Gee, G fam... If you're floored by that, like the rest of us...why quote the whole schpeal??!!! Rock On, TA! Screw The Hater's!!
Petition to legalize If youre a Brit and feel as I do that faith schools constitute a form of child abuse then please sign this petition.
Only 497 sigs since January... No wonder we're still getting butt reamed by the feds. No one seems to give a shit.
Lets finish what snick started,420petitions the biggest online petition in the world! THREAD RE-OPENED AFTER SNICK CLOSED IT DISMAYED WITH THE VOTE COUNT.....Iv decided to give snicks dream a :bump: Theres a new petition in town and its gathering names,plenty of names...TAKE A MINUTE OUT YOUR DAY TO SIGN UP!!!! END PROHIBITION COMPLETELY.... Just for the record i went for option#1 LEGALISE FOR ALL RECREATIONAL AND MEDICINAL USE...ALL OR NOTHING! OK folks....lets try finish of what snick started,theres a hugely successful petition going on right now among the masses called and the reason its being so successful is due to being shared among gogle users,facebook users and many more social networking accounts from site to site from google to stumble upon from digg to twitter. I signed the 420petition via my facebook account,millions others have done the same.LET YOUR VOICE AND NAME BE HEARD AND GO DOWN AS ONE WHO TRIED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WAR TO END PROHIBITION....OR WAS SNICK RIGHT?DO WE NOT GIVE A FUCK:sad4:
They'll start signing if congress passes a law that forces all people convicted of possession of marijuana, no matter how small, to 2 years in the military! "I don't care if it was a seed in the crack of the passenger seat of your car; gate 6D here's your boots! Hope you like how your whole existence is gonna suck with no rest for the next couple of years!" They'll be lining up to pay a fee to sign then!!! And it's sad that something really fucked up like that would probably have to happen to get some of these "bumps on a log" to put the bong down for a fucking minute and take a stand! Hell, be glad that you live in a country that allows you to take a stand! Jeez! Edit: I'm not trying to be high and mighty or anything but signing this petition was like one of the first things that I did when I joined this sight and found out that it even existed.
:thumbsup: Glad snick popped by while we were ressurecting this thread...your work wasnt in vain padre:icon_salut:
I didn't see this thread, so I posted the president's response in the thread I started in this forum, We The People. In short, the answer was NO. Or maybe this thread was about something different. Either way, same answer.
I tried. "Fatal error: Call to undefined method Facebook:ost() in /var/www/420petition/lib/bll/User.php on line 209" We HAVE to legalize pot. It would save the world.
I believe we have to organize independent of a petition drive way ahead of time. Second what do we think about an election year effort?