Offical "Outdoor Grow Off" Thread

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Boa, Jun 8, 2010.

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  1. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Man i have nightmares about the cops diggin my lil girl outta my back yard still to this day. Like i said b4 bro be glad u still have ur freedom. Time to get a nice husky that like the snow, should help keep the fucks outta ur yard no? Id say a Pit but they are pussys when it comes to the cold trust me lol...

    N by the way i know this is alittle old but i havent seen it it a while. Damn to most of u, very nice harvest this year!
  2. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    As usual, Im doin SERIOUS WORK outdoors next year

    I got a new badass spot......I bought a 2.8 acre piece of land from a nearby farmer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Outdoor Bubba and Dab anyone?
  3. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    MAn i can only imagin what were in for with this, u lucky son of a bit........ u better have like 50 girls out there man!
  4. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    the season to start outdoor growing will be coming up in just a few short months. I've got two areas picked out for potential garden sites. I've had one of them in my eye for a couple of years, the only problem is the road to get there is rough and it's less than a mile from occupied homes. Depending on the weather, I'm going out either the next couple of days or next week to do further scouting and maybe take a few pics. The one I really want is BEAUTIFUL, almost jungle like. The stream flowing thru provides clean flowing water almost year-round. Oh another minor problem is this one doesn't feature the greatest sunlight, but this can be fixed. BUT even if I clear some space, it's still nearly impossible to spot a guerilla garden from the air.

    After I choose my final spot and clear unwanted foliage, I'll go out in about mid-february to prep the soil with worm castings.

    **thread jacking over**
  5. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Yeah, I'm already looking forward to next year's outdoor grow. I'm definitely going to use my river spot again, but with much better preparation; clearing out some of the foliage, better tilling and digging of big holes for starters. As far as spot number two, which was within 30-40 yards of somebody's house on one side and about 50 yards to someone's little vegetable field on the other, I might look for something better.

    But, people always talk about remote grow sites, but when you have to check on your plants and water them every 4 or 5 days, closer is definitely easier. Unless I had some kinda automated watering set-up, I don't want to drive more than 15 or 20 minutes to get to my grow site.

  6. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    drip system.

    my neighbors on the mountain used one for 200 outdoor plants.

    the results spoke for themselves, 2lb plants. 1 kilo plants where you at? lol
  7. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    I just found this thread, sounds like im not the only one who had a horrible summer.

    It's a real shame that people can't just grow their weed and smoke it too. Fucking thieves...crushed my god damn hopes and dreams plus so much more.

    canadian dan, real sorry dude, it was always a joy of mine to silently watch your outdoor grows and this years was the most impressive yet. my heart goes out to you player, im sorry for your horrible horrible loss.

    and to all the mother fucking thieves out there. rot in hell you spineless cock sucking ball humming shady ass mother fucking pieces of shit.

    I'm fort knox'ing my next outdoor. sentry guns and trip wires. garden side bombs and motion cameras.

    my last time seeing the garden alive and growing. Rest In Peace Ladies. Better luck next year huh fellas??

  8. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I searched here, but couldn't find any info on outdoor drip systems. Any links or info on how to set one up?

  9. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    yea but ill have to get back to you. its late as fuck here and i just smoked so much absolute amber hash i cant feel my legs.
  10. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Deff. cant see them blue swimming pools from the air or anything huh.... Kinda wonder y it went missing?

    As of for the outdoor grow commin up here in a few months, i got a few spots in mind nothin set in stone tho. Hoping to get maybe 3-10 girls out there. But thats still up in the air as i already got my hands full.
  11. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    you're a dick bro. straight up.
  12. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead


    Kron, seriously tho.....electric blue? Just put a blinker or strobe light on em next time, LOL.................jus bustin ya nutz man

    That situation to ME...looked like someone seen them from the other mountain, took the hike.....and probably realized they weren't ready and cuz of the hike, took em anyways.............but how the fk would i know, jus a guess

    Youll be back tho, right?
  13. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    yes electric blue. it was a really bad idea. Here is what you guys don't know.

