What?? Yes did we wind Gulf War, and yes we beat Saddam a second time, and we defeated the Taliban. Just because the countries didn't work out as we planned doesn't mean we didn't accomplish the mission militarily. And what's your definition of War anyways? How you can't consider the Gulf War a war is absurd. Just because we annihilated a country doesn't mean it wasn't a war. We achieved the EXACT mission we set out to do. Diplomatically and Militarily winning a war is two separate things. But the US kick ass at war, that's what we do. We would have won Nam also if the civilians had the stomach for it. Same as Korea, but we risked WWIII there once China reinforced the North. Using your logic, we didn't win the Revolutionary War. Because we didn't win over the British and skirmished with them for years until another war broke out a short time later (War of 1812). So are you saying we didn't win the Rev War? Or WWI for that matter, because WWII was directly linked to WWI, so I guess we didn't win that either. And that lead to the Cold War Is there a War we ever won using your logic? Are we still British? Trying to figure this one out
Can i just say .....USA didnt win jack shit world wars on their own.It was an allied effort. Carry on:icon_biggrin:opcorn2:
We played our part too.... Not mad nippie lol,just sometimems you guys forget about the UK,Australia,New Zealand,Canada and the rest of the alliance. Fair enough it was American money that won the war,i'll concede that.The atomic bombs alone cost billions to develop. Although if you guys had entered the war sometime earlier we coulda handled business sooner but whats done is done
Half that Wikipedia list is either indecisive, lost, or we started the shit in the first place and murdered a bunch of people, called it a "war" and were proud of ourselves because we could kill Mexicans and Native Americans with guns they barely had access to. Modern wars, I will give you WWI and II, but not shit since then either. Gulf was a bandaid and pull out, and now we have two countries that will be in control of even worse people because we fucked with their politics.....again....and didn't learn from the past. We should be beyond ground wars at this point, and should have been twenty years ago. We had and do have the technology and money. The only boots that should be on the ground are five highly trained people with a back up team and peace keepers.
I know, just messing with you. Frankly if Germany wasn't choking the UK off they'd been able to stop US shipments to Europe. Even in the pacific,Aussies played a key role even supply us troops with ports and fuel. Lion, War is war, even Mexico was larger just less equipped than the US during that war. Just because now we think of Mexico as a third world country; the same could not be applied back then. They actually had more resources to call upon than we did. End of the day, the average US soldier is just better equipped for fighting and usually has a stronger stomach for it. More often than not the US has sent inferior numbers with superior weapons and won the day. Our nation was born out of conflict, and goes to war constantly; thus we have a nation of fighters. We didn't really even have an army just an officer corp pre-WWI, but if you look at the volunteers that enlisted to fight in all the conflicts during the 1800's, it shows the American spirit.
You don't have to participate in the politics threads, or read them. Remember that everyone. I am sorry I never got the chance to kill someone for no reason, but that doesn't keep me from looking at history and both sides of. That is the same reasoning as saying TA can't talk about American politics because he isn't American. Simply not the case, and telling those of us to STFU just because we took a different path than you doesn't help anything, especially your position. Politics used to thrive with discussions without people sighing or biting their cheeks. We all have strong opinions, that is what makes us people. Being able to discuss them without going crazy or flaming someone makes us better people.
No I think you are missing what they are putting down. Everyone that has ever served in combat or non-combat roll has made sacrifices for this country. For you not to consider that War is non-sense. If someone is deployed half way across the world for a year at a time to sit and hope they don't get shoot or blown up; while others sit at home saying it's not war because enough of our side isn't dying is laughable. Ask the guys who were worried every moment of every day back in Desert Storm if Saddam was going to gas them...if they doesn't count for war. End of the day, the American Military Man is the best of the best...bar none. To take anything away from them because our politicians suck ass is wrong. We fight and win wars, politicians and tree huggers lose them. Not to say we are not all equal here stateside, but in a conflict, the military always preforms the duties put in front of them because those who have served are bad ass, and will continue to be bad ass....cause that's what we do....that's our niche in the world....we aren't the smartest, we aren't the most inventive, BUT WE ARE THE BRAVEST AND THE TOUGHEST SONS OF BITCHES ON THE PLANETasssit:
And you have the right to not participate. Don't hate on those of us who do. If we are wrong, prove it.
Personally, I find your and America's military worship quite disgusting. The miliatry-industrial complex has got most of the American populace so brainwashed. Anything other than enthusiastic praise of the military will get a person swarmed on by rabid, frothing at the mouth "patriots". War is not glorious and volunteering to go kill people on command does not make you a hero, it makes you a tool. The real heros are those that do not join the military. "sacrifices for this country" = being fooled by people that make a lot of money on war.
The tax payers subsidize the military-industrial complex. Essentially, you make them rich and in exchange they convince you it's a brave and honorable thing for you or your children to go kill/die in foreign countries. Who's working things here and who's getting worked?