My Outside Try

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Chronic Don, May 23, 2009.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    nice chops ChronicD:thumbsup: You seeded the purp? What's the history? Might fit well for next year in MN. Remember......smoke report.

    cheers to ya,
  2. Relax

    Relax Excommunicated

    Extremely nice purple pistils, what color would you suppose those will cure to?

    When I was in high school a decade ago, there was this buddy of mine that had some type of bud that the pistils were like a bluish/purple/black color. They were really dark, it was a trip. I think he said it was from a guy in scotts valley by santa cruz.
  3. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    Thanks all. It was an experience I hope to enjoy again, next year eh? The purple pistilled buds stay nice and green so far, the pistills get a royal purple color, dark vibrant awesomely tasting.

    The one I call "Glistening Girl" has a very skunk taste and smell. (she will be one of the parent of next years crop. The purple pistilled (nicknamed "Royal Purple") will be another parent.

    I made bubble hash from the small plants and shake and it turned out nice, I heated it and worked it and came up with a nice lump of black putty to smoke. mmmmm
    lukesmommy likes this.
  4. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    WOW and JINKIES too, CD!!! I have NEVER seen pistols that bright purpley color before! Gorgeous colors! What strain is that again?

    Its a shame to hear of your buddy's passing, esp while working together on such a beautiful crop. My thoughts are with you.

    Peace (and purple pistols),

  5. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    I had expected the plants to start flowering about the beginning of AUgust which has been my experience in the past with bought outdoor seeds. How-ever I knew these were climatized to our area I should have been keeping a better eye on them, next year I will be ready for the early flowering, they flowered in 5-8 weeks from seed. since most didnt germ and come up til mid June with the cold spring we had I need to be ready for even earlier flowering.

    I will be selling some seeds from this crop, dont know where or how but by Hallowe'en I hope to have them available.

    Next year I plan to plant 2 of the phenos who'se seeds I kept seperated.

    1 will be the "Royal Purple" I will keep an eye out for males leaving only the first to flower of the pheno I want to pollenate the best 2 females showing the purple pheno. I will do the same with the other type, the one who glistened like she was wet. she (my "Glistning Girl") is a lighter shade of green with distinct afghani/skunk features and smells/tastes.

    I don't know if I'm allowed to sell any seeds from here but if not then I will make a website and if I can post a link here. I will not be shipping to countries who forced Canada to extradite a person for doing something not illegal in Canada. I will send to any others where selling/possessing marijuana seeds is legal.

    My wife who helped trim everything fell in love with the purple and loves the effects of her. mellow tasting, smooth not harsh on the lungs. And kicks you in the ass. I tend to fall asleep after smoking it with her at night after she gets home from work.

    The "Glistening Girl" is my favourite as she reminds me of the old kick ass skunk bud around 20yrs ago. The wet look won me over too.

    I'll take some close ups of the dried buds showing the colors etc and post in the next day or two.

    Have a great day everyone
  6. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Kick Ass!! :thumbsup:
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Why not simply use ?
  8. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Good haul DON, nice!
  9. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    Seedbay? I've never heard of it. I am checking it out now.

    I'll post how to find me there if I use it.

    Thanks man for the info.

    Yes it was alright of a haul, not what I was hoping for but it will last me a long time. Next year will do better.

    something ate a few plants, moose shit was near them, the cows mostly knocked things over and crushed them, theb ear didnt dig anything up. I used farmer fert formula for a hemp crop when I rototilled everything and after that was a foliar spray when they started flowering. it was fish and kelp based tho.
  10. jollygreen

    jollygreen Veggy Stage

    looked good to me for a quick try. Seedbay?
  11. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    Yes I've cjhecked it out a I think its a place that takes 40% to sell your seeds for you. and other costs that do not seem feasible to make it a useful site to sell on, but maybe a good spot to buy from.

    I expect by next week to have a domain and website going. I'll post the url when I do
  12. Relax

    Relax Excommunicated

    Psssssshhhh, 40% thats f#@kin outrageous. People must be pretty desperate to sell their seeds if they are putting up with that. I dont understand some people :icon_scratch: and never will I suppose..:new_microwave:
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    40% is steep but it is a well respected outlet that takes risk and hassle off of small seed suppliers. Where else you going to sell through if you're a US grower? Want to put up an ad with YOUR U.S. addy to get tracked and busted? Remember, interstate and international sale of MJ seeds is a federal offense. They may turn a blind eye for buying small quantities, but if you need to move lots of seeds and are shipping.....well...that's simply foolish to do in the US.

    Just my 0.02
  14. Relax

    Relax Excommunicated

    RR your right i agree with the aspect of U.S. sales but 40% thats some f'ed up s#!t. I think 30% would be a better number. 40% is just too close to half lol for being 3rd party type deal. Oh well I'm glad i dont have to pawn seeds right now.
  15. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    I live in Canada and do not plan to send to a dictatorship such as the USA, With what they've done to Marc Emery and the BC three I'll never send there or any other non UK country.
  16. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    well its another year alreadyé we ll see if my preparations go as hoped.

    I have 200 of the glistening girl sprouting and 250 of the royal purple. I had frost a few nights ago and dont know if we are frost free yet. after they are up and going Ièll post some pictures. The smoke was awesome, hopefully with having seperate areas for each type I can stabilize each pheno and have them get better each year. I never sold any seeds I just gave some away to other local growers. It seems its very risky here to sell seeds. so I think seedbay will get some come fall so I can spread the joy.

    Good luck everyone with your outdoor shows.
  17. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    Well what a thing to wake up to, freezing temperatures and snow.

    So much for my crop being early/on time, now I'll need to reseed.

  18. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

  19. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    That would suck as i have my garden planted already!
  20. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    That sucks man, sorry to hear.

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