Please vote yes on CA bill 37

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cannagirl, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I just read that using colloidal silver on a female plant will cause the female cannabis plant to produce male flowers, with 'female pollen' on the branches sprayed, which you can use to pollinate another female plant for pure female seeds. In other words, this is how a purely feminized strain is created without males.

    Like Sannie and his Fem only Mad Shack, which he has no plans of producing for regular sale don't ask me why.

    Reading the article it sounds like the best(and most expensive) way to do it.

    Thread jack over.

    Very cool thread cannagirl, I can feel my brain tingling with new info
  2. Chaz

    Chaz Excommunicated

    I can't believe I've never heard of this. This will make me think again when I sit down to eat a nice corn on the cob =/

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