My new RDWC setup

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by toshin, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. toshin

    toshin Active Member

    The ESP8266 with the stock ESP-01 firmware on it is only 9600. I'm flashing with a lua interpreter that gives full access to the micro controller and wifi interface. I won't be using any external micro, just the one on ESP board. Haven't done boolean algebra specifically in a while but it shows up in programming all the time.

    So far things are running well with the pump and timers, plants are doing well.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  2. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    So much stuff is available today for digital fun and games. The last time I played with code it was for an 8085a processor, back in the days when 64k worth of address space was impressive. They've come a long ways...
    toshin and blazerwill420 like this.
  3. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Ill leave the tech up to you guys, i prefer mech for numerous reasons, mainly from experience.

    But when you get done, through up a how interested, just would worry about higher rate of failure.

    But then again, i prefer digi ballast over magnetic, sometimes its nice to lesrn new tricks
  4. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I do. I took electronics at Devry. Woooh what a pain it was at first.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  5. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Do you code? I studied assembly and c++. Couldn't code my way out of a paper bag now though, it's been years.
  6. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Yes, this. I used the 8088. I did assembly, c++ and basic.
  7. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Only code I learned was html. Made a cool web site years back.

    Only thing i liked about devry was the lab and the parties.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  8. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    All I hear when I see code is "Secret mission if you choose to accept...."

    I'm drifting toward the stone age.
    Lvstickybud and blazerwill420 like this.
  9. toshin

    toshin Active Member

    I went there too, quite some time ago.

    I'm a professional coder, have been doing it for quite a while now. I've done things in assembly for various processors, c, c++, objective c, java, javascript, python, ruby, forth and some others. Currently working in data analytics area. Things got really interesting in the micro controller space with the Arduino, these ESP8266 chips are even better.

    This micro controller I've added a temp sensor with pullup, and connected a gpio to the reset pin on the chip. It is what reports temperature readings in the main room currently.
  10. toshin

    toshin Active Member

    Definitely worried about failures myself. Most of my worry is on the pump or sensor side. I've tried to create the entire system to be fail safe. Worst case scenario it should behave as a plain old DWC setup. I've got spare water pumps and air pumps here to cover my bases for mechanical failure. Adding the micro controller and sensors should allow me to detect a failure without having to physically go into the room.
  11. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    We got another geek here! So how old is your ttl book? Rofl. Mines from the 90's. and I forgot about JavaScript, played around with that one too and Oracle when object oriented programming was first catching on. Void main void. You push, I pop. Or not.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
  12. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I went to devry in OH back in the 80's. Then I decided I liked drinking beer and playing guitar better. Oh and the one day I skipped class, a armor car back door flew open on the interstate and bags of money fell out. People made off with 100's of thousands, it was so much money lost they offered 20% reward if you brought back money and peoole brought back lots of money thinking they would go to jail because others got pictures.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  13. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    The top lead on the sensor looks like it's barely on there... Is that an AD590?
  14. toshin

    toshin Active Member

    DS18B20. It's been holding on pretty good for a while now, maybe its the flash angle on it.
  15. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    I had to look that one up. Lots of stuff in a tiny package. Very cool.
  16. toshin

    toshin Active Member

    Another issue has popped up, it's been quite hot yesterday and today. The room temp got up to 85 and the water temp 82. The reservoir was only half full so I topped it off with cold water and some more nutrients + ph adjustment. Today I've put some ice packs in to keep the temps down. Weather is supposed to cool off again so this should be just temporary. If it continues like this I'll be hooking up this chiller I made.
  17. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Youll need the chiller if temps are like that. Forget the ice packs, prob mostly melted by now. Or prob didnt effect water temp at all.

    You can try freezing bowls of water to make large ice cubes, thr bigger the better but thats a temp fix two, youll have to add more water than capacity or do daily changes.

    The guy i gave all my rdwc stuff to added a larger additional ressy so he could literally add 5 gallons of ice at a time.

    I would get a chiller if you the cash and amps to spare, if not its not to late to take the girls and put em in hempys
  18. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Can you get small chillers for dwc buckets? It would be cool if they had one you could run a few lines in and out?
  19. toshin

    toshin Active Member

    I've built a small chiller, around 80W that I am going to connect up. The room is doing well considering the outside temps. At night it gets significantly cooler. While the room temp has been from 80-90, outside temperature has been over 100. Literally record temperatures the last couple days. In a couple days the highs are going to be back down into the 70's.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
  20. toshin

    toshin Active Member

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