It amuses me that you hate trump so much but have yet to explain why. But we won't find out because bernie can't beat hillary
No, this one won't be. Won't cast a ballot for Trump either. The cat is a walking time bomb if he ever gets political power. Now GT, neither you or I know anything about how a debate between Trump and Sanders would shake out. Any speculation is pure fanboy fiction. The desire for such a debate is borne of the same fervor. It's just folks wanting to see their boy stack up against another on the playground.
i would base my opinion on the fact that trump supporters have been assaulted, spit on, called racists, etc etc from Bernie supporters. Once you go that far, it's very unlikely you could win that support from those people. If you call me a racist, homophobe strictly because I want to hear a speech, why in the world would I think you're a rational person. If you think it's ok to assualt someone over political beliefs once again, why would I think you're a rational person? Bernie supporters really do act like nazis, while at the same time calling everyone else nazis...that's why he can't build support except from the extreme radicals. that's why he doesn't have support in congress or from super delegates Trump is a shit storm waiting to happen, actually no matter who wins it's a shit storm waiting to happen, but Bernie no longer has a chance at the election for the top of the ticket, the fight is over and he lost, actually its a little amusing for him to say it's a rigged system but he lost on every single front, total votes, states, delegates, super delegates....he lost em all. I would like to see bernie actually debate though, but it's a moot point once again because it won't happen. Clinton used kiddie gloves on him the entire time while he tried to train like Rocky but got knocked out with kiddie gloves so Clinton can woo his supporters for the fall election. But I would love for someone to pull the wool off the sheep and directly ask him about his healthcare plan that would cost over 6 trillion dollars while eliminating 2 million jobs, his energy policy that would absolutely crush the poor.....unless we subsidized it which would cost our economy billions more, his 15/hr plan that every single person agrees actually reduces jobs, how he would pay for free college for all and why this should even be an issue since the vast majority of jobs, actually its close to 90% don't require college but instead a trade or on the job training. Not one person has actually taken him to task on any of his proposals....and they are all smoke and mirrors. I understand bernies appeal, but he truly is charlie manson, he's not doing this for the people, he's doing it for himself and to everyone. I would rather hear the cold hard truth and prepare myself for the shit storm ahead than be told sweet nothings in my ear. Look at Europe falling, socialism has proven he doesn't work. It's only a matter of time before the money runs out and then you have riots etc. UK is facing that now with it's vote to leave EU and EU prob will only last the next decade or so before it absolves.
:not-worthy: I will add, no one seems to remember these same exact promises 8 years ago, but under Obama's policies the rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer. every last promise has actually been a lie look at dodd frank act that has been hailed by sanders, it's done the exact opposite of what it was designed to do, theres less banks and they are bigger. at the same time only the rich and established can get loans, because that protects the know because start ups shouldn't get a loan for two years to protect them but at the same time be over taxed so they can't even invest in their own company :BangHead: promising unicorns isn't going to fix anything, and not a fanboy of trump at all, i'd like to see johnson take it but that's truly fanboy fiction
Sanders isn't/wasn't a Dodd Frank supporter. He would prefer we reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act (which was repealed by the dems and the repubs in 1999) that separates banks and investment firms. Might want to read up on the guy before trashing his positions. Yeah, Johnson would be cool.
I'm pretty sure he voted for dodd act and it was a 60 39 vote I believe. His position now makes him less trust worthy with financial issues, he said he doesn't know how to break up the banks but thinks his administration would do it. You're a reasonable person, do you honestly think a president should have that authority? Wouldn't you prefer to keep those powers with Congress than with executive branch when you don't know who's the next president? Checks and balances, the expansion of power of Bush made me uncomfortable, then Obama took it to levels which was unheard of, now you have a man wanting even more power over every aspect of American life. , I despise that. Washington needs less authority not more, and the president should never have more power than Congress or the courts. Do you think bernie would accept trump having same authority
No he doesn't trust Trump, that's why he's running for President. The President shouldn't have unilateral power in any legislation, nor does he/she. What he would have is a bully pulpit to endorse or press for changes he hopes congress will enact. A repub congress by the way. A repub congress that will fight tooth and nail against the most far reaching of his proposals. That's checks and balances. As for Wall Street....there's a reason we tend to not elect the obscenely (stress obscenely, not just wealthy) wealthy and powerful to the Presidency. There's no JP Morgan or Henry Ford or Dupont on the presidential rolls because we, as a citizenry, largely understand that too much power AND huge wealth is a recipe for disaster. Trump taking down Wall Street? It's a laughable concept. These are his Country Club buddies. His neighbors, his cocktail crowd.The folks who invest in his properties. The people who are the lenders for his developments. When push comes to shove who do you really think he's going to side with? Get real my friend. If you want a hand grenade, that's fine. But don't pretend he's anything other than exactly that. Yes, Sanders voted for Dodd Frank, it's his sole bad vote in Wall Street legislation. It's a vote he expressed regret for many years ago, long before he ever decided to run for nomination. It's also a regret shared by very esteemed economists who also publicly backed Dodd Frank, Steven Levitt and Alan Greenspan. There's something to be said for making a mistake and learning from it. But if that's your reason for thinking Sanders wouldn't be a bulldog against banksters?....Mighty small nail to hang a hat on.
Hehe I watched Sanders Live today Modesto Ca. Also watched Press Conference. The man would be excellent. Anyone who votes against himself or those that make him is a fool.
Res, he voted for the credit default swaps also and that is sole reason our economy collapsed also. Pressed on whether he believes the Fed has the authority to do this under Dodd-Frank, Sanders said, Pressed on whether he believes the Fed has the authority to do this under Dodd-Frank, Sanders said, Edit Site acting up, going fishing at the moment so to be continued. But he said he doesn't know if fed has the power, but his administration should and that's a scary thought
Btw, you seen greenspan said we are headed for finicial collapse partly due to inability to pay for social programs....but we should quicken this by implementing bernies plan?? And once again, not a fan boy of trump, I just loathe Clinton and think bernie doesn't have a clue and is just making whatever promises he can make, kinda like trump flip flopping on national security issues to please whatever crowd he's in front.
Yeah I have. There's a lot more to it than the sound bite you're using but in a nutshell, if everything stays as it is with no fiscal or social change, we collapse. It's far to complex to go into here....but the economic problems we're having are exacerbated by concentration of wealth, low velocity of money, a rapacious Wall Street, inefficient government, and poorly structured social programs. So whats your point? That more of what we've been doing is good? A hand grenade in Washington with tight ties to Wall Street, big business, and a huuuuge ego is the solution? I made my choice with much due diligence. I'm aware of Sanders proposals. I've researched his record and am not in 100% agreement but can find enough areas where I believe there can be constructive change to what we are currently doing. I'd strongly suggest you spend an hour or two reading Trump's history. Not the crap on Fox, CNN or in the NY Times, dig the net on your own. The truth is out there and you'll only believe it if you learn for yourself. If you still want that guy...go for it. Your reasons most likely aren't my own so it's reasonable we'd select differently. Bernie is not just making promises btw. That's the territory of the Hill and the Don. Sanders positions are time worn into his record. They haven't changed and they don't change. That you're even making such an assertion is proof you haven't done more than a thumbnail scratch into Sanders.
As to something Sanders did not know nor did I is that a 100 million dollar waste water treatment plant that will supply Almond growers water when we electric and water customers already subsidize the cost of water for farmers is a quiet tax on the people that directly benefits the rich and keeps the poor poor. I say this because of direct observation of wages offered locally, even though profits will be engineered with public funding, are moving downward as fast as possible. I appreciated Sanders reaction to learning about this in his press conference. As I wrote support those that support you and Sanders is the best choice for a primary vote for me. Oh and Sanders is 100% in favor of legalizing and rescheduling.
