CHOP!!!!! We got 4 days of rain, then a hot day, then 3 days of rain!!! FUCK ME RIGHT!!!!????? MOLD!!!!! It got like a maybe an ounce or so off my crop. I went to check on em the other day and 4 out of 8 were on the ground. They got so water logged and heavy. The rhino and PPP were almost ready but the cali orange bud and hindu kush were dissapointing to say the least.....maybe a 6 oz between 4 plants(hindu K and PPP), they coulda gone another 3-4 weeks but hey live and learn right!? So heres a few ending PICS of the chop and hang, im estimating about 16-20 oz dried........NEXT next year is guna be a SICK!!!!!! I wuna do 20 early finishing plants, remove the mold and b.s from the equation! Oh well it was fun and I learned a lot more from what I a few last outdoor runs I had, I had b.s. genetics and zero effort on my part and it showed, this time I did a lil more, next time I'll do WAY more Thanks for tuning in to the show and please look for more updates on this thread for it IS NOT DEAD!!!!! I will be doing work all year round to the patch I use on private stay tuned folks! IN these photos we are about half way done with the took 3 experienced guys from 2pm to 10:30pm to do ALL the work and trimming, we never stopped, kept eating, watching the game/s and puffed about 5-6 blunts, LOL!!!!!!!!!!! heres some ending photos!!
Good lord man! Now thats a nice harvest! Sucks about the rain and the mold, thats why Im going to give autoflower a try this coming summer just for shits and giggles. Awesome job dude :thumbsup:
Awesome haul for a prick LOL just had too .Now I can't wait till next year. I bet you where shitting your pants on the way home with all that weed in your truck-Bud
In all honesty BUD, not really......I dunno why either:icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: ......I hope im not gettin comfortable with LBs of dope around me?!?!?!?! I've taken the drive so damn many times, I think im TOOOOOO relaxed! or toooooooooo stoned?! Thanks for lookin in on me you OLE' GEEZER! Im guna weigh it up in a day or so and I'll post a weight and later on a smoke report and a PAYDAY report! LOL..... Thanks again StudBud!!!
hells yea chris......nice fuckin haul :thumbsup: :thumbsup: you outdoor guys are great......wish i could do it.....lookin forward to hearin the dry weight.
Im starting to weigh it up now.............ya seriously, NO ALL dried up in about 55 in stem snapping ultra crispy dry.....ALMOST "OH no" dry.......I never thought it could or would dry this quick but live and learn........In my other outdoor grows I had done, I hung the entire plant and it took way longer, anyhow I'll get back to you kids later on with the weightassit:
to hear you might have over dried them a bit. I'm sure I dont need to tell you to add bread to the container or even a moist sponge to try and help them get back a bit of moisture but thought I would anyway. Awesome grow man cant wait to hear the numbers. Peace
His nose is so big I had to black it out or you wouldn't have seen the buds not to mention hes getting out-drank by the skinny guy, 2 to 1 even.....I thought germans could drink.........I mean I know you swallow but sheesh step it up! assit: Thanks by the way, ha!
You guys are fucking hilarious. Thanks for blocking out the nose BTW cause I would have hated to miss any of those buds! Peace
nice HARVEST!!! sorry about the mold looks like we all have that issue this year....I also hear you on the HK mine still have a few weeks to go I might bring them in and finish the two of them under a 1000whps for a few weeks. looking forward to your final weight:thumbsup: