not my fault they own a lumber company and own all the wooded areas because they r richest people in like the sure if he found them then called the cops and said there may be more..he'd be covered.. ne ways kinda think it was a ripper, seems the teens go atving all the time there.. ne ways i doubt u all have found spots where no one owns the land, ne logging trails there? do you really feel bad that, that "huge company" would not be able to clear cut miles of forests for profit? leaving deer ,bear ,wolves etc no place to live other then under the shed in the backyard,which is my land and garbage they tear up cus there real home was takin and they were to cheap to replant the land. i thought u were hippies, not hard asses like the gov't who get a nice chunk of money out of it then turns around and instead of fixing roads or something they give it to police funding to stop pot heads/growers and not ex,coke or meth addicts? forgive me if im wrong but this company fully supports the cops/ its a company not someones backyard or cornfield, which dont get me started ive heard a couple people say oh i grew on a corn field,or r going too..but noo. u cant plant on a logging companies land???do it on the farmers field so he can tend to them without knowing??then he can get in trouble for it?also im in a small province and anything not owned is crown land or environmentalist buying the land to save it from loggers,if i grew there the gov't would take that land and sell it..too.. yes a logging company..sorry if yall think im a jerk off,so be it give me -reps lol this is jus like when i mentioned i stole a plant..which was growing on the new millenium trail...where people take there families down it...but um u still all opinionated the same about it? or am i still in the wrong here???:icon_scratch: