Yea thats pretty much how outdoor growing is for me too but i just keep at it since i have abunch of bagseed from mids/headies. Im probaly a good 5-8 hr drive north of palm bay.
Sebastion Inlet was my spot... Little south of Indiatlantic Beach. Great waves even better ladies! Caught my 1st tube there which is rare for Florida breaks. You prob have no waves at all way up there..
i'm just glad mine are inside,lol i refuse to squat and pee on my plants as a barrier to critters of any kind,lol :icon_scratch: this was hysterical to me,lol see the advantages of being men! It would be hard to get all lined up to pee in just the right area,lmaoooooo
UPDATE: checked on my small outdoor patch today Heres pics of all the ones in small pots on top of a fallen down tree's root's do they look over watered to you guys its been raining alot here i think they are a little over watered. This spot is where i want them to be moved to and stay in that spot till harvest. When should i move those ones in the pots to there and should i just transplant into the ground or into bigger pots and move them there?
following this post i have been following this post..and you have put in more effort than anyone else i have seen on here...i am trying a guerilla grow this summer...and you have been asking the questions i would be asking so getting the info from gfam and wizard and others is great..i appreciate all the help from this thread so keep the info coming....thanks... smur you and i live in different climates thats for sure..i am in southeast...near coast....looks like lots of stuff growing well in your you should be i least 6 hours of sunlight a day...may your plants live long and
i am thinking way to much water, also nice spot but ya may wanna put a barrier around them after all they are kinda in the youth stage ya know! Do some land clearing too! I noticed one or more kinda leaning over ya might wanna upright those. I saw that a few have considered pee'ing around the grow area to keep out critters, but i suggest cloves of garlic and onion sprouts...also keeps vampires away!:bongin:
also smurf ya need a different medium like maybe add some diiferent soil one that has a better drain capability..i'm new to this too and just learning after reading an entire bible on growing,lol so we are both learning but this is my first thought on what i see in your grow so far. good luck!assit:
UPDATE: well its been a good 2 weeks or more since i been to my patch beacause its been raining ALOT in the last 2 weeks on and off every few days. today i think its getting dryer and it was cold and windy outside(which is weird for this time of year in my area). i don't know if my small plants in little pots survived the storms so i am germing around 15 bagseed right now and when they start to sprout i will go check my patch thats probaly not alive next to the swamp and i will plant germd seeds in a dryer spot aprox. 50-100 yards away from the swamp area. im praying one of my plants survived the storms
Umm well white tail deer have better eyesight but they are colorblind as are most deer. I have so many deer who feed in my yard and will tell ya, their sense of smell and hearing are far better then eyesight lol Just like the old saying " your like a deer caught in the headlights" As for peeing....umm if they are tame then that does NOT work lol Plus best to pee and let it sit for at least 24 hours plus dilute it just a tad. Personally like Mastro stated, chicken wire is the best, get those tomatoe ones too for the wind conditions. Your other pics did look as tho they were too wet so be careful of the roots rotting unless you can transplant them to get a better drain going. Now you live with ur folks? Shame for I started my seedlings with my dad and we take them indoors at night and then back out in the morning. If raining then nooo they stay inside. I too have critter issues up north so yah it is one pesky problem for sure so go invest in some tomato cages plus chicken wire and even barb wire for deer LOVE to munch on mj plants or any flower and plant lol When you know it is gonna storm, cover them with trash bags to protect them as well. Ohh and if it is sunny the next days, do not water them and let them get VERY thirsty bro, it will really pay off as sometimes as dry spell just makes them VERY hearty Make them whine for water. PM me if you need help.....i been growing outdoors for years so maybe I can help ya out. I know Chris was kidding bout the six pack so please do not try that for you do not want to draw ANY attention to your site. ] Peace and happy growing~mermaid
Update with pics: well as u know my seedlings were put out side with an unexpected enevitability of being in a 2 week rain and this morning i went out there and it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be! so i picked up all the pots and moved em to my location to be transplanted. so i transplanted them into the ground and this is what the small spot looks like aprox. 4x4 ft. they r in the ground in this pic just too small to be seen. the plants look very bad right now i hope they can recover and get on track to growing good. this is the best plant out of the 5 that were out in rain thier 1st weeks of sprouting.(this one never grew above the outsides of the pot it was in which is why i think its not falling over and stuff like the other 4) as for the other 4 they sadly look like this from all the rain and the wind since they were in a elevated spot. I transplated them into the ground in hopes of some of them recovering from all the stress and possibly end up with atleast one healthy female from the 4 that got thier seedling ass's kicked. i also planted 10-15 germd seeds in the ground in this spot, so that gives me more chance now its time to blaze:bongin: o btw when i was back thier i saw about 15 deer and took a good bit to get em to fuck off:icon_confused: any feedback/advice/suggestions are greatly apriciated:welcome:
Smurf, well being it stopped raining and does not rain anymore in the next week, they could recover. Plants are stronger then we think but root rot would be my worry. When you transplanted them, how did the roots look??? Oh and do NOT water them for days....actually I would let them dry out and work for their water at this point. Hard to tell from just the pics of the babies as with any heavy rain they will look all sickly but then spring back up. Wish you had a better pic of the roots. From the looks of the pics that soil still looks really wet. Let them bathe in the sun and hopefully tomorrow they all start looking better. As for the deer, yah they LOVE mj just as much as they love any flower, tomato plant and other veggies. This is the time they will eat your crops and plow down gardens. Get tomato cages bro to protect those babies from further damage. Not only deer but all critters will go after your grow. Good luck and happy growing.
I'll tell ya what's worked for me to keep critters and bugs off my plants.. I make a "tea" by simmering garlic cloves, cayanne pepper, black pepper and liquid dish soap in water and spray it on the plants. Don't forget underneath the leaves! I'm thinking of adding tobacco to the brew too as the nicotine would def. help keep bugs off as well. You have to re-spray after a heavy rain. I also have cut 'chips' out of a bar of soap and threw them around the perimeter of my patch and I've never had my plants munched when I did this. A small piece of copper wire wrapped around the base of the stalk will keep slugs off too. I know this thread is a month old but, thought I'd share my experience. Smurf, got an update for us?
yes i got an update but its sad lol.....i need to get chicken wire cuz theres a fucking herd of deer (atleast 15 i saw them all at once) and when i went back to check on them it lookd as if they had been trampled on so i will need to get a chicken wire fence if i wan't to continue outdoors but i think im just gonna wait till i can do it indoors cuz im lazy/busy i could probally get something like this this one is cheapest but its 36in tall idk if that would be tall enuf to keep deer from jumpin over then totally massacre my girls. heres the link to the hex fencing page does anyone recommend anything in particular? i think it should be like 4 ft tall idk tho:icon_confused: (hex mesh fencing^) they also have this (trying not to spend over 50$ on fencing any suggestions?) also i have zero experience putting these kind of barriers into the ground so any suggestions/advice greatly apreaciated.:welcome: would this work? its 7ft tall and 100ft long and cheap but its plastic so idk shit lol:icon_confused: i just found this one it looks like my best bet if it is tall enuough