not with americans, nor the thought that people should be free.

    hey, how much you charging for lbs these days? how do you live with yourself knowing that you represent what you hate? or is that different. how much taxes have you paid, surely you have an llc to pay taxes for your grows, or are you above that....just us peons, us servants that are beneath your wisdom should pay taxes.

    can you point to a good communist country....just one
  7. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    The guy who ran over the people at the white power rally, funny how because hes white they just thought he was a racist, they didnt report his full name (check that out) and also check which side of the protest he was on... White oppression is at play here.

    Famous CNN reporting line,.."so what you are saying is"......(thats not what I said)...."so what you mean is"...(thats not what I meant)....."so what you meant to say was".....

    When will the BS reporting stop trying to push their agenda. The gay black guy said last night his family was sold into slavery by white people, but the truth was, his black brothern sold him to the white man. Dont report ever get tired of white and black, gay and straight people starting shit and only one side gets all the bad side.

    Did that make sense?
    Lvstickybud likes this.
  8. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    the organizer of 'unite the right' was team obama, part of occupy wall know the group of fucking idiots that blamed corporations by standing in line for iphones and bitched about taxes on facebook (who doesn't pay taxes). the same group that demonized banks but doesn't even know what the fucking fed is.

    the driver might be a nazi, who knows, he may be a nazi because he became one because as a teen he was prob called one every day. Racism is like Beetlejuice, you say that shit enough, it shows it's head. But just like the fucking morons on the left always do, they already gave him his defense, he was attacked, you can see it in the video his car being attacked...because the left only knows violence.

    i'm just taking aback by the recent developments...honestly i am.

    here I've been trying to have a half way normal conversation, even after being called every name in the fucking someone who turns out wants to murder my kids, my wife, me....every member here that disagrees with his masters. Someone that grows illegally, doesn't pay taxes, wants to install a dictatorship to murder people just like him....murder people that just want to live their own life

    shit is kind of stunning.

    but at least we know now. honestly feel like a black guy visiting friends and seeing a klan robe in the closet

    I may bitch about government, but i love my country and my fellow americans...I just want less government because government always causes corruption, here we have someone that worships government so much he'd use it to kill you, me, over half the members here. fuck actually all, pretty sure its a death sentence being involved with drugs in commie countries.....same as commies killed gays, mentally ill people (which basically is why they kill their own supporters) and just about every one else

    i'm not trying to send people to death my masters can get rich

    fuck a commie, eat your wheaties if you think you'll harm my family
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Are you fucking nuts? And death camps? Hey bro....who's in favor of a police state?'s not antifa, it's not Bernie bros, it's it's not leftist protesters, it's not the almost 70% of Americans who think Tiny Hands is nuts.

    The police state backers, the lovers of private prisons, the more military always, the shifters of wealth the to top are the Repubs and corporate democrats.

    For your twisted analogy to be correct as a Trump/Sessions supporter on a pro cannabis website you'd be the guy in a Klan robe visiting your black friends house. That's exactly how I feel about your Sessions supporting ass being in this thread and on this website. Also, that a Nazi sympathizer would be also be angry at Wall Street surprises you? These guys hate Wall Street as much as the "commies" that you're so afraid of hurting your family. It's a natural place for Kessler to show up.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  10. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Hilarious, lets take a poll and see how many want to live under communism.

    did you not have school were you grew up?
    the most authoritarian government position one could have, one that's murdered over 100,000,000 people under it's rule for not following their laws.

    you fly a fucking flag that represents the oppression of people, the murder of innocent civilians under the most authoritarian government system ever created and thats not what you want? Shit Supermo cited an open communist, he doesn't even hid the fact

    hey guys, quick google search, really all you have to start typing is 'mass killin.......and google will predict under communist regimes

    you and supermo defend that shit, how the fuck do you even have the balls to bitch about sessions when you think that those who don't agree with the state should be murdered?

    and about sessions, do we need a little remedial reading?? do you know what transnational means, for literally the 1000th time?? is that out of your vocab? is that why you don't understand what that memo was for? or that he went to central america etc.. I know you can't admit youre wrong, but everyone else knows that you are

    but gets better...........because you have the fucking balls to defend communism that would put people like us to death.

    do you remotely think it's possible to be a bigger hypocrite? i sure as fuck don't...fuck this guy that wants to go after international criminals that literally murders growers, we shoud have a system of government that murders it's citizens for growing. are you fucking smoking meth?

    first off, that's a pussy ass comment, but great at the same time because you've absolutely proven my point that socialism always leads to this...and youre not even smart enough to realize that before you typed it
    whats hilarious is everyone can see what type of man you are, when i proved you wrong in the beginning that hurt your feelings so bad it's been nothing but names since............and now we know why, because you two are commies, Supermo is without question, read his shit. But you still attack me, whats that called Napoleon Complex?

    you going to sit here and call half this site cock suckers, cum gozzlers, traitors etc...or is it just me...because if it's just me, then you have no conviction and i nailed that on the head with the Napoleon complex....or you willing to destroy the site because your feelings are hurt and we don't live under a communist regime that murders pot farmers

    Oh seen that you liked the communist also, so are dems cock suckers too? Should webby lose his biz, cant have that shit in communism, what about people like disco whos trying to start a to the gulags? Or fuck aby pot company, you literally are saying fuck all these evil capitalists, we should have government dictact who has what, who works where for a living.

    I can deal with the name calling, so good a head....end of the day, at least im not a commie, something that goes aga8nst everything our community stands for, everything our country has stood for....fuck everything the world has stood against.

    Let me guess, in your mind, youd be one of the top guys in your commie idea, lol, so it wouldnt happen that time

    Maybe we should make a stickie that says commies only, fuck come to think about only government provides education under commie rule...should sites like these be banned...we dont wanna upset you my fuhrer

    Edit to add, interesting reading, lol...i wonder of which of you all res and supermo would turn in so they could create their pure world...lmao, remember to goose step when you go to chop those plants

    Hint, if you dont fully support clinton, then obviously you are the new jew iin nazi germany, or under communist rule, necause they are both the same
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  11. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Men we all gotta tone it down a notch and not add our own theatrics to the already abundant theatrics abroad.

    The facts remain true: we are having this duscussion In the digital equivalent to a smoky hash bar full of folks not averse to living by a set of rules that don't always exactly read like the ones the legislators come up with.

    I'm not adverse to listening to others opinions. Thanks for posting. I think your out to lunch nip but it's ok I've had friends throughout my life that believe crazy shit and I still love them.

    But don't get too bent if I call you nuts. And as in real social situations let's observe some rules of civility and clear communication: You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Yeah right. Folks like me want to murder your family and you. Who's nuts or delusional?

    Keep chuggin' the jizz, keep chuggin' the jizz.
    SuperMoChombo likes this.
  13. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Then likes this comment
    Makes sense.

    There is no difference between nazis and commies except one kills for racial purity, the other social purity. But both kill innocent people and their supporters are those who have to blame others for failures in life

    And res, the fuhrer has no clothes. Ive done nothing to you, everyone sees that and sees what you post.

    oh thats right, i wont freak out and ruin my country because sessions is going after cartels and international gangs. Read the news today? mutli raids against ms 13 in mutli many legal grows raided? Weird, its almost like hes going after cartels like he said

    Blind hatred, what could go wrong. No wonder you guys adhere to the absolute worst philosphy ever invented and has killed more innocent people than any other cause.

    Funny though, this is why i bowed out of ny, because if you guys are really like this why would i want my family exposed to that? Im sure dx didnt understand at thevtime, he may after he reads this thread once hes feeling better

    Pure vileness, nothing redeeming
  14. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Nobody posting in this thread that's for sure! Lol

    I'm not buying it nip. You are unconvincing. You are probably religious. It's ok I grew up in the Boredom Belt. I have a BA in Religious Studies. I used to be religious myself.

    Look if espousing my political views violates the terms of service or hurts someone I'll do it elsewhere. I know some folks think trumps great and maybe they are offended by my views. I don't want to offend, I want to entertain and enlighten. Originally I just wanted to vent and didn't think it would offend anyone in this site.
  15. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Whatever you have to tell yourself.

    Ask him, or better yet, describe what you think i am to him and think if it matches

    I see you online, ill give this a few minutes before i delete attachment
  16. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Nip tone it down buddy. I'm not sure what you actually believe but whatever it is, try to remain calm. Please stop threatening me, accusing me of crazy stuff, and harassing me because I don't like trump and think the gov and corps are screwing me and you too.

    Joking about you being drunk on trumps jizz because you seem fanatically defendant of his every twitch and tweet is pretty tame and I started it with that hilarious pic of sessions blowing out his cheeks. No crying from you then.

    Ok now post a book about how I support blah blah blah and some other made up fantasy crap that is totally off topic and that you read on breitbart.

    Meanwhile the empire crumbles...
  17. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    By all means please leave me out of your travel plans. lol it'll be hard and all but I think I'll somehow summon the courage to survive not seeing you in person. Be tough tho. I'll hang in there.
  18. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    I do so enjoy being trolled on a grow site by a creepy alt right religious nut masquerading as a human being
    ResinRubber likes this.
  19. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Not a lot of sense. James Alex Fields Jr. from Ohio. Flunked out of basic, a wanna be soldier. He was on the Nazi side.That side gets all the bad side, especially when they kill someone. And rightly so.

    He may have been schizo and off his meds, which is sad.

    There were mobs of armed white supremacists carrying torches roaming UVA. That's not a peaceful demonstrations. That's a terror tactic.

    You have some source of information about this guy that contradicts the above? Not about a black guy who sold his brother. Keep to James Alex fields.
    ResinRubber likes this.
  20. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    There is a muslim name added to his name, it was on somewhere. I will go back and find it,not sure if he is radicalized, someone in his family reported he was being attacked by protester side when fight broke out, so their infotmation was diffrrent than what was reported. Guess we will have to wait to hear from his side at the trial., i knows it kinda off topic on your thread here, just making a stand on false reporting out there, CNN and others want to report their side, with alot of jump the gun stuff at first
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017

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