Offical "Outdoor Grow Off" Thread

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Boa, Jun 8, 2010.

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  1. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Yeah i did stay up everynight, thats how i caught them taking em...

    Just after 2am...if i wasnt up at that time listening to music, i wouldve lost all of them.

    It was either that or when i got home that evening around 10pm, they heard my car pull up and they split then. Whatever happened they left in a hurry beacause there was plants left and there was broken branches lodged in the top of my back fence.

    They left a little, but it had to come down. premature....

    Boa, yes im glad i dont have no legal problems. I think thats the only thing keeping me humble with this experience. Now i know for a fact not to trust ANYONE at all.

    I hope everything is going well for you Boa.
  2. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

  3. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Its acually not goin to bad. The judge is pissed that they wasted time and money of the state on 5 premature plants and 51 grams of marijuana. Still looking at about 2 yrs probation but jail time is not likely my laywer said.

    But hell yeah bro trust no one and i think we need to keep our girls in the wild lol! Shit so u chopped down the ones they left also???fuckin sucks man but there'sa lways next year!
  4. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Well Dan i am very sorry for your loss. I had that happend with 2 plants, both were also premature. Its a shame some one ruined your babys n $4 stacks worth. They took your babies, but the knowledge and experience will last forever. So gl, dont be sad, try again. Them Lucky bastards
  5. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Yeah, thanks.

    And i agree this is an experience to learn from but the thing thats got me super pissed off is im not working right now, and that $$$$ was to pay off some debts and to get Christmas presents for the family.

    Now im gonna be broke like a motherfucker all winter.
  6. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Na bro u cant think like that. Shit always works out man!
  7. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Fuck man sorry to hear the news dan. I'm starting to get paranoid myself, hopefully nobody goes for a long hike in my area.

    I'm only taking pics of plants just before chopping them and after harvest.
  8. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    So of all the people getting in on the contest as such no one has anything to add? I know a few people had bad luck but that shouldn't stop the rest from updating with a few pictures for us to drool over.

    I wont be able to until early Oct, maybe late Sept so pictures here are all I get to see.
  9. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    I'm in the same boat as you are. No pics until harvest time guys.
  10. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Well here is my update. One of the Mango's got bud rot on the uppermost part of the main stalk. The other got a tiny amount as well. Sucks. Ripped the rot out and told my brother to keep an eye on it for spreading. If so, chop em. I am pulling them both tomorrow evening. These pics are from a week or so ago.





    The VD is a longer growing strain that I have never grown outdoors and the buds are more wispy sativa looking than the compact VD I grow inside under HID. It's probably due to the lack of direct sunlight by only getting around 4 hrs direct each day. They won't finish until at least the beginning October I think. Gonna be close on first frost coming around mid-late October sometimes. I'll take some more pics tomorrow.


  11. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    you not expecting frost until mid-late Oct.? nice.. We had frosts already, but I am not sure how my girls survived. And with -3 to -5c mornings this week coming up I'm sure my seasons over. Sinbce I just got home and going out isn't an option for a wk or two I asked the friends who's land I'm on to wait til the big frost later this week and hang the whole plants upside down in a granery for me. I am waiting for pics from them to see whats what. I'll post as soon as I can.
  12. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I'm still participating!

    Dan..... I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles. :angry7: :new_cussing:RIPPERS!! ARGH! :fingermad: I think rippers are the lowest form of thievery...... It's like stealing from a sweet little old lady, it's just wrong. If any rippers come around my place they are gonna be facing off against one really angry :hs: I'll beat them senseless :wwf: and drop a big :hs: :poop: on their head!! :angry:

    Rant over........ for now. :bong-2:

    I've finally got another update for you guys and gals that are following this thread still. My outdoor girls are looking pretty nice. I purposely kept them short by topping them several times as well as tying them down. They are all budding now and are smelling good, I just hope they don't get to smelling too much and attract attention from any passers by. We've still got a little while before they will be done by the looks of them. They are getting a good amount of direct sun each day still so hopefully we'll see a good yield from them. I do LOVE outdoor ganja! So here are a couple pics of the girls.

    The whole garden.


    The 2 Vanilluna girls.


    Vanilluna Close Up.


    The Super Silver Haze girls.


    Super Silver Haze Close Up.


  13. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    RollingTechno Wow the mango looks Awesome, nice outdoor grow bud. :flyy:

    RasGanjah you also have a very nice plants,

    I am loving the purple, must be a good smoke :anibong:
  14. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Thanks. I've grown them both indoors and they were awesome so I expect them to be "awesomer" :thumbs-up: outdoors! The Vanilluna is turning a darker purple outdoors than it did indoors though. As far as the smoke it's smooth, sweet and mild tasting but packs a heavy duty combination high that is super strong.
  15. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    well we had -5.1c this morning, actually had a wireless thermometer set up 1 sensor had a minimum of -0.1c at 8 inches from ground, at 4ft above ground was the -5.1c. it didnt kill the plants so not sure how long it was cold.

    I am getting mold now, not a lot but some on every 2nd-3rd plant.

    when I look at the trichs on each plant before I cut it, they are all white/creamy not clear with only a few amber colored maybe 10%.

    I think the frost did touch the covering of the stalk as some of them the skin slid while holding to trim.

    When I get home I'll get some photos up. next week sometime. at 5-7 plants a day trimming per person it'll be a bit before I'm done, good thing my med grower bud is here to help trim. with a wet cool cloudy summer/fall a good number maybe 50% of the buds didnt fill in as good as I hoped (lots of resin/sugar on them tho) so only the best thickest buds will get trimmed the rest is going to be put thru a bubblebag type system.
  16. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    damn brocant wait to see a few pics!
  17. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Ouch.... Srry for your cold times.....
  18. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    and I thought it was cold yesterday morn.

    I just checked the weather online and its calling for -9c overnight. to all you who dont understand metric temps thats about 16f

    so tonight I go cut everything down and goto work long hours.
  19. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Heres a couple more pics of mine. Getting even colder now here, 41F. Ill keep em going right up until I get a strong enough frost to kill em if I can.



  20. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Good stuff guys!!!

    It hurts so bad not being able to harvest. Oh well only 12 months to go.... lol
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