Offical "Outdoor Grow Off" Thread

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Boa, Jun 8, 2010.

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  1. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    That plant doesnt look sad, hes just not wearing any pants on his bottom half.

    Its all good. Any outdoor is welcome here..

    Im sure once youre smoking it you wont care how "sad" it looked! :thumbs-up:
  2. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Took a couple shots in the morning after the "nightshift"... Suns coming up..

    A very windy morning.


    You can see the difference in bud production here between the two different strains i have going. The middle plant is the faster/bigger stuff.


    An even clearer example of the difference in bud production. Fast stuff on the left, slower stuff on the right.


    Heres an example between the two strains, both are in pots. The slow one on the left is doing the best out of all those kind. She received a lot of bloom builder, whereas the ones planted in the ground were fed about half as much.

  3. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    even if you figure they are behind they still look awesome.

    Lots of vegetables are behind too. the amount of cloudy weather this yr besides the rain has everything behind. WE NEED MORE SUNSHINE
  4. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Really? This early??

    Enjoy your premature white hairs.
  5. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Purple White Widow, just starting to flower.

  6. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    nice looking plant, just starting to flower? you have til mid-Nov before you need to harvest?

    I've had thoughts on WW but if its this late of a pheno it wouldnt work for me.

    nice plant tho
  7. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Well, you are pretty far north as I recall and I'm in southern Japan. Wouldn't it start flowering earlier or later depending on the latitude it's grown at?

    Right now, we are at 13 1/2 hours of visible light. What's the light cycle where you're at?
  8. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    your season will be longer for sure. you are north of the equator so its only the length of season thats different.

    our sunrise/sunset times are not a huge difference throughout the yr.

    I think the pheno of the plant will dictate flowering season for it more then location. I grow types that flower in July, harvest in sept/oct. I get a killing frost usually by end of sept or in begin of oct for sure.

    this is for today for me.


    heres for you or at least the city I could find in the list thats in southern Japan


    heres a link to a place you can find sunrise sunset times for almost anyplace in the world.

    Length of daySolar noonDateSunriseSunsetThis dayDifferenceTimeAltitudeDistance(106 km)Sep 5, 20106:37 AM8:00 PM13h 22m 54s− 4m 06s1:19 PM43.4° 150.814
  9. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I just use a weather site, because I like to check when it's going to rain more than check the sunrise/set times and it has both, but thanks.

  10. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    beware some varieties that claim to be end of sept outdoors as they can take longer perhaps not finishing in time. so far early pearl is the best for where i live as an end of sept finisher.
  11. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Night Shots

    Heres my best try at some near night shots. Im not fond of going through the woods to my growspot at night with a flashlight so it wasnt completely dark.....some of the terrain I have to go through can be pretty dangerous at night lol



    This is going to be a monster cola/bud when finished...


    They are getting frosty already :droooling: Ive got my fingers crossed these get a chance to finish as this is my best attempt at outdoors yet. Its getting cold at night already, down to 51 last night.... Time will tell :thumbs-up:

    Peace -V420
  12. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Wow, it's just starting to get bearable here. I was still sweating last night walking my dog at 1 in the morning.

    My Jack Herer will finish around the end of this month, but everything else will be much later.

    I wanted more of a sativa buzz, which is why I picked the hazes I'm trying to grow. I didn't really think about when the plants would finish as a consideration. Just one more thing I've learned this year.

  13. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    those are some great looking plants, they look good with their frosting.

    enjoy the harvest
  14. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    for middle of the states and canada early pearl is a great sativa buzz and always finishes at the end of sept.
    Hank Chinaski likes this.
  15. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    LOOKIN GOOD!!!! Whats up this thread seems to be diein out or somethin!!! Shit srry i havent posted in a while but really dont have nothin to show no more. So now u guys gotta fill my dreams with all the nice things, come on!!!! Shit dan ur girls are lookin dam good. Hank ur girl is gonna be beautiful bro!!!!
  16. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Boa my girls got jacked on Friday September 3rd...

    I will no be posting pictures here anymore...

    The grow will be moving elsewhere next year...

    Since my house is now a target for retards who dont know when the proper time to harvest is.

    They get nothing but white hairs and tiny tiny budsites, and i lose $4000.

    Hope everyone else had better luck. I hate people. I really do...
  17. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Hey, thanks for the advice! :thumbs-up: I am at the moment thinking about what I'm gonna grow for next year. Early Pearl is on the list of possibles!

  18. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Sorry to hear that man.

    That is the reason I am so not posting any pics for a while either, Call me paranoid but I do not want my 4 grand going away unless it's in my pocket.

    But I will post pictures after things are said and gone. :wink:
  19. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    What the heck happened to paintball guns and nightshift til 6am watching them? next time forget the paintballs, use lead.

    Sorry to hear about your girls. I harvest by mid next month pm me with an addy. I'll send some pictures of mine at finish. wink.

    hey so at least you can feel relief it wasnt the local constabulary.
  20. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I feel really bad for u dan but on the bright side u dont have 10,000+ in laywer, court, and putting ur life back together fees and drawbacks. Its part of the game and u cant win them all buddy. Well seems like we'll have a fairly nice 2011 grow off in new locations huh! LMAO they can take my plants but they cant take my green thumb!
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