JINKIES, Chris!!! Those planties look fabulous and happy too! Way to go my friend! I hope to see many more updates as they grow! Good luck!
I'm a straight up newb when it comes to growing. But I guess my question is, if you're worried about choppers (besides the leaf suggestion posted on page two or three) why not plant them not in rows? I served in the US military for a while, and was deployed quite a few times. I remember f low over Afghanistan, you could see a marijuana field coming a mile away because of the rows. It's a non-natural pattern when looking down from above, and simply grabs your eye and demands its attention. For whatever it's worth, I personally would NEVER plant in rows, even if it somehow meant it would DOUBLE my yield. Why? Because imho, planting in rows more than QUINTUPLES your chance of detection. Therefore the risk far outweighs the benefit. Furthermore, that benefit was hypothetical from the start. Moral of this story, consider planting sporadically as opposed to using rows ^^
i agree with you for sure mine are in groups of 5 and are randomly placed.. anyways the bad part of mine is its gonna be a bitch to put them on my outdoor post(whenever i decide to actually make it) because there not in rows, but better safe then sorry, i was thinking tho even if they are in rows if theres not alot all in one spot like chris then u could tie them over different ways and camoflauge the groud/pot there in, and then they wouldnt look like there in a row if that makes sense also theyd get more light and if tied down in opposites wouldnt conflict witht there growing?
Well heres another installment of the outdoor grow show Heres a few updates of the patch and a picture of 2 white rhino seeds planted they are about 4 weeks from well, seed. All the other plants are clones 2 rhino kids So thats this weeks episode, please stay tuned for an all new episode next week, thank you!assit:
Looking sweet Chris!:thumbsup: Rain this weeks so at least you will not have to water them... It is chilly here .....supposed to drop tonight but no frost in the forecast! Whewwwww!! Looking forward to next week's pics!!
Yea its overcast here too, was 60 or so today with rain off and on, I been lucky, everytime I go to water em, it rains for a few hours and saves me a trip!!!
Looking good Chris I can't wait till they start filling out going to be sweet:thumbsup: :new_popcornsmiley: assit:
Looks good chris you do nice work... In one of the previous posts someone was saying to put some of this away for a rainy day. It struck me as funny and i believe you know why. If it ain't yours it's mine then the outdoor lmao WTF is wrong with yinz? GO PENS!! DSP
I hear ya on your advice OFO......thanks.......but always remember, the law has a budget too and flights and fuel arent cheap, let alone having a pilot only on the payroll. It all depends on where you live for some of your information to apply.......Im in the literal "sticks"......there may-be 100 houses in a 40mile radius.......There is also a no fly zone around where my crop is, because of high power lines, huge above ground water resiviour (sp?) on a nearby mountain top.........and NO there is not any foot traffick because of those items. This is all private property.
Hey man nobody likes a quitter! Dont give up! Bust out a map and go for it! Just try doin 1 or 2 or 3 somewhere, get a clone and drop her in el dirto brother! Come on OFO! You can do it!
New pics from JUNE 7th 2009 Heres some progress pics of my outdoor grow i got goin on! So how do you keep bugs away from eating my plants? Never had this problem! I seem to have a bug problem, you can see the fucker at his dinner table!
damn sorry i know im not an exspert and i think my eyes are doing shit. but some of those pictures the grass looks like it blends in with all the other plants,aside from the leafs being a dead give away. at this point you wouldnt have a clue unless you knew what she looked like.
I try not to mess with the ground too much and keep stepping on spots where nothing is growing. The 6 ft tall mesh fence blends in insanely good, does its job perfect! Im realizing in my stoned haze of a brainstorm.....me and a buddy planted the things WAY too close to each other but, oh well too late now...I am going to go out and train a few of them down to the ground using some string and a few large rocks to tie to. Most of the plants in the patch are already topped a few times or atleast once.
WOW Chris.....looking sweet and they have grown so much since the last time I checked this thread. Do you have a loop?? Or a macro shot so we can determine what buggers you have my frd? Many homemade remedies to cure bug issues, soap and water, neem oil works like a charm if applied early on and must keep up with it, pepper spray as bugs are not fond of it, LADYBUGS.....get lots of them and put them on all your plants and the list goes on. Let me know what type you think they are if you can not get a shot to post. Use a magnifying glass if need be, hmmmm was thinking it could be mites but unless you check them under a macro or something to look up to see?? No idea on which one would work. Also in some cases you may just have to get a chemical based spray but yes it is harmful to humans although if you want them to live? The flip side is if you FLUSH lots, the toxins leave within 10 days give or take. Have had to do that a few times.....I try all other sources before using it but again no worries, just flush them bro! Have had bug issues but if caught early, it is not a biggie. Besides your only a state over so not sure bout you, we have gypsy moth issues, all kinds of buggers and with the recent rain>>>you know with moist hot temps and rain they love love to come out to play and munch. BTW....hope it is not mold? Hmmm just thought bout that as well EDIT...took a better look and no mold, that is a bug so we need to identify if it is spider mites, fly family and so on. Anywhos......love the pics my frd I been busy with my OD grow and so far looking good. Happy growing all~mermaid
Both Jorge Cervantes and Breeder Steve , And Even Myself Agree The French Marigold Is An Excellent Atttractant Of Harmful Insects And is A Cheap And Eco Friendly Way Of Controling Your Garden During The Time The Plants Are establishing Themselves . Later On , In Say A Month Or So I Would Tie Those Babies Over Making For A Much Increased Yield Buy Some Slug And Weevil Nematodes And Water Into Your Patch, Increase Feed To EC 1.2-1.6 PH 6.5 Feed Every Other Watering Joe
Lookin great Chris (less the lil booger snackin on your girls...)!!! I'm sure you'll figure out how to get rid of the critters. Good Luck, and thanks again for the pic updates! Keep em commin!!!