
Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by wheelhorse, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. Smurfy007

    Smurfy007 Veggy Stage


    I'm not a smart guy..but am a very dedicated learner.

    I have no problems with your garden or you ismoke2much.  I just disagree with pH recommendations provided by growers, not just yourself so don't take it personally, without first hand knowledge of the garden in question.  To recommend something without knowing all the variables such as type of medium, quantity of medium, rez temperature etc.... is erroneous.  I try to teach growers how to obtain the information they seek  by offering them simple tests and experiments and am truly sorry if that offends you.

    I commend JE for the chart as it truly facilitates one's learning of acidity and it's role in ion control.  I did critique him for mentionig other things that confused the subject of pH as I do not see how my method of growing or the equipment I use affects the laws of chemistry.  Whether I use medium or not has no bearing on the solubility chart.

    The ppm posted from cloning to transition was consistently producing larger healthier root mass, and ultimately yield, compared to other variations irregardless of strain.  As for flowering ppm, that part is very strain dependant so I didn't post my findings.

    As for your remark about frenz at the dinner table.......that's just childish and doesn't deserve a response. [​IMG]

    Congrats on your upcoming anniversary. :orangebong:  I've been growin for almost two decades and one joint too many makes me forget when exactly did I start.  :confused:  Oh well....
  2. hydro convert

    hydro convert Developed Alternating Nodes

    I'm not sure what remark I made that was unecessary or irrelevant. Sounds like someone has gotten their toes stepped on, let me lift my foot, sorry. I'm only here to post my opinions and findings such as you are Smurfy, relax, I think we are all in agreement here. Addittionally I didn't say anything the number of posts being relevant to experience, nor are my numbers "falsely inflated" with "good post man" (well, maybe 2).

    Smurfy I had tried to explain earlier that I didn't feel you were wrong. I was only attempting to supplement your information. I do have a basic understanding at the molecular level of the grow process. Lately, I have been sticking my rooted clones straight from the Rainforest and into the Hydroton filled E&F table, Hydroton is the only medium, no rockwool. The only variable that I can see that is different in our grows that allows each of us to grow in the manner that we feel is best is rezzy temp. I maintain my res at 70F allowing more solubilty of nutes but less of oxygen. (this is for everyone else) Oxygen does not dissolve as well in warmer water. I do, however, attempt to replace in through the use of vigorous agitation utilizing an aquarium power head fitted with a tube to "blow bubbles"; this pseudo-regultation of oxygen also buffers the pH. Also the warmer rez temp supplies more free energy for physiological function the take place. These are my theories of why what I do works for me, I'm not defending myself, nor attacking anyones else's methods, just explaining why I think mine works with no rockwool, only Hydroton, 70F only slight precipitation of nutes, and 5.5 pH. I also feel this works because I run it E&F which forces the plants to "force feed" becsue they go through dryer periods without the rockwool retaining the solution around the roots, I feed every 4 hours (lights on), another theory for going with the dry periods is to push trich production. Dryer periods push trich production in an effort to slow down loss of water vapor through transpiration, Im not just thinking of the roots now here, I'm trying to take a look at the big picture of a quality product, Cause what I don't roll up.......I HASH!!!

    I respect your research and am willing to learn what I can from it Smurfy, if I feel it would apply to me. We are all just 3 different growers with 3 different perspectives, same goal.....

    ...I was thinking maybe you were referring to my remark about "the experts". I called them enterprising in reference to their hydro systems for sale, like I said, the design was nice , but the materials looked a bit "mickey mouse" for the price they were asking.....once again, my opinion. The rez really should be light proofed, I think you would agree with that......the sslide out rez drwaer is pretty unrealistic if its holding much more than 6 gallons, my nutes solution weighs about 8.9lbs/gallon, that adds up fast when your sliding it around and it starts to "slosh" :LMAO:
  3. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:"As for your remark about frenz at the dinner table.......that's just childish and doesn't deserve a response.  "

    :alien:I Only say those kinda thingz to people I actually do like...or would you prefer to have me ignore certain people here @growkind i refuse to respond to?

    :alien:And i never got offended by your comments wutsover(i believe it was vice versa:bong:hint-hint:cheesy:)...becuz I "know" that i'm doin' the right thing with my garden thus screw all of you "expertz"... :)

    :alien:Wut'z wrong of me sharing MY experiences with others. So jus' becuz i didn't follow "your" guidelines; all of a sudden this  automatically meanz that i don't know what i'm doin' when i actually do? Hahahaaa...your2much smurfy007.:light: Trust me. i read books 2...:light:

    I will ask you again smurfy007...who's pullin rank on who? So you've been growing fer over 2 decades...should i call you Sire007 instead?:lmao: 2 decades? You must be one seriously old

    :alien:So you think i don't understand water rezzy temp and oxygenation?:lmao: You must be pullin my leg bros...hahahaa...good one...very

    I jus said that "you're a pretty smart guy" and then you  resort to insultz?  Or were u just Jokin with me?  Hahaahaa...good one're much smarter than i thought...:sun:

    :alien:Since i Do have an open mind(unlike some people i

    ...what exactly am i doin wrong with my particular grow?:cheesy:

    :sun:Mind you i have never tried ebb& why should i tell you how to run your own grow?  For the record...i Never did. My only crime  i'm guilty of was that i shared My NFT hydro experiences with others...oooh...i am such a naughty little boy aren't i?:shocked:Answer: i never did. If you read my thread more'll notice that i mentioned that i can only share My experiences with My NFT Hydro...

    ...i never said u must do it "my" way; or the highway(like some people i know...hint...hint)!!! :light:

    :alien:For your info; when i first started Hydro; i Did set my Rezzy
    Ph@6.2! No joke. Yes bros...i Have read the same literature as you...but u know wut? 6.2PH Does Not work in NFT Hydro! Why? First of all, i would end up re-lowering my ph every other day...cuz if it went above plants would get nute lock-out!  This is fact smurfy007...not fiction. I don't pretend to be a grower; yes...i actually practice what i preach...and those picz are really mine!:bong:

    :alien:Even after reading your posts...i still Would not recommend 6.2Ph to even my worst enemy...why? Becuz 6.2Ph didn't work fer me...and i would never recommend something that didn't work fer me.

    And when it comes to advice;i have given bad advice the time i thought i was right...and i do admit i'm wrong whenever i'm wrong...

    :sun:For instance'z better to tuck n turn than to clip off fan leaves...rangerdanger was right...that only proves that i'm continually learning; and am getting better everyday!

     But aren't you doin' the very same thing your accussing me? "My way or the Highway?":orangebong: I think so.

    U have less posts than wut. Who's making an issue of it? Certainly not I. were the one that said I was wrong; which i've noticed lately u practically say that to EveryBody!

     Basically Smurfy007; you're getting all worked up over nuthing relax!:biggrin:

     Conclusion: I will not change my methods. So far; i am probably the only guy here who is Not afraid to let his rezzy go fer 3 wkz...even though "mainstream" say'z that it'z not good for your plantz...i beg 2 i have pictures to prove it! My pics Prove that my methods work jus fine...and if it ain't broke..why fix it?:bong:

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 4:09 am on Dec. 8, 2003)

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