Offical "Outdoor Grow Off" Thread

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Boa, Jun 8, 2010.

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  1. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Well I'm out as of last night. All 14 got jacked and most of them were about ready to go too.

    Fuckin feel like puking and that feeling wont leave for a second. I was thinking 2 pounds each plant and now I don't have shit.
  2. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    WTF is this theyear of bad luck for us or what??? fuckin shit man n we all were headin to that land of sunshine too!!!! FUCKIN FUCK!!!!!
  3. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    DAMMIT! That was gonna be a nice haul, too.

    Inside job? Please say it was just chance someone ran up on them by accident.
  4. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Bob Saget!!!

    :wtf?: :new_cussing: More grimy RIPPERS!!! The world is coming to an end! The stoners are turning on the stoners! I'm sorry to hear about that happening.

    I sincerely hope that the trend doesn't migrate southward! Rippers can try and come in my yard and they will leave a blood trail so I can follow them. My dogs will chomp some asses!
  5. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Almost wish mine woulda done that to the LEO, But i know what theywoulda done to them so its not worth it. Hey bud be glad it wasnt LEO like itold Dan. Shit u woulda been in more shit than me cause u were in the woods and all that bullshit they make it into!
  6. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Im so sorry bro!!! FUCKING FUCK I HATE PEOPLE!!!! And im not joking....

    You know what, after my crop got stolen it made me feel good to be able to watch yours come down and see how well you did. But i guess thats not gonna happen anymore.

    Im super pissed now. I feel your pain man, or one tenth of your pain..

    Where did you do your grow this year? Waaay out in the wilderness or just outside of city limits?

    Now i dont feel so good about trying a guerrilla grow next year.

    Fuck man, im so sorry. None of us deserve this...... 5 months of work and anxious excitement gone in a flash because some welfare collecting faggots cant simply buy their own clones and do it themselves.

    I was almost over having my crop stolen and it took 2 weeks, i can only imagine how upset you are. Hold your head up man...
  7. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Yup. I can think of no worse feeling than to lose a crop to rippers. :321fu: My first grow ever was ripped. Now I grow on my own property in the country but in a SAFE place. My safe place only gets about 4-5hrs of sun but I don't have to worry thank God.

    Sorry to all the GK fellas who have had their passion stripped away by such treachery within our "smoke friendly community".
  8. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Shit we can all take it as a loss to the game we play. Till we all have it possible todo what we do legaly its somethin we gotta do guys. Shit there will be next year and we can all try try again. Dan and SG keep ur heads up, karmas got your back and she'll rip them a new ass hole!

    BUT FUCK MAN ALL THE BIG GROWS ARE GETTIN THROWN OUTTA THIS COMP. FUCKIN FUCK!!!!! LOL looks like the under dogs (not tryin to be a dick) are gonna take the show this year. But thats ok i have plans on a 8'-12' tall x 5'-8' wide girl next year with a stalk so fuckin round and roots so fuckin deep it will be impossible for anyone to steal the whole fuckin thing. Thats all we can do guys is plan for next year guys hang there!!! I think we just gotta think alittle harder next year and not be so lazy with our ways and we will have a great harvest all around.
  9. big t double

    big t double i finally changed this

    wow this thread kinda took a turn for the condolences to everyone that lost their crops this year to some jackwagon douchebags that have nothing better to do than steal from their brotherman...this includes the government.... :passsit:
  10. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    okay, so i log into facebook cause a buddy was having problems with his account, and im directing him on where to fix what.

    After we're done i browse th "news feed" of everyones goings-on...

    I come across a picture of my sister in laws little brother holding some bud in his hand. The thing is, its the "top" to a full plant. It looks exactly like my shit, and that fucking homo is light enough to jump my fence using the small plastic bin that folds under my weight. He knew they were there, and he knew my neighbors plants were there. And stupid fucking moron kids his age are dumb enough to steal it when theres hardly nothing even started yet.

    I sent him a message a few days after they got stolen asking him if he may have mentioned anything to his friends. He said no.

    This kid is gonna fucking catch it when i next see him. Thing is hes one of those ratty street faggots with the stretched out earlobes/rings. Fuck, this kid is so dumb. Hes like a wannabe runaway emo fag type kid, so hes never around much and hes always fucking pissing everyone off. I cant believe he made that his profile picture...