    My partner up north, already had the pools there when I got there to work. What was I supposed to do? tell him Im not gonna work because of the pools? You could see 4 other peoples HUGE ass gardens from my mountain top. It was in a remote location. whoever stole the plants had been there before, its as simple as that.

    this is fuckin ridiculous. It's bad enough everything got jacked without having to hear every tom dick and harry's retarded two cents. Everyone here knows that mistakes were made and ways problems could have been avoided. but saying "I told you so" is pretty immature no matter how you look at.
  14. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    and oh yea, if you two were flying around in a helicopter. the blue pools wouldn't even fuckin matter unless you're a total retard.

    How could you possibly miss 75 - 2lb BUSHES, PROTECTED by a large FENCE sitting ON TOP of a MOUNTAIN in an OPEN field. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES IT UP THERE!!!!!!!

    its pointless to try to hide your shit. if you had ever been there, you would know that..
  15. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Touchy touchy, come on now man seriously does ur pussy hurt that bad? Shouldnt be callin ppl a retard bro deff. wont get u good REP points :bravo: :iamwithstupid:
  16. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Oh by the way i think ur the first to Neg. rep. me bro. :good job: Damn didnt know what i said was that offensive, oh well gotta fuck up sometime huh?

    And on ur lil comment in the negitive rep. I wouldnt have planted them there in them blue swimming pools, look at all the fuckin land around u! ur tellin me u couldnt have found a better location. But who am i to talk, my shit got snagged by the fuckin pigs... Oh well better luck next time! :321fu:
  17. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    Next springs crop plans

    now now boys and girls fight nice.

    it was a bad year for almost everyone who was in this grow off. lots lost their crops to thieves others of us lost out because of weather or mold or just shit happens outdoors.

    As the old saying goes "Theres always next year"

    so on goes the planning and thinking and looking for equipment hearing new ideas like Hank about the outside drip system.

    I am going to do the tried and works system same as I always do, but this year its work the soil better, put additives in perlite peatmoss cow manure. and I will be running 1.25" black tubing for watering right from the creek. I'll do a flood system to water as I won't have the pressure to do otherwise. I have a little 1" honda pump to go 200yds.also since the creek water is ph 8.4 or was all last year I'll need to devise a way to add vinegar into the flow. Any ideas anyone? I hope to have about 2000 plans outside in the main area which will be a hash crop. another spot will have 500 for breeding purposes. and another 100 plant spot for buds.

    But then thats my pipe dream until it happens. need a way to work the soil (need very heavy duty pull behind quad rototiller/ground mulcher), buy the additives/ferts, not get killing snow and cold after planting and needing to replant with 3 wks lost.

    and if I dont find the cash to work with then I'll do the same single area I did last year with a small area to grow a male for collecting pollen to breed with.
  18. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    dude, you still have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

    look at all the land around me? I was on private owned land, not government land, and not national land. We were constricted by space! The guy has 200 acres on a hill top. 75% of the land is jagged cliffs and slopes too steep to climb up.

    If I would have chosen a better a spot, it would have been on the neighbors land, who are also growing and would never in a million years let you grow on their land...

    FINALLY, like i said earlier, I went there last minute to help the guy. his other two workers quit on him at the end of may.. When I showed up, he had already purchased the pools and had them placed out. I did the rest of the work. so In no way was that shit up to me. I would have built my own pots out of chicken wire and they would have been at least twice as deep as the kiddie pools.

    sorry for losing my shit bro, but i would like to see you lose 30 grand then let someone say some stupid shit and just sit back. its just disrespectful, i have a great sense of humor, and I like to mess around, but when it comes to peoples actual life, best to not make jokes and just keep shit to yourself. unless you have something helpful to say.


    Hope this is of some kind of help to you. I would imagine you could kind of build one yourself...

    how do you get water to your outdoor plants? stream? haul in water? you could use a gravity system possibly. ill think about it more for you.

    I am wondering how long a car battery would last outside only running a simple timer and pump. If you are real lucky, or just have the money, you can get a solar panel and have constant electricity to run your drip system.
  19. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Try Irie maybe?
  20. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    tilling up the land is a real bitch. but its almost a must if you want to plant in the ground. I did a lot of mine with gas powered garden tiller. but it took too long and the ground was too rocky. so we called in a back hoe.

    I would say the best way to put vinegar in your water would be to build a camouflage rez of some sort. you can use a tank, or tarps and plastic. just a thought..
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