Shits looking pimp Chris. I think no one is rep cause everyone can't believe after all the build up for the pics Steel's girl is completely clothed......and wearing a bathing suit underneath just to rub it in our faces Nah for real though shit is progressing nicely man I seriously can't wait to see a few of those fill out. You will have to keep us "local" guys on here in mind this fall.....should be plenty of love to spread around. What's poppin with your indoor you been buyin up seeds like they're going out of buisness.
OK....why are you grabing your dick, in the last photo? Is that were the remote trigger is for the camera? Nice girl and plants Now if she had her hand in your pants that might be better.
She stayed clothed cuz the high temp for the day was 68 and overcast and this was at 1030 am. Twas a bit nippy and wet. Why does some strange bald fellow have his hand in his trousers lol. cuz he likes the support... DSP
That aint me brotha! And Im sure Steel got his city rubbed out that night, of course the kayaking trip coulda put him down for the count, it was a rough day....chilly day, shallow creek and tree limb blunts of Rhino and Power Plant......I know me and my girl were out like a light for an evening nap!!! Oh and a big shout out to the hillbilly deli....slash....bait handmade deli subs.....not so great fish smell tho!
Im in the process of expanding, rebuilding and waiting......I got a few things Im trying to get right with the beans I been grabbin up. Im tryin to find the holy grail of Rhino or widow or any white strain. Then Im going to strickly grow only 1 or 2 strains, probably White russian or Rhino........I'd LOVE to get some MEDICINE MAN, one day I will!
How'd a shmoe like you get such a hottie? Big plants, hot GF AND she doesn't care that you stroke yer pud in public. Life just ain't fair.
LOL, aint that the truth! SteelCity and thats his GF My lazy bitch wont even walk to get to the damn things! She sat in the truck! I'll have to get some titty pictures of my lady for yinz, since ol shmoe didnt come thru! Gimmie a few days! maybe sooner!
damn.....cant believe i didnt check in on this sooner......plants look awesome chris.....that chick looked fine as hell too......but whats up with al bundy??? hahaha jokin steele.
No MA'AM!!! yes i am a member i have my hand in my pants quite frequently. I dunno why i just do i didn't even realize i did when the pic was taken and i was soberish. How do i land hot chicks uumm practice? she's more of a complete package than looks tho. She makes her own cash and is fun has no addictions not shopping smoking drinking nadda which is actually hard to find a fun girl that isn't an addict of the lifestyle. But enough bout me and the ScS camp. Enjoy..DSP
Wow Chris...looking SWEET bro!!!!:thumbsup: Steel......pretty g/frd and looks much like my cousin. Anywhos....keep up the great work Chris. No need to water this week......gonna have showers every day this week mixed with sunshine>>>does not get better eh?
No bullshit.....I have yet to have to go water them since the day I put them into the ground, thanks nature!!!!