OUTDOORS grow show w/PICS!!!

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by CCrete, May 10, 2009.

  1. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Thanks everyone for looking and commenting, theres supposed to be a frost warning tonite, Monday nite......so I hope I dont get some frozen ladies, Im so busy this week its guna have to wait till tis Saturday, I will be posting some new pics hopefully week by week, so every Sat or Sun.

    Burner.....as for Nutes, they're in very fertile store bought soil and native soil (old farmland) and will be doing 1 heavy feeding every month or as they need it, as for bugs, I will cross that road when I come to it

    NCMaine......ya I know what your talking bout, thats not a bad idea, guna have to check it out at the Army supply store
  2. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Looking sweet Chris.....like the setup and this fall you will have kick ass buds!

    I can see you been working hard.... ;)

    Is NC talking bout those "Mosquito Netting" that comes in large rolls or by the yard?? Not a bad idea if ya think bout it ...hmmm wonder how much sun can get thru?? I would think lots for it is used for buggers only. Gonna look into that as well. I think that is what he is speaking of...maybe not?? I do know they make huge rolls of the netting and it is either a olive or camo color and you can get the rods to attach it.

    Keep up the great work Chris...looking forward to more pics in the future. :)
  3. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    I thought of the nets that they put on blueberry bushes so the birds don't eat them. Same idea I think as yours but probably not camo.

    Good call NCmaine:thumbsup:
  4. schui

    schui Excommunicated


    Am I allowed to show my outside pictures on this thread, or do I have to make a new one.

    Sorry, didnt want to piss on any parades.

  5. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    make your own thread shui, as for your plants chris, they look good and I can't wait to see them grow nice and big.
  6. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    I can't wait to watch them grow either lol...DSP
  7. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Well then here are some new pics as of May 14th.........for our climate we've had a great startoff mixture of sun with open clouds and a staggard rain pattern, thus keepin the girls well watered but not wet......they also survived the recent overnight 30 degree temps, so all is GREAT, no bugs, no animals (KILLER FENCE JOB!) tracks but no animals and hoping for some elbows!

    On top of pic is 4 Cali orange bud.....bottom is 3 White Rhino


    Left to right is a PPP re-veg(hard to see)Hindu Kush, Strawberry Haze, PPP,Northern Lights re-veg


    3 white rhino


    4 Cali orange Bud


  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Holy bejeezus CC. If you need to borrow a hay baler around october give me a call. That's gonna be a lot of pot.

  9. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I have no clue what im guna do with it all....but I bet I die of resin blockage of something at sometime:bongin: :passit: :bong2: :animbong: :thumbsup: :rofl:
  10. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

  11. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Wow....looking SWEET Chris!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    Hey are you getting the rain too as we are?? If so, then you will not have to water those babies for days! ;)

    Glad the fence is working.....looks like all is happy growing in your neck of the woods. I agree you should have a killer crop and harvest. ;) If they all make it, hey just get mason jars after you harvest and you will have some for a rainy day. Will be a LONG winter plus never know year to year how each grow will turn out for mother nature is sometimes cruel.

    Less is NOT more in this case....MORE IS MORE.....:bong2:

    Keep up the great work:thumbsup:

    Happy growing......:fly:
  12. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Those cali org are doing phenomenal. I'm suprised those revegs haven't taken off faster... Lookin good homie...DSP
  13. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    They look good Chris!

    If worried about choppers you might want to put some leaves/twigs/brush that you collected nearby and lightly scatter it around so it doesn't look like a rowed plot from the air like a corn field. IMO
  14. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    Good advice, anything to make it look like a natural area, and that it hasn't been cleared or farmed in anyway.

    Nice stuff Chris! That's gonna be a great harvest I'm excited for this one.

    I'm pulling up a chair:new_popcornsmiley:
  15. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Getting bigger already! I love how outdoor plants grow so fast and big.

    They're looking really nice.
  16. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    jus wondering what the high and low temps are there. mine are out in 3 -15 C but seem to be doing fine..i only have 9 out tho.. only another 21:icon_confused:
  17. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    Sure is. Mother nature is a bitch. Good luck.
  18. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Thanks everyone.......

    Mermaid, yea its been rainy but perfect for what is needed...........im super busy right now, so momma nature is helping me this time

    Swed.........its been 50-60 at night and 60-80 in the days
  19. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    where are the updates at?
  20. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    can you give me a rough idea of where you are at in the US?

    Im kinda up in the top right corner. Its still getting a little cold at night, supposed to get down to the mid 20's tonight in some surrounding areas. im a little worried.

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