I see nothing but trump stickers on cars around here so I just wonder how hillary gets so many votes around here? I know maybe 2 people out of a 100 that are voting for hillary, just puzzling the numbers. I dont think the polls are correct. I did talk to a guy voting 3rd party, i am reg Independent so I didnt feel alone. Lol
I've only seen two hillary yard signs in all my area and I'm in a 'battleground' state. It's funny the complaints about Russian hacking etc. I know a hillary supporter, used to date ( using that term loosely ) who married her a rich guys and is all uppity that supports her. She had some thing about hacking, I asked her....if you had someone break into your home, and then informed you that your husband was cheating, showed you the evidence etc, would you be mad about the break in and would your be furious that husband betrayed your trust and file for divorce. Her response was, that's different. I don't see wiki and different than cnn, information needs to be out there. look at us, a grow site, vast majority of us did it while it wasn't 'legal', but we spread the 'criminal' information so that others had the information so they could make informed decisions. Really I don't think they'll let trump win because to much money is at stake. We're heading for a huge market recession soon. our growth is next to nothing now and it will stop once they raise rates come early next year. if they don't raise rates, our dollar crashes. I wonder if any more shoes will drop
Yep that big money club is way bigger than trumps pockets, i think hillary will win by the New world order cats but thats just a conspiracy thought on my part. Hope its not true. I would like to think we are still a democratic society.
http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box...-clinton-foundation-hillary-indictment-likely Bhahahaha shits about to get good, Obama and Lynch obstructed FBI investigations and Clinton is about to go to jail. whats even funnier is that CNN isn't running the story on FB nor twitter. they have multiple laptops that were supposed to be destroyed, they have evidence of pay for play and new classified emails on weiners computer
This shit makes it look like Nixon just spit on the sidewalk. She and hubby should already be in jail and indicted under the RICO statutes, just for starters. Damnnnnnnn.
Prob just like last time, they will have a investigation and give us a bull shit answer. I love my country but the gov is fucked up.
I hope this time is different, fbi seems pissed that DOJ and Obama has been cock blocking them and now throwing them under the bus isn't going to do anything but make the agents more pissed and more likely to pursue the case. You gotta figure #2 man at FBI is already bought and paid for, along with the rest of DOJ but I'm sure that pisses Comey off as well as the guys that put their asses on the line every day. a bare min Huma and Mills are going to eat a case, prob podesta also. there's multiple investigations, one for the emails which obviously weren't all turned over since weiner had some on the laptop which is two fold fucked because huma swore under oath she gave all devices over, secondly, there's NEW emails on there, so thats a double whammy. podesta know all about the pay for play and seems like he's in on it. but what a leader that would make her, let those under you fall so you can ride your high horse. the gods know shes not man enough to admit fault and go down with the ship, but it seems clinton cash is all true most fucked part about it all is I bet that billy boy won't get shit, prob to smart to put stuff in writing and those around him that funneled the money for his speeches are going to see some time
I still love Bills speach...."I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" All the time just to our face. He lied about a bunch of stuff, alot of them do but where is their true American spirt to serve the people, it went out the window once they were in the governor office, From broke (rich pople broke?) to hundreds of millions of dollars the clintons are in big moneys pockets and big money buys big things like leader spots. Its like a Hollywood movie. Its def getting good down to the last min like a good sports game.
Oh and I seen on the news today these people riding around in a golf cart stealing Hillary signs last night it was pretty funny. I think it was in Orlando
Hillary will never see a second in a cell. No way, no how. Jail time for high ranking fed officials is a thing of the past. Best we can hope for is implosion and becoming less relevant as time goes on. She discredits herself daily and the younger generation isn't buying her bullshit, so hopefully one day she'll be a little less relevant than Jimmy Carter is now. The question is, whether there's enough there to qualify as impeachable offenses? She's almost a lock to win right now. In an odd way I think it'd almost be fitting and worthy of a vote for the Hillary. If I knew there were impeachable offenses coming forward, I'd vote Hillary just to see her next to Bill as the only husband/wife Presidencies, and the only husband/wife impeachments. Perfect bookends to a corrupt family legacy.
but can she or obama pardon the crimes before an impeachment hearing? i agree that the show would be fun to watch, but i bought my ticket for the train. the media isn't even pretending to be unbiased anymore, if anything it's a f-ck you vote because im in swing state. but honestly, I don't even see as that, if he doesn't win here easily by 5-10 points i would think fraud. There are seriously no clinton supporters at all, a handful here and there you see on facebook, Trump has come many times to huge crowds and driving down any side street in the entire city and all you see are trump signs. you see trump signs even in yards that have democratic people for congress. for those who have fb accounts, just go to hillary page and see how many of your friends like her, then go to trumps.
Husband and wife presidents with impeachments, its crazy how that can happen but so very true it could. Thats a geeat point Nip about obama could parden her and I think they prob dont want to throw her in jail because she knows secrets and could sell them along with her other money making stuff, shes prob already sold secrets if the truth is known. I dont trust her, her husband was just political and not a true American President as he could of been. I think hillary is more for America in some of her work but the bad stuff out weighs all that. If trump wasnt such loose mouth and had alittle more respect for some in business and people and had more gov experience would of sealed his lead better I think. They cant all be perfect but its really like the last 2 min of a good ball game at this point. Guess we'll know in a few days now.
She'd obviously get a Pardon if something happened while Obama is still in office. Once she's in it's impeachment or nothing. Presidents cannot Pardon themselves. That's the reason Nixon had to resign (so Ford could sign the Pardon) and the reason the Senate's acquittal of Clinton's impeachment was so critical. Al Gore wasn't about to go all Gerry Ford on us and destroy his political future on a Pardon concerning a cum stain on a dress, so old Billy was on his own.