    I swear to god im gonna smash this kids face. It may even cause problems in our family but i could care less. Hes a fuck up and ALL OF US know it.

    I would post the picture, as i have it saved to my computer but i dont even want to bother. Im so fucking mad i dont know what to do.
  11. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    WOW that kid has some nutz

    I have been reading this thread since it started and all I can say is WOW! CanadianDan, that is some shit how its all unfolding. I dont know how I would be handling it seeing the pic.
  12. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Oh noes we're droppin like flys..Sorry to hear the bad news fellas...

    ..I got paranoid so I put out a few IR cameras just incase somehting went down I will have a nice video of the whole thing so I know who needs a shit kicking.

    Chop date for me is Oct 2nd still got aprox 50 girls I will update after the chop with pics from before they got cut and during the weights ect....
  13. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Glad to hear bro, hope all goes well!
  14. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Was it a pic of premature bud for sure? Cut the fucks balls off and nail it to ur fence as a warning to all future faggot rippers!
  15. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Yes ass kicking is the way to go. But you getting arrested for beating his ass is not even worth it. He might even snitch you out to the Feds for cultivation. They have no proof he did shit, but you will end up in jail. SAve some time, by finding a bettet grow spot and not sharing the info. Not trying to be a dick... Trying to warn you bro, gl
  16. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I agree this is the better way to go bro.
  17. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Yeah, so my sister in law called today and said he was scared stiff...after he read the comments i posted on that picture...

    I stayed up all night because i was so angry i couldnt sleep. Then around 4pm he showed up at my door. He seemed pretty genuine when he said he swears he didnt take them, but the kid is a habitual liar. And whos to say he didnt just get his friends to take them... that way he has no connection to it.

    He claims the photo of him holding that plant top was taken before i told him my plants got stolen. He claims some kids showed up at this huge park downtown where he hangs out and said "hey man want some tree?" and gave him that shit. Now as much as i want to beLIEve him, i cant. Theres like 10 things that point to him being involved.

    The thing is i just cant bring myself to punch out a 16 year old kid. If i had caught him red handed it would be a different story. But i have no way to prove he did it.

    That plant couldve been mine, but he might not have had anything to do with it and its all pure coincedence.

    But my gut feeling tells me hes lying. I so bad want to kick his ass but im such a passive person... so much so that i get mad at myself for being too nice.

    The way i see it is, if hes involved hes a fucking douchebag faggot, and he knows it now.

    But as you guys said growing in the back, out in the open like that is not a "FOR SURE" type thing anyways. Its a risk i was taking and it took 5 years for it to fail on me. It was a good run. What can i do??? Nothing... Thats the way the cookie crumbles i guess...

    As for the kid, he will be getting some serious cold shoulder for a looong time. My instincts are usually spot on, and right now they tell me hes lying.

    Its very hard to bring yourself to punch out a 16 year old kid that is swearing he wouldnt rip off his own family. plus i had been up for 25 hours and i was too tired to even give a fuck. I dont know.... whatever. Whats done is done, time to move on.
  18. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    good man!:beerchug-2:
  19. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    Damn Damn damn it all eh? well bad luck is 2010.

    I froze.

    I got mold.

    Had to harvest a few weeks early, nothing was filled out propewrly, lots of potential, just too cool and cloudy/rainy of a year.

    I have a few pictures to share. not as many nice ones as I had hoped but.....

    here goes


    a frosty RP bud morning of -10c


    all the RP girls


    The Glistening Girls


    a RP bud


    a frost "frosted" bud


    frosty for the wrong reason

    sad sad state of affairs

    well that besides a final harvest picture after all is dried deleafed.

    I expect about 20lb of immature bud and 100lb of shake

    this harvest goes to hash. I'll keep a good supply of the bud, maybe 5lbs and then everything EVERYTHING else will go to hash. no money in this crop this year. but then I had only wanted to have a great supply of great bud for the next year not make any cash or only enough to finance next yrs venture. not sure if I will do as this yr, next yr is plant a billion seeds, and cut down after froze and make hash from it all.
  20. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Well my outdoor grow has not gone as planned either. A few Viper Diesel plants died unexpectedly for no reason. I harvested he 2 Mango's. One of them went way south though within one week so it's not what it should be. Right now I have 4 Viper Diesel and one of them is barely hanging on. Hopefully nothing will happen to any more cuz the VD's look very resinous and they still have at least 3 weeks to go.
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