Nuggnester's Paradise- Jack Herer, Nebula, Hash Plant, and Lavender

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by nuggnester, May 25, 2009.

  1. bLITzkRIEg420

    bLITzkRIEg420 sHAPesHIFTinG rEPTiLiAN

    Can I be in YOUR club Nuggz! Kick ass man. Noobs here is a lesson for ya... Stop "thinking" and just do what these guys like nuggnester say! :bongin:
    nuggnester likes this.
  2. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Looking gooood man, Nice work NUGGSTER!!!

    WORD^^^ lolol, Id never Heard of iether SKUNKY..lmao :smokin: :icon_scratch: :laughing1: Didnt quite get it iether...lmao


    Its all good! :thumbsup:

    And Loving the BUDDING and LUSH plants dude,:fly: :wink: :thumbsup:

    Keep em coming NUG,:bigok:

    UrBigBuddie......... :pimp: :potleaf: :bigok: :jj:

    P.S, Got some WHITE-LADY from and some MEDICINE-MAN(WHITE RHINO) from GHS growing out just now,

    I Blundered, and ended UP for the first time, Doing some HARM to my STEM, by inccidentally Nearly Splitting the Stem by removing a Cotelyodone, as it was practically hanging off COMPLETELY :eek:

    IT made the PLant go all LIMP so far,:icon_confused:

    P.S, Sorry for a lil Hijack on the thread,lol, just was WONDERING WTF i should do, exept, Cover the SOIL over the week stem , that looking Thin as HAlf the Thicknes has gone, and Just Put more soil on the Ground and COVER the WHOLE stem right up to the TOP, plus added some GEL-4-PLUG rooting hormone ,to Create some roots from the effected area! :icon_scratch: :smokin: :ponder: Sound OK folks/Fellow growers? lol Hope so...:jj:

    But ....Great PIcs NUG,:smokin: :thumbsup: :jj: :passit:

    Dont fuck up the rotation Puf Puff Pass :passit:

    Keep em Rolling! :thumbsup: :jj:

    Looks the "Buissness" my good friend! :bigok::smokin:
    nuggnester likes this.

    SMARMY Cuban Bee

    damn nuggster you weren't kiddin when you said you had some big things going. beautiful plants

    I'm honored to have inspired you to go all out and I hope you reap the rewards and inspire someone else to do the same.

    Next time your coming down to south fl hit me up.
  4. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    Micro Shot

    I found a way to get this picture HUGE....this is probably the best micro shot i'll ever take...I know this is off topic but i'm going to be posting all of my shots in this one "nuggnester's paradise" log...hopefully every grow i'll do while i am a member of this site will be documented in this one with that said...check this PORN out.


    Look at the Orange hair near the middle-left part of the picture that has CST( capitulated stalked trichomes) going all the way up HALF of it...that's a beautiful plant marijuana can be...I DARE someone to show me a picture of something more beautiful and outer-worldy than this!
  5. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Holy shit man, that's an awesome pic. I wanna smoke it:bongin:
  6. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    Trichome City

    Take me down,

    To the Trichome City,

    Where the grass is green

    And the THC is pretty,

    Oh, won't you please hit my bong!

    Nice macro shot Nugg, you shoot DSLR or PnS?
  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    What is DSLR and PnS?

    Nugg the pics look amazing, I really need to get a tripod or something. Maybe better camera shit...
  8. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    Thanks Guys

    I have no clue what those abbreviations mean either, sorry bub...honestly it's my GF's camera and I just pressed the little flower button to make it focus better and then I held my breath...HAHA...if my name was not Nuggnester, it would be Technically Unsavvy.

    I took the Pic last year on my first go around of my blueberry plant...I might even be off with the memory...I DO smoke week everyday....I think? wait, yeah I do smoke weed. Everyday.
  9. justmaintaing

    justmaintaing Thread Killer........

    Digital Single Lens Reflex and Point and Shoot.
  10. justmaintaing

    justmaintaing Thread Killer........


    Very nice plant there Nugg; I use both a Dslr and a point and shoot.:notworthy:
  11. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    HOLY SHIT you have a weed tree in your house! I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before, its freakin awesome :shocked:
    nuggnester likes this.
  12. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    Operation Stump- Rd 2

    It's that time again...

