Outdoor 2018

Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by blazerwill420, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    What were you trying out?
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  2. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    I mixed composted chicken and cow manure into the soil and then alternated every week with a feed of organic fertilizer and then the Lucas formula. Candyland is a picky bitch to get it to yield well but the smoke is always outstanding.
  3. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Nice looking colors. Your getting tremps in the 50's at night...must be nice.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  4. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    I'm getting cooler temps here as well but so far not seen any color variations. As for your soil...could be it was too high in N with all that chicken and cow manure. I like to throw in a bunch of banana peels in my compost....helps add in P & K to the compost mix.
  5. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    The purpleing is a classic trait of candyland when the night temps get low. I tried something different with it the last two years to increase the yield cause the yield always sucks but the smoke itself is top shelf for sure so I keep it around. So far the best results I've had were from using a modified version of TGA super soil.
    Herb likes this.
  6. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

  7. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

  8. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Hurricane wrestler.......

    That look so damned good :)

    blazerwill420 likes this.
  9. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Well done. :beerchug:
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  10. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Herb likes this.
  11. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    nice job. those look tasty
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  12. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Mmmmmmm.......scissor hash. :animbong:
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  13. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Well it's official, I grew more indoors in one cycle than I grew outdoors all summer. Weed's killer though. what a rookie. Rofl
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  14. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Thanks Max!
    Max Rockatansky likes this.
  15. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Twas good too.
  16. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Thanks man, glad I'm not on working furlough right now. Lmao
    bigbudztoo likes this.
  17. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    It's going to be off the chain this year, not fucking around, going old school.
  18. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    The candyland is def looking good. Whats like the lowest temp that plants still do good in? Its been getting in the 50's at night and a few nights coming up in the 40's i am runnig light at night but plants still in garage cab during day so its prob in low 50's some hrs
  19. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    I have all my cuts/moms in the garage under an 8 lamp t5 and on a heat mat, all surrounded by a sheet and blanket enclosure. It's been getting in the high 20's low 30's at night, I run btwn 9pm/3pm, plants are taking it, alive and doing ok all things considered. The grow room itself never goes below 68.

    DSC_0096.JPG DSC_0100.JPG
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  20. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Here I have been messing with plywood and cardboard looks great too
    blazerwill420 likes this.

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