How much free reign do I have before feelings get hurt? No ad home, all politics, but really it's blatantly obvious the huge holes in the bernie thing Can we agree were friends and we can disagree about politics so I can tear that stance up and us still be friends? I'll charge up my ph9ne and retort lol
This is history! If you have a smashing good point take your best shot. I have lived through some hard life in the past 40 days. I am tough. As a humorous aside; some respected high ranking Republican on National Public Radio today the 6-6-16 broadcast ( my bad for not remembering the name ) commented that there are smarter Republicans than Donald Trump although it would seem there are not a lot of them. Also he recommended the reading of "The Art of the Deal" By Trump to get a sense of what Trump thinks and how he will command our Great Nation as long as those he commands have no Mexican or Muslim in them. Amazon Rating is about 1 and 1/4 stars across the board out of a possible 5 Star rating * 3 for a total of 15 points maximum. This is seriously funny stuff and it's History Making!
Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes. As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes. He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million. He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings. How is he going to accomplish this? Isnt this the same exact thing the left is criticizing Trump on....with the exception of the 3.5 million, while I agree we need to end generational wealth, this also ends all family farms, biz, etc etc from being handed down to family, but ironically will make big biz even bigger because that's who will have the capital to purchase these biz, farms, land, etc Increasing the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour by 2020. In the year 2015, no one who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty. This is laughable, seriously laughable and only thing it does is reduce available jobs, increases poverty and harms small biz. Even in California where this was passed, they said it would kill jobs in rural areas and actually put in the law thaat they could change it in the future. How the hell is small biz supposed to compete for labor if someone can make the same amount of money asking you want fries with that. No one in their right mind can actually argue that this is good for the economy. Do the math at a franchised owned McDonalds, the fry cooks would make as much as owners let alone what do you do with management, shift leaders etc? Putting at least 13 million Americans to work by investing $1 trillion over five years towards rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, railways, airports, public transit systems, ports, dams, wastewater plants, and other infrastructure needs. This is actually needed, I think everyone agrees to that so no brownie points there Reversing trade policies like NAFTA, CAFTA, and PNTR with China that have driven down wages and caused the loss of millions of jobs. If corporate America wants us to buy their products they need to manufacture those products in this country, not in China or other low-wage countries isn't this exactly what trump said? Creating 1 million jobs for disadvantaged young Americans by investing $5.5 billion in a youth jobs program. Today, the youth unemployment rate is off the charts. We have got to end this tragedy by making sure teenagers and young adults have the jobs they need to move up the economic ladder. Whites need not apply, according to him on the campaign trail....imagine if someone even remotely said that the opposite way. And if you think someone that selling drugs is going to stop so they can pick up trash for min wage, I honestly don't know what to say to you Fighting for pay equity by signing the Paycheck Fairness Act into law. It is an outrage that women earn just 78 cents for every dollar a man earns. well this isn't even true, it's actually 92 cents but hey, lets not account for actual job types. BTW, does this come with killing more women on the job? It's what like 9/10ths of all work place deaths are male, we're going to even that out as well right? maybe randomly kill a woman for every other male that dies on the job, restrict the amount of male doctors that practice specialized medicine, not allow female nurses or school teachers Making tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout America. Everyone in this country who studies hard should be able to go to college regardless of income. This is laughable, outright laughable. Can we do away with all electives and only allow lectures like in Europe? How about ending courses like women studies, liberal arts, etc that have ZERO job perspectives. Seriously this is a joke and this is coming from someone with a child in college. BTW, is there an end to this? Can someone just go to college for life??? Expanding Social Security by lifting the cap on taxable income above $250,000. At a time when the senior poverty rate is going up, we have got to make sure that every American can retire with dignity and respect this actually needs to be done, but at the same time if you didn't over spend on the budget there wouldn't be as big of a crisis because the lock box would be full Guaranteeing healthcare as a right of citizenship by enacting a Medicare for all single-payer healthcare system. It
can someone in admin check that prior post? it's only pulling like 1/3 of what i posted even though preview showed up fine