OUTDOORS grow show w/PICS!!!

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by CCrete, May 10, 2009.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    And Steel slips in a powerful jab under CC's guard.

    +1 steel
  2. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    SON OF AH!!!!!!! Dang it......

    Yea but I did lead him to the promise land or creek in this case, we had a badass KYAKIN trip after I climbed into the jungle of PA


    Steel was too lazy/outa shape to climb and he had the idea,:rofl:
  3. grower_on_da_rock

    grower_on_da_rock Germinated

    nice grow. all my plants that are out blend in well like yours. have one plant that is being eaten like yours ttoo. I had more of a prob with snails/slugs tho. totally distroyed some plants.
  4. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Sweet grow guys. IT like one of my dreams to do this by my vacation spot. There are alot of atv trails up there that keeps everyone busy and i have a 150acr national forest that starts at the end of my land. Sweet shit man cant wait till this fall to see the finished product!!
  5. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I'll get some new PICTURES up this weekend of the 4th of July

    Thanks for lookin tho fellas:passit: :passit: :passit: :passit: :passit: :passit: :passit:
  6. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Did you just call me fat? Really? i mean really?
  7. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Chris dunno about you but all this rain has saved me lots of work on watering the last 2 weeks. :thumbsup:

    It is just the right amount of rain too....not toooo much and still get sun all day with daily showers. ;)

    T-Storms are headed in tonight....as long as there is no hail I will not worry.

    Last week ....had hail but luckily they were small and did not hit my area nearly as bad as other counties. ;)

    Anywhos....happy growing!!!
  8. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    looking good man, if i knew how to give rep points i just may.. ne ways so i was wondering how much ur expecting to get, cus how u gonna dry it all?how am i gonna dry mine?ive been looking up ways to dry outdoors cus i will not be able to indoors. it rains here alot in fall so mold would grow..i was thinking of maybe water curing it, i never heard about it til the other night. ne ways thc isnt H2O soluble,so you fill a big bucket and fill it,place buds in after manicure then place something on top to stop buds from the air.also said u didnt have to flush cus thats wat happens when in the H2O, it takes the smell and alll the other stuff out leaving thc and a tiny bit of plant matter.its suppose to be supersmooth smoke,and since the smell gets disabled would it not be the best way to dry like 30? was told buds come out alot smaller but way more crystally not good if u sell it but if its personal,maybe something ill try,unless any1 knows of a way to dry out in the woods? also if u get mold its suppose to save the weed but you must be gentle changing water everyday(7 days)only other down fall is no taste,any1 ever try this? could u not take it out sooner?sorry didnt know where to post this i didnt see a harvest/dry/cure section or im drunk woot, happy CANADA day!!!:animbong:
  9. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    /cry And here I am stuck with Miami. No hustler store here, just Penthouse Pets, Playmates, and hot latina babes... :smokin:
  10. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Oh ya? Well here in Pittsburgh, we got ignorant, sloppy, die hard Black n Gold ladies!!!! Big mouths, big asses, no money, but............they fuck like champs!!! Hmmm........Miami..........DAMN I love me some Latinas!!!!!:thumbsup:
  11. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Never in my life have I heard of that........it sounds like a disaster bro
  12. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    I've done water curing but never more than an oz to date. Color is chocolate brown, taste is so smooth you have to blow out a bit of smoke to be sure you got a hit. Its like taking a puff on an ultra light cig when you smoke regulars, taste, smell, and coughing are all diminished.

    I wouldn't do it for less than 7 days, I'd consider that minimum. Yes change the water daily, be gentle when you do just like your gentle turning your nugs in a normal cure, use room temp water. Haven't seen anything get moldy that way and everything has been fine with it open to air (your changing the water daily anyway).

    It doesn't really impact the weight that much so it doesn't really impact the potency that much that part seems to be a myth. It does remove all harshness, the flavor (good or bad), and the odor. So you wouldn't want to do this with your tasty blueberry buds.
  13. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    Chris I didn't even tell you the best part. Miami is like little cuba, they even speak spanish in the post offices so a lot of those hot latinas don't speak english. If you don't speak spanish then its one step removed from having a sexy deaf mute!
  14. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Swed idk bout no water drying sounds like water and dry oxymoron idk? I think your gonna have to suck it up and deal with a funky house for a week. I'm thinkin i'm gonna build a little room out of black plastic with a web of strings for hang drying and a dehumidifier. So the mold doesn't F up my deal. I'm in no way claiming this grow as my own i am not the captain of this ship just the first mate...DSP
  15. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    Water curing isn't a way to dry? You actually dry the bud twice, once before the water cure and once after...
  16. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    really?doesnt really make sense to dry it b4 hand..(why do u do this) i would think u could do it to freshly cut buds since ur soaking them and then drying it anyways. and thats why i was thinking of doing it cus if theres no smell then i wouldnt be stuck with a smelly house...otherwise do u think a carbon scrubber or 5 powerful ones control odour?wats a good one last one sucked that i bought...
  17. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    NEW PICS TODAY!!!!!! Just later on after Im totaly hammered........like round 8-9pm
  18. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Looking forward to em' :smokin:
  19. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    I do it because that is how the information on water curing said to do it. I suspect the reason is that if you water cured with the bud still wet it would become too water logged to dry properly without becoming moldy afterward. I do know that the second dry goes quickly and easily with the bud back to its fully dry state in a day or so in the open air.

    The last time around I did my hang dry in my flowering chamber and the carbon scrubber took care of the odor for me.

  20. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    PICS PICS PICS :new_all_coholic:

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