Offical "Outdoor Grow Off" Thread

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Boa, Jun 8, 2010.

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  1. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Dude that is funny and very Nice Looking. Srry for the earley harvest date...

    I love the frost picture. We all Hate the Cold frost & love the MJ frost. I cant tell difference in pic. Awesome ! :urock:
  2. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    2010 i hate you!
  3. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Wow, another one bites the dust. That sucks.

    My little grow is starting to look pretty good. And, actually, it is. Still having mold issues with the Jack Herers, but the Neville's Haze and Super Haze are getting into some nice flowering and my big ol' Purple White Widow is looking pretty dang nice.

    I went and checked on things yesterday and came home in a pretty good mood. I got a bunch of good pics which I will be posting in about 7 hours or so.
  4. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Been wonderful weather here +20deg for the last few days calling for rain Thursday and Friday then steady sun and +18 right till chop...I know you can't trust the weatherman but this time I hope he's right.

  5. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    The temp. here last week or so has still been a little hot during the day, but absolutely perfect at night. So nice, feels so good after two months of heat and humidity.

    I'm thinking I can go until the end of Nov. or maybe even early Dec. We'll see. My Neville's Haze will go to the end.

    Anyway, here is my big girl, Purple White Widow. She's starting to flesh out a bit and still smells nice and skunky. She's like 6 1/2 feet by 4 1/2 or so. I wonder how much she's gonna put out.


    And another one. I couldn't decide which was better.


    And a shot of the top. Still got a long ways to go, but she's only been in flower for about 3 weeks now.

  6. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    very nice hank!
  7. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Good stuff! Glad to hear the weather is being nice to ya!
  8. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    my himalaya gold are splitting in half cause of the weight from the rain. Ima make some nice bubble hash from her immature but resinous buds.
  9. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    So what happens now???

    No one gets a harvest except Ras and Hank?

    Wheres all the pics?

    Im going insane here not being able to post a harvest this year!

    Dont let this thread die. Lets see some shots before the chops.
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Going out to pull a zip or two in mid October. Will post pic of something then. Who knows....maybe the worlds worst outdoor grower will pull a prize or two because of faltering competition.
  11. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I'm in the process of trimming up all my outdoor. I posted pics of them in my Outdoor grow show thread. I hadn't posted the pics up here because they were so big. I found budworms on the plants 2 days ago and we chopped everything. So far they were eating just the leaves so there is no real loss of yield. The Super Silver might have been able to go a little longer but we have had some rain on top of the worms so I'm glad we chopped everything now. It all looks pretty good to me so far, we've only found a few worms. The buds are well coated in Trichomes and pretty dense. I'll post some pics of the buds when they dry.
  12. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    I am processing what I got. I haven't any pics ready to put on but will soon. I do know I have over 8lbs of bud, not great but ok. and a shit load of shake, going to make hash as soon as my bags arrive in mail. will do a total harvest pic then.
  13. NOTthatTIGER

    NOTthatTIGER Developed Alternating Nodes

    why dont you give us his username?

    "......we know what you did last fall"

    " got my muthafuckin' money cocksucker?"

    "......yer mouth still sore?"

    or, (my personal favorite)


    'bout $5.00 per month. (totally fuckin' worth it!!!)

    and it is easy to run a site anonymously....

    protection from slander allegations.

    he did it.

    you know it.

    he knows it.

    that is why he came to yer house.

    annnnnyhoo, i was thinking.....a krusty freedom bucket type thing , ina 50gal drum, buried to the lip in the ground...think about fuckin' huge.

    WA. state, we have a plant count as part of law.

    to all you outdoor fuckin' rock!!! (yes, even you Rubber, even you!!) i salute you!

    i will take part next year fo sho!!

    dont be discouraged, prepare for next year, plan ahead, and keep the faith!!

  14. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    No i didnt think he was a registered member... but i figured he knew i posted here on this site. This was someone else, not the kid i seen in the picture holding a plant top.

    I always wondered why on this site ANYONE can come on here and view our personal photos, yet to access the smokers lounge, which is regular chit chat, you need to be a registered member.

    Can any mods tell me why that is?

    Like ANYONE can view our pictures, but you need to register to see our DUMB RAMBLINGS in smokers lounge...
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Funny you should mention that Dan. We just changed the use parameters so only members can view the community forums. The Cultivation forums, Hash, DIY, Kind Kitchen and Medical MJ still remain open to the public. We wanted to maintain a Mission of guiding people in growing good weed but felt the earlier level of access was a bit too much.

    The following Forums are now members only:


    The Growkind Gallery

    Smokers Lounge

    Member Contributions Forum


    Avatar Central

    The Cougar's Den

  16. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    preliminary checkin.

    I wa able to trim out just over 8lbs of decent bud, a far cry from the 40 or 50 I had hoped for, but knew 5-10 was realistic. I ordered myself a 4 bag set of 5 gallon all mesh wackybags and will make all trim and unfinished bud into powder.

    I was bored the other night and made some blender hash, after a miserable start with the majority of the green sinking not floating I asked on a forum here and Useless, TY my man, suggested I filter the green out as soon as I blender it. so I fired up the blender for about 20 seconds and then filtered it thru a nylon coffee filter,, after filtering off the greenshit, I let the rest settle ijn the fridge for an hr or so. I then poured it thru a paper coffee filter. about 1 1/2oz of shake from below the drying screen made about 10g of kickass hash.



    this is the first 2/3rd of what I filtered, about 7g here


    some of the buds and colas


  17. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    Weird, yes, but then again ANYONE can register. Even if photos were hidden from guests nothing stops them from registering.
  18. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Nice haul, Don. Is that 8lbs wet, so you will get about 2 lbs dry?

    Also, kind of curious why your drying area is so "bright"?
  19. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    8lb dry, I dried in an old travel trailer and had the windows tarped over. I had let in light so I could see to take the picture and take down the dried bud, that pic is after 10 days of hanging with a fan on the floor blowing and a fan in an upper window turned outwards. It was considerably darker, I also lightened the pic .

    I had lots of small fingertip or "snotpicker" buds, but also lots of 1-2-3g buds, some to 1oz, tho I had mold a bit and took apart the bigger ones to find all the spots of mold. lost maybe 2lbs to mold. and with being outdoor shit the amount of leaves needing removing was horrendous. about 3 large garden style garbage bags full.
  20. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Aaah ok. Right on dude. Looks like ya might take home the GK OD trophy this year. (whatever that may be...bragging rights. lol)
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