I dismiss it so fiercely because I've watched it and it says nothing. It contains no proof. You might as well call it a bible, that is about how much real information it has.
And yes, there are people who know how money works. My friend is one of them, close to genius, and is a banker. He knows how the money works. The problem is 99% of us don't so we get dragged into these crazy theories supported by a few bad eggs who fuck the capital system up by cheating it.
Bahaha. God ol bible. No but I'm fairly certain they hit the head on the nail here bro. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=CQ3vGEfm9Y0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
dead link I have a pretty solid idea how $$ works. Spent four years of my life studying it. Zeitgeist is pablum.
Watch the money masters on google vids,its a few hours but it pretty much sums up the money issue. The century of self is another good film but its way longer:thumbsup: