Thanks everyone for the compliments, it helps. As to selling seeds... I plan to, when I do get them to seedbay I will let everyone know. Hell I thought about giving a few away from here but rules dont allow. Last year I'm glad I didnt sell any as I need to stabilize the pheno. this yrs crop shows more then one pheno (must have been different males seeded the one plant I kept for seed). this yr only one male was able to breed before I cut him. he looked very RP had a few fem hairs to start then out came the male balls. I think these next seeds will be better. June 8th in the ground as seedlings, females started showing by July 12th. 5 wks. I dont know if its the 5 wks or the 2 wks after solstice that made the flowers come out.
Freshly plucked Royal Purple bud from side of plant. wife took it for me when she went got these last photos yesterday. all the resin heads are clear so not ready yet, no mold on anything yet either.
Great bushes man!!! Those look soooo good! Glad to hear you got no mold issues. I love how the plants all resemble christmas trees. Cheers! :beerchug-2: :flyy: :flyy: :flyy:
Those are coming along splendedly!! I really like the Royal Purple. Really nice outdoor grow!!! Well the Glistening Girls aren't too shabby either!
well we had -5.1c this morning, actually had a wireless thermometer set up 1 sensor had a minimum of -0.1c at 8 inches from ground, at 4ft above ground was the -5.1c. it didnt kill the plants so not sure how long it was cold. I am getting mold now, not a lot but some on every 2nd-3rd plant. when I look at the trichs on each plant before I cut it, they are all white/creamy not clear with only a few amber colored maybe 10%. I think the frost did touch the covering of the stalk as some of them the skin slid while holding to trim. When I get home I'll get some photos up. next week sometime. at 5-7 plants a day trimming per person it'll be a bit before I'm done, good thing my med grower bud is here to help trim. with a wet cool cloudy summer/fall a good number maybe 50% of the buds didnt fill in as good as I hoped (lots of resin/sugar on them tho) so only the best thickest buds will get trimmed the rest is going to be put thru a bubblebag type system.
Harvest '010 Damn Damn damn it all eh? well bad luck is 2010. I froze. I got mold. Had to harvest a few weeks early, nothing was filled out propewrly, lots of potential, just too cool and cloudy/rainy of a year. I have a few pictures to share. not as many nice ones as I had hoped but..... here goes a frosty RP bud morning of -10c all the RP girls The Glistening Girls a RP bud a frost "frosted" bud frosty for the wrong reason sad sad state of affairs well that that! well besides a final harvest picture after all is dried deleafed. I expect about 20lb of immature bud and 100lb of shake this harvest goes to hash. I'll keep a good supply of the bud, maybe 5lbs and then everything EVERYTHING else will go to hash. no money in this crop this year. but then I had only wanted to have a great supply of great bud for the next year not make any cash or only enough to finance next yrs venture. not sure if I will do as this yr, next yr is plant a billion seeds, leave on own, cut down after froze and make hash from it all.
Hey chronic i got a question for you. When you start a massive outdoor grow. Do you veg em until they big and plant em. Or you just stick germinatednor ungerminated seed in ground. Or do you start in rockwoll cubes and plant those? Im thinking of starting a mass outdoor grow and need suggestions. You ppl with ur nice pics of trees are really motivating me to do same.
I have started them before puttingout,,but find they do no better then planting seedling in peet pellets a few days old. tho in my area the ground temp is what decides what grows early or not. If temps and time are not a problem, I'd say start them and get them a month old, older plants taste terrible and are less prone to animal damage. if youre seriously thinkingof being a major outside gardener, then find out when your ground temp gets to 65f thats when roots grow, and when last frost of spring is, and first frost of fall is and decide by your time. I had a bad yr, it was a hash yr not a bud yr. my time was too short too cloudy
Well 2010 is done, another yr gone by. Harvest was alright, not near what it could have been. I wa able to trim out just over 8lbs of decent bud, a far cry from the 40 or 50 I had hoped for, but knew 5-10 was realistic. I ordered myself a 4 bag set of 5 gallon all mesh wackybags and will make all trim and unfinished bud into powder. I was bored the other night and made some blender hash, after a miserable start with the majority of the green sinking not floating I asked on a forum here and Useless TY my man, suggested I filter the green out as soon as I blender it. so I fired up the blender for about 20 seconds and then filtered it thru a nylon coffee filter,, after filtering off the greenshit, I let the rest settle ijn the fridge for an hr or so. I then poured it thru a paper coffee filter. about 1 1/2oz of shake from below the drying screen made about 10g of kickass hash. some of the buds and colas pics of the buds to come when I take from final curing/drying station.
Awesome grow & great harvest .that's the problem growing outside you can't control Mother nature. -Bud
the pic of them hanging across is of the ones I got trimmed in a few days myself, 18 rows 9 on top and bottom, about 4-5lbs. the rest of the plants I didn't get trimmed besides taking the colas got hung in an old granery and were cut off the stocks at day 10 of hanging and still were not dry. I have pics of that but they are on the wifes camera and shes gone to camp to work til tomorrow then I'll post other harvest pics.
Mother Nature, such a sweet image:angel4: that name brings, that is until she throws a minus 10c frost at ya, after 10" of rain in 3 wks along with temps of only 15c-20c. Ya nice LADY she is. Next year its a :5bomb: for her if shes nasty. I'll outfox her tho, I'll plant seed this fall after tilling and adding granular ferts. leave them for harvest next fall and just make hash of them. I have a plant which if has any seeds on it will be the donor momma for a patch of seed. it had 3 branches per node(trifoliate), was otheriwse a Royal Purple plant. see if I can get a few females like her and maybe a male, get started making a line of trifoliate plants, more branches more buds maybe. and one nice one a Royal Purple which had buds next to finished who will be a donor seed momma for a bud crop who will be coddled and able to be covered for a proper bud crop. LOL my hashpipe is calling me again, bubble bubble some more, time to dream some more, I'm must have fallen alseep dreaming while typing it looks like I typed my next yr dream out.