    2 Sour Diesel FEM

    Strawberry Cough FEM

    Ak-47 FEM

    California Hash Plant FEM

    White Widow FEM

    Each have their own 5 gallon buckets....each one is rediculously healthy and awaiting an explosion of growth.

    IS that not an insanely good list of strains? That was my point anyways...I want to have a bathtub full of 5 kinds of the best herb on the planet. haha. I'm not joking. I am really hoping to come into my own as a grower during this grow. I've put a lot of time and effort into this hobby in the last three years. It's all about to come together...
  13. Relax

    Relax Excommunicated

    Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
  14. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast


    Is coming early this year...:potleaf-3:

    Day 67.

    Nothing but goodness.
  15. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    What's goin on GK. Hope all is well.

    GK is a great place to be. Thank you all for harboring such a nice place. There are some very knowledgeable growers on this site. In the famous words of Ali G, Respect.


    Mr Nice Super Silver Haze

    TH Seeds Sour N Sage Fem

    Dinafem (great strains...grew them last year and the white widow is fire) White Widow....Blueberry X White Widow...Blueberry X Hash Plant.

    Not all the plants are shown well here...if you're particularly curious as to a phenotype of any of these or just basic questions i'd be more than happy to answer. While I was searching for info on Mr Nice SSH I discovered a MNS forums, the Mr Nice forums...pretty awesome...they have whole sections devoted to ONE's ultimate.

    Everyone in this grow is female. The MRSSH males have been sent away and pollen collected.

    FFOF Soil...FF Grow Big/Tiger...pure blend pro bloom...B-1 Supplement(Seaweed is awesome)...Calmag...RO water...temps have never reached 80 degrees...never below 60...Avg. temp 72...night time 65...They just finished their first week of flower.

    Expected yield AVG 2.75-3 Ounces per plant. Maybe more. 9 plants total.

    1200 Watts...Eye Hortilux...Lumatek Digital...Sun System Magnetic...Sun System Reflectors...Yieldmaster II and Great White...8" Vortex

    Pull up a chair and enjoy the next few months.

    Spider Friend


    Group Shot



    Mr. Nice SUper Silver Haze...she is very much an indica Pheno, as is her sister.







    Thanks DIY section!



    Poor Girl practically was snapped completely in half. She didn't miss a beat.




    In a clockwise square starting at the top left...MNSSH #1, Blueberry X Hash Plant, MRSSH #2 (notice the pale appearance..interesting), and sorry you cannot see it well but the bottom left is the Sour Sage...she's going to be a BEAST...she might give me four...and she'll be no more than three feet tall.

  16. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    Sorry for the non-update

    These are finishing up week 5 when I took them. I feel they are at least a week behind...meaning they are fully healthy now but due to some minor issues I think they feel it's between week 4-5. It's not many pictures, sorry. I have not had much time to pay around in there i just snapped a couple pics of a couple plants. I will be reaching my goal of 2-4 OZ per plant. Probably it will average right around 2.75-3...just as I was hoping.

    Hash Plant X Blueberry


    I'm going to have some purple-ish buds. Yay.




  17. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Nice looking buds Nug! I used to get some really good Hashplant back in the day out of San Diego. Mmm that was some really stoney ganja, just that heavy duty couch lock high. I'd love to get my hands on some nice Hashplant seeds or clones someday. I like growing all my old school favorites. Nice purples coming out in the leaves, makes a nice contrast with the lime green of the buds. :good job: :passsit:
  18. mrsganjah

    mrsganjah Ganja Babe

    love di way you treat di Queens....

    .....may She treat you as well as you have cared for Her.

    rasganjah suggested i take a gander of your show and .........................

    ..................:not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy: :not-worthy:

  19. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Purple is nice, but that purple is the first stage of P deficiency. Not trying to piss in your wheaties or anything man. But I would hit them with some high P fert or booster soon. That's how my leafs look after 10-14 days of flushing before harvest.
  20. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    Thanks for the look

    Yeah I figured that was the start of a deficiency...I just hit them with 3/4ths strength big bloom and tiger bloom...and half strength cha ching. We'll see what they do